Persephone's Ring

Chapter 9

Opening her eyes Rayen looked around it seemed as she was still there in the beautiful field with all the happy and blissful dead. “I was sure we were at an exit…” she grumbled slightly irritated.

Sighing she turned round looked for Shadow and Andrew. She reached her hand to her face and opened her mouth to call out but froze. Her hand was transparent she turned it over as if that would change the outcome but it didn’t. “WHAT THE HELL!” she began to panic she was dead, she truly hoped not but she seemed just like some of the ghosts she’d seen… transparent. Closing her eyes she counted to ten then opened them but everything was the same. Calming she took a moment to breathe deeply. “Okay think… maybe a dream?” she told herself. “Yeah a dream…” she looked around. “I should try and see what’s in this dream…”

She turned around seeing the same willow tree but it was different, it seemed more vibrant and full of life compared to before. She stepped closer to the tree, though now in her calmer state she could hear laughter.

“My Lord, please just relax when you are with me it is just us, no work,” the same gentle female voice that warned her spoke happily.

She stepped closer phasing through the branches to see a couple. The woman looking much like her and the man… no matter how hard she looked his face was distorted.

“It is not something to see,” she heard the same voice but not from the woman before her.

Turning around a ghostly image of the woman stood sullen. She stared past Rayen at the couple.

“You should not see these, let the memories sleep, let it go and let me disappear, I’ve hurt him too much to see such happiness, to know his face,” she glanced at Rayen. “If you keep looking this curiosity will awaken within you what you do not want, what I do not want, your blood has suffered enough…” she clenched one hand in the other. “Let it die with me, turn back remain mortal.”

“I…” Rayen stared at the woman then glanced back. “I don’t understand, you are Persephone alive in my head?” she was baffled and in shock as she was told before that the Goddess was dead.

She gave a small nod. “Yes, and I implore you please do not delve deeper into my memories, it will only bring pain.”

“But if I do this maybe I can get to the gems quicker…” she ran a hand through her hair. “We can get off this hell rock and away from this madness.”

“Then will you break open that door?” She asked. “Will you accept everything that comes through the opening?” Persephone looked her in the eye, “once you set it all free you will be bound to it and never be able to go back, all the pain and sorrow will you be able to take it all?”

Rayen felt a pang in her chest at the near tears woman. She steeled herself to answer when the Persephone from the memory spoke. “My Lord, I love you so please know even when I’m gone I think of you,” she stroked his head. “So sleep and dream well, when I leave tomorrow please take care of yourself until my return…” His voice was soft and carried a hint of sadness.

“I never returned…” Persephone spoke. “Our last meeting…”

“I won’t go further, you look like you’re about to break down and I can feel that much in my own heart,” she put a hand on her chest. “If I can feel this pain then the rest surely,” she leaned over closing her eyes.

“Thank you, even after two hundred years it’s not something I could truly not regret… I should have told him.” She took a breath standing tall. “Now wake up I’ve kept you too long.”

Persephone tapped Rayen’s head and everything went dark. “Don’t break the seal.”

“... en… Ray… Rayen!” Susan’s voice grew louder.

With a deep gasp Rayen popped up coughing. She looked around and everyone minus Natasha was there and healthy. “But…?” the confusion was evident on her face.

“Andrew carried you back then gave us all the antidote,” Cole said. “Thanks to that we’re all still alive.”

“Oh… I see,” Rayen glanced at Andrew. “And…” she shook her head. “No never mind, thanks for carrying me.”

Andrew nodded then sat down relaxing. He seemed to have been worried when she didn’t wake.

“Here’s a question,” Grace caught everyone’s attention. “Why didn’t you just go get them?” she asked Cole.

“For one I was infected too,” he stated. “And passage to the underworld is monitored, plus there is no hiding from the ruler, so I would’ve been found out easily.”

“It’s okay we managed, we got help from a resident.” Rayen stood. “Hecate gave us the antidote,” she added. Getting up she stretched then looked around. “She’s gone.”

“When we came to she was gone but there was a bit of a blood trail,” Charmayne told them. “Can’t believe I didn’t know…” she mumbled to herself.

“No way you could, we didn’t even know this guy was until he told us,” Susan pointed back at Cole. “They look and act like any human only difference is the immortal aspect.”

“Yeah,” Rayen agreed. “Don’t beat yourself up just keep an eye out and look out for those around you.”

“Haven’t we proven they we’re not immortal,” Cole corrected. “Longevity and invulnerability, that’s what makes our clocks tick.”

“Right…” Henry nodded. “They can die just won’t be easy for us to kill one.”

