Perverted Demon

Chapter 29: Death Worm

Bolrock felt a fluctuating semisolid entering his brain, red veins started to form around his forehead. One could see that he was in pain but enduring it. Bolorock really was at the end of his rope and seeing the fierce dog-like demon all submitted to his grandson he had some hope.

At first, he came here to kill his daughter and grandson because he believed that Rowen was trash and retarded who can't cultivate nor can he handle the politics and giving him the throne will be as good as giving a child a heavy axe. No matter how he swings it, he will either end up hurting himself or hurting the people of Ellesmere.

It can be said that Bolrock loved the people of Ellesmere and he didn't want them to suffer but on the other hand, he also let his grandson live after seeing his crafty eyes and how he has enough balls to offer him a peak deity a servant status.

Maybe He was not as retarded as he expected, maybe he was playing a tiger in a sheep's skin trick to fool his victims. And this was the reason that Bolrock gave up on killing his grandson. Maybe it was better to let this blood of his to keep life, maybe he will bring the Ellesmere out of the Black skull wilderness.

"All the guards stand down and acknowledge your new king!" Bolrock shouted while still in pain that was caused by the semisolid demonic flesh that was planted in his mind.

After hearing the serious shout from the Bolrock the army caption at the Spirit synchronisation realm stepped forwards, placed his fist against his chest and then said. "Yes, milord Rowen, we The Ironclad army from now on serves you as your personal army, please forgive us for our previous imprudence!"

The guard that came forward had a certain accent in his voice, Rowen smiled listening to his statement and then nodded in satisfaction. An evil smile formed on his face and then he said.

"Now my new army, I am a righteous king, so I have to punish your Imprudence. Now all of you remove your armour and cane each other five hundred times on your back and after that have some chilly and salt applied to your wounds to treat them. And anyone who resists shall be killed with their entire family."

He then let out a devilish laugh and plucked his finger out of his grandfather's forehead. He could feel the abundant negative energy coming from all the soldiers around him. He felt blissful and stepped away from his grandfather.

After acknowledging Rowen as their king the soldiers couldn't do anything but follow his orders with a smile on their faces.

'Righteous my ass. He is just a sadist who enjoys others in pain, I don't know how the old man let him be the king of Ellesmere.' The captain of the army thought and then removed his armour summoning a black coloured stick in his right hand.

The expressions on the faces of other soldiers were also not good, all of them had contorted expressions on their faces, soon enough sound of sticks hitting each other resounded in the courtyards with pained shouts.

"Ahh... Slowly big brother your sticks hurt a lot!"

"What? You want to defy orders of the new king, now keep quiet and let me use my black stick on your body!"

All kind of different voices started to reverberate in the courtyard, some were even enjoying beating their comrades.

"You kissed my sister that day, now let my thick stick kiss your ass."

Rowen had a dumb expression on his face, these people are not taking their punishment serious enough. Even the negative aura coming from them diminished after some time. He sighed and then looked at the old man grunting in pain.

Soon the body of the old man started to turn red his white hairs started to fall down on the black stone floor. His face, nose and ears started to vanish and his body started to turn cylindrical. Soon an image of twenty meters long and three meters wide, red, death worm-like image formed in front of all the people in the courtyard.

Even the soldiers that were enjoying the beating stopped and looked at the humongous worm with a round open mouth with hundreds of menacing teeth sprouting out from it.

Many of them gasped a breath of cold air and backed up a little seeing their old master turning into a ridiculous monster.

"What is... Is... this?"

The captain of the Ironclad army said with an astonished expression on his face. He can feel the fierce energy coming from the red coloured worm, this energy was anything out of his comprehension. He has never seen someone so powerful.

"Could it... Could it be the legendary spirit saint realm?"

He said and then looked at the Prince standing on the sideline with a beauty in his hand and a smiling expression on his face. He drew a gasp of cold breath, this new king of them is truly terrifying. He woke up from his stupor and started to beat the comrade in front of him even more fiercely. He can't make this new king of his angry otherwise he doesn't know what will happen to him and his family.

Rowen seeing the huge Death Worm in front of him opened his mouth and started laughing loudly while gaping his mother's ass in excitement. However, suddenly blood started to flow first out from his nose than from his eyes and soon he was bleeding from his mouth too.contemporary romance

His eyes turned blurry red, he could feel his consciousness fading away. And he soon fell on the stone-cold ground. 'I have used too much of my spiritual energy.' He thought before losing his consciousness.

Lilias seeing her son bleeding so profusely, panicked and grabbed his falling body. She tried to shake his body to wake him up. But seeing no response from him. Tears welled up in her eyes and soon she disappeared from the courtyard with her son.

The remaining army on the courtyard, seeing that their new king has fallen unconscious, stopped and then tried to move towards him, but before they can reach close to him, the queen vanished with the new king in her embrace.

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