“Don’t entertain that, Olympians especially are very grudgey, they’ll remember and hunt you down for payback.” Cole shook his head.

As they talked over what to do Rayen looked at her gloveless hands. Without them she’d have to try hard to keep her power under control. She took a breath then grabbed her bag. “We should get going.”

“Right,” DeAnne said. “But are you okay to move you two were in the Underworld and you were passed out as well until a moment ago.”

“I’m fine,” she smiled. She grabbed her bag putting in on when a bolt shot down right behind her.

“This isn’t over!” Natasha was floating above in the sky. With her two other women. She gripped her side in pain as she hovered overhead. “When this is over I’ll get everything that little dead girl owned.”

“Great she has friends…” Henry sighed.

“I like a cute girl but this is…” Robert backed up. “She’s kinda lost it…”

“We’re in no shape to actively fight back,” Cole pointed out. “And I’m already half strength from keeping them all alive as long as I could when poisoned.”

They backed away slowly eyes on her.

“What do we do then?” Padma asked. “We are all weak things compared to them.”

Another bolt came right at Rayen who raised her arms in defense. A large trunk grew up shielding her much to her surprise.

“Not fair!” Natasha pouted. “Come on!” she glanced at the other two and they circled the group a strong wind encircling them like a tornado. “There’s no way she can control that measly flower power.”

“We’re gonna die at this rate,” Susan’s voice became a little high pitched.

The other two began laughing throwing fire and durable balls of air toward them. They just barely missed their targets. “I’ll just end it and take it off your dead bodies.” A large dark cloud of lightning gathered above them. “Bye-bye.” Natasha smirked dropping her hand toward them as a massive bolt of lightning crashed down.

As the smoke cleared a wood dome was revealed. Inside it the group was bracing to be hit when it didn’t come they were confused. They looked around for a moment then a light appeared above their heads as the dome shielding them receded. Shielding their eyes from the bright light as it faded a shadow slowly came into view it became larger as it lowered.

A small dragon floated at eye level. They stared confused. It was about a foot long, green, and had horns. The horns were long and resembled branches with little flowers on them while along with scales it had leaves of all sizes and a few flowers decorating its body all the way down to its tail. The wings were paper thin but durable and resembled leaves.

“My Lady.” The dragon bowed its head to Rayen.

“What?” she looked confused.

“They’re still alive!” Natasha yelled. “Damit!”

She prepared to attack again in unison with the other two when a flurry of petals flew her way and like razors sliced at them all. The dragon had flapped his wings more petals manifesting from them. After it spit out seeds at them which seconds after contact expanded into constricting vines.

“We should leave now My Lady.” the dragon flew off.

“Right…?” still confused they gathered their things and made their escape before the women could free themselves and give chase.

“W-Wait…” Padma was out of breath and slowing down.

“Yeah…” Charmayne agreed just as tired.

The dragon stopped turning back toward them. It flew over landing on Rayen’s shoulder, its tail wrapping around her arm. “My apologies to your friends,” it bowed its head to them all. “I am… I have no name until My Lady gives me one but I am here to be your companion, you found me and kept me warm, as such I was able to be born and just in time.”

“Is that so?” she scratched the dragon under the chin. “Then Mazin,” she smiled. “I heard it once somewhere.”

Mazin leaned into her touch while the others stared.

“You’re talking to it?” Robert raised a brow. “You should look a little crazy.”

“I get it,” Cole pointed. “It is projecting its voice into her head rather than aloud, so only she can hear it and we think she’s talking to herself.”

“Really? This whole time?” Rayen asked.

Mazin nodded. “Apologies,” he projected his voice aloud. “I was in the obsidian egg that was found and cared for by My Lady a wh-”

“Just Rayen,” she corrected. “No need to be so formal.”

“He’s so cute,” Susan stepped closer, I guess that egg was good luck,” she laughed. “Good thing it was kept in the end.”

“Yes, but we need to get moving I can sense the binds weakening, we should follow the compass for somewhere safe to hide, it will only become colder now.”

Nodding they followed Andrew to a small cave away from their original route. Making themselves comfortable Mazin breathed fire onto the collected logs to start a fire to keep them warm.

“So you were in the egg but why?” Grace asked.

“I was waiting to be found by My L- Rayen, it was where I was supposed to be.” Mazin curled close to Rayen.

“Warm…” she stroked his back. She laid down holding him close. “We’ll wait here a while then leave early in the morning.” She began to relax closing her eyes but she quickly sat up. “Right…” she slipped her hand in her pocket then pulled out the gem. “Hecate gave me this.” She shuffled over to Keiran.

“When Persephone was first in the Underworld as it’s new ruler Hecate helped her adjust and the two formed a friendship, it makes sense,” Cole commented watching Rayen.

“That was lucky,” Keiran slipped off the chain then took off the ring. He passed it to her watching as she put the stone in.

“Then going there was a lucky break,” Padma commented.

“We were almost stuck there for eternity as we were losing our memories…” Rayen frowned.

There was a small flash of light as the gem merged into place like it always belonged. She passed it back as he put it back on the chain then around his neck.

“So we’re talking to dragons now, and on top of that we’re still recovering and being chased at the same time,” Henry leaned against the cave wall.

“Don’t forget about Cole being a God,” Charmayne threw in.

“Anything else to throw in?” Grace asked.

“I saw Persephone,” Rayen mumbled quietly petting Mazin.

Everyone froze and stared at her in surprise. Susan dropped the ladle into the pot she’d been prepping in her surprise.

“You saw her?” Cole asked looking to his left for a second. “But that’s not possible.”

“When I was passed out she was there, or some part of her, she was like a ghost,” she explained furrowing her brow. “We talked for a while then I woke up…” she glanced at Cole.

“That’s…” he glanced down. “Leaving a piece of herself to help you…” he mumbled.

“We should try and get some sleep,” Keiran said. “A meal and some rest should give us enough strength to keep going for a while yet.”

“Good idea,” DeAnne agreed. “There is no use debating on what she dreamed since it’s not something we could see.”

Bowls passed around, they ate just a little to fill their stomachs and gave Mazin jerky. Cole watched the dragon. He was curious about the being and wanted to examine it. Susan was busy concocting a plan in her head. DeAnne talked to Andrew worried more than ever since the abduction for his safety.

“You didn’t run into trouble?” Cole asked, breaking out of thought. “No flesh eaters or anything? Big three headed dog?”

“No, we were in a cell and I used some of the nearby roots to break through the bars that had a bit of a hitch and then we traveled up some stairs. After that we were near a lake of fire, we heard the furies voices and a mist transported us to a temple then we talked to Hecate,” she told him. “After talking to her we left, lost our memories for a while and were saved by a shadow.”

“Sweetie, did you hit your head?” Susan asked. “You’re saying you lost your memory and a shadow… no nevermind, I forgot all the new things I’ve learned recently.”

“We drank from a lake and we started remembering again, the Shadow led us there.”

“Lake of Memories, a gift from Mnemosyne,” Cole told them. “It can bring memories to those who have forgotten.”

“Well we were lucky then.” Rayen finished her food. “I’m going to get a little more sleep now.” She closed her eyes and Mazin curled up to her sleeping.

“So that stuff we drank,” Susan glanced at Andrew. “What was in it the taste was a little strange.

“You are better off just being glad that you’re alive,” DeAnne said eyes on Andrew’s signing.

“That means it was something disgusting!” Robert grabbed his throat. “What are there body parts in there? Did we drink a liquified person?” he stuck out his tongue gagging at the thought.

Andrew shook his head. “Not telling,” DeAnne voiced.

“Knowing her there is at least one thing undesirable in the mixture,” Cole mumbled. He finished his food. “And you should get some sleep kid, you were in the land of the dead your body needs to recover.”

Andrew set aside his half eaten bowl then laid down trying to get some sleep.

“So set the record straight for me there are a few versions to how everyone was born, who really are your siblings?” Susan asked.

“The Furies are my sisters, I do have a twin, you met Dagr, then there’s Vidar or Nemesis as she’s better known, then Discordia, Shu also known as Aether, Charon, Elli in greek Geras, and the Arai, pretty sure there were those I haven’t heard of since I’m not as old as the others.” Cole leaned back. “There could also be halflings and so forth. Too many to keep track of and some tend to quietly stay obscure.”

“That is a large family for sure,” she commented. “And what about Demeter? Will you be alright being around her, your boss isn’t her favorite person despite their relation.”

“Well she came down a few times to visit and she seemed civil but not too fond of her eldest and favorite being so far away for so long so I don’t expect given the events that brought us to now that she’d be happy to see anyone associated with my Boss.” Cole sighed. “I fear my life honestly just a bit though,” he held up his thumb and index finger about an inch apart to measure how afraid.

“Well here’s hoping you don’t get killed right away by her,” she joked.

“Funny, but earth and nature goddesses tend to be very…” he searched for the right word. “Their emotions are on another level is the simplest way to put it.”

“Sound scary,” Charmayne stood and collected the empty bowls and those set aside. She was a little in her own world still bothered by what just happened with someone who was supposed to be her friend.

“You don’t need to do that,” Grace patted her shoulder, “you’ve received quite a shock.”

“It’s okay, I’ll clean up and then get some rest she put on a small smile then finished collecting and cleaning up.

After a few hours of rest the group devoured the leftovers then packed up.

“Without the egg there’s extra room in my bag,” Rayen glanced up at the others. “I think we should go over supplies before we leave with Fredrick and Natasha gone that frees up some space and then there’s still the pot and bowls…” her voice lower and she looked down not as confident in what she was saying.

“Alright,” Henry sat down. “It makes sense, we wouldn’t need as many clothes and stuff.”

Emptying their bags they went over supplies. They kept all their bottles since water was a necessity they got rid of their plates in favor of the bowls which would be the more practical option they kept the spices since no one wanted bland food. Clothes were examined then those belonging to Natasha and Fredrick were left out when packing which reduced their load.

“That actually helped,” Robert clapped. “Less junk, less baggage, better lighter moving,” he grinned.

“It does seem like our load has decreased now,” Padma agreed.

Everyone slipped on their warm clothes as it was a little chilly out only helped along by the cold night air.

“At least running for our lives will be easier,” Rayen stated. “Much less to worry about.” She fed Mazin a piece of jerky. “We should get moving, staying still will make us easier to find.”

They left the cave and discarded items then followed Andrew. Mazin flew ahead making himself comfortable on the boy’s head as he walked causing most to give a small laugh at the sight.

Rayen fell behind the group. She walked beside Charmayne, “things that you don’t know about you can’t let bother you.”

“We have known one another for at least seven years now,” Charmayne glanced at her. “We met when Daddy sent me to a boarding school and I didn’t know a thing…”

“Well God parents aren’t something to bring up,” she stated. “And she probably didn’t figure out until we were here, and even then saying something may have been difficult, not that I’m trying to defend someone who attempted to kill me, it’s just what I think.”

“Make sense I guess but still.”

“I never really had friends so to me only what I’ve read in books or seen on the common room tv is all I have to go on,” Rayen tucked loose strands behind her ear. “But I doubt all of it was a lie, people just change sometimes,” she said. “You seem to be changing and relaxing at home in this environment Natasha not so much you both thought differently of our circumstances.”

“That’s true, I really want to get home, but being here reminds me of home, maybe I’ll go back when we leave here,” Charmayne smiled. “I do miss Daddy a lot.”

“Then hold that as your goal and you’ll make it through this.”

Charmayne and Rayen smiled at one another then sped up a bit to catch up to the group they’d fallen behind while conversing. Though dark approached they soldiered on and there was a lightness to their pace. Even as it got just a bit colder. Mazin even kindly kept a continuous fire going to light their way in the dark.

“Okay, I’m gonna say what everyone’s thinking,” Robert broke the calming silence. “It’s freaking great to walk without constant complaints.”

“I… gotta agree,” Susan sighed. “It’s a lot more peaceful even if we have to worry about something coming from every corner.”

“Less headache that’s for sure,” Henry added.

“I never knew anyone who complained so much even when their life was in danger, you’d think that would override most things,” Cole sighed.

“But…” Charmayne mumbled. “She could be nice you know,” she glanced up at them. “She helped me out once when I was in real trouble, even if she did try to kill us I’ll go on thinking nice things just a while longer.”

“We were being insensitive, sorry,” Susan looked down ashamed.

“No it’s fine, it’s all true, she did complain quite a lot.” Charmayne shrugged. “I was just used to it after so long.”

“Sooo, should we continue in silence and a newfound awkwardness or move on to something else to talk about?” Robert asked glancing around the group.

“Anyone have anything to say or a story or something?” Padma asked.

“Once a woman came into the office to sue her husband but she was just crazy, she imagined the whole relationship even rented a child and all we sent the papers and he was beyond confused coming in with his actual wife and saying she was an ex and they broke up because she was clingy, she refrigerated his sperm to have a baby too.” Susan laughed. “She was constantly crying about how unfaithful he was and all these crazy stories.”

“Sounds like a pain.” DeAnne laughed.

“You have no idea, then there were those I’d see photoshopping pictures and suing for the smallest dumbest things,” she shook her head.

“That sounds stupid,” Padma shook her head. “People should be vetted more.”

“The young these days… most don’t have their heads on straight,” DeAnne sounded disappointed. “They should take time to reflect on the past a little more.”

“Younger people are a little more spoiled by doting parents who don’t want them to want like they did and when they’re thirty and still living at home they realize their mistake in coddling rather than encouraging,” Grace chimed in. “I kicked my girl into motion at fifteen, she started working and was out by twenty after doing two years at college,” she beamed. “She’s really a smart one.

“Your pride can clearly be heard in your voice,” Padma nudged her side.

“Of course, she’s working hard and she just got engaged, she’s doing extremely well for herself.”

The idle chat continued over everyday things and it kept the mood light. There was a slight glumness in the mentioning of some things they missed but the thought of doing it again kept them going.

It was pitch dark now and tiredness was creeping in as they’d been walking for a while so in a unanimous vote they crashed near some trees until sun up. In the cold night everyone kept close to each other to keep warm.

“Guys…” Cole called out to everyone. He walked around shaking them awake. The snow had begun to fall while the others were asleep.

“Wha-” Charmayne glanced up after rubbing her eyes. “Wow…”

“Snow?” Rayen glanced up holding out her hand. “Never seen it up close…” Exhaling she watched her breath, “I can see it,” her face showed her surprise.

“You’re like a newborn,” Keiran watched her chuckling.

“Well where I grew up before my parents died there wasn’t snow, same with my other relatives so this really is a first.”

“Poor thing, take a trip around the world when this is over experience life before they come looking for you.” Susan hugged her to her chest.

“I can’t breathe…” she responded to the squeezing.

“Sorry,” Susan let go.

Just then a snowball came straight at Cole hitting him in the back of the head. Laughter erupted as he stood dumbfounded by it. Andrew looked away innocently as if he’d done nothing wrong.

“Oh so that’s how it is?” Cole raised a brow as he bent down then began collecting snow.

“This isn’t going to end well.” Padma laughed.

“SNOWBALL FIGHT!” the words burst from Robert sending everyone into a flurry as they hid and collected snow.

Mazin floated in the middle confused as ever by the humans surrounding him. He looked left then right and was downed by a stray ball. He was shaky on his feet but regained flight going for a more aerial view as the snow flew back and forth while the humans ran and hid and laughed without a care.

“Humans can be quite silly.”

Once they’d completely tired themselves out they ate with the built up appetites they had.

“Man I was so hungry…” Henry gobbled down his food.

“Yeah that was fun but super draining,” Charmanye agreed.

“I think some of us are definitely too old for that,” DeAnne chirped lightly banging her spoon against the bowl. “These old bones feel pretty good though.”

“That’s good to hear,” Rayen closed her eyes.

“It is getting colder, movement will keep you warm.” Mazin landed on Andrew’s shoulder who proceeded to feed the dragon some of his food as he continued to eat.

“He’s fond of you,” Robert watched the two. “Don’t you find it weird?”

“Dragons are quite fond of those pure of heart, as well as innocence and virgin maidens,” Cole explained. “It’s why your stories say dragons kidnap maidens and princesses, they smell it in the blood and soul how they have no ill will and ulterior motives, selfless,” he clarified. “It’s also why brave virtuous heroes are the downfall of the extinct or nearly there beast.”

“So sad but I guess that means we have a little choir boy huh,” Susan chortled. And we have a little princess,” she nodded her head toward Rayen.

“The boy has a nice scent, like Rayen.” Mazin nuzzled Andrew which only made him simper. “He smells of lilies and lilacs.”

“Those flowers fit a dragons preferred type,” Rayen quietly spoke. “Plus, he’s always been there to help me out, he’s a bit of an airhead who thinks after he acts.” Laughing she covered her mouth trying to hold it in. “You went all crazy and tackled her,” she waved a hand in the air. “Pretty cool though.”

Andrew covered his face in embarrassment face flushed.

“Aww how cute, he’s all red.” Charmayne cooed.

“You can’t get all shy now, you’ve been a real hero.” DeAnne praised him putting a comforting hand on his back. “Be proud of that fact.”

“It’s still early, what should we do?” Charmayne asked. “The sun is barely up, I could go catch us some fresh meat if you’re all too squeamish or opposed.”

“Fresh meat would be nice maybe not now since we just finished eating,” Padma suggested. “Later on our next stop would be best.”

“We should just relax about another forty-five then set out,” Rayen piped up. “Mazin is right moving will keep us warm.

The sun was high in the sky and they’d been on the move for about an hour and a half now. The snow was falling heavier now than before and everything was painted like a winter wonderland. The trees were almost invisible aside from some visible bark.

Mazin flew over to Rayen and nuzzled close to her. His scales and leaves slowly falling off.

“Hey, are you alright!?” she was perplexed by what was happening.

Everyone stopped waddling over in the deepening snow to see what was wrong. Seeing Mazin’s vibrant green leaves and beautiful flowers fall they were just as confused.

“I am adapting to the environment,” Mazin shivered. “Flying will be difficult for a while as my body and appearance changes, it is one of the things special to me as your companion, I will grow in ability the more we experience and I change,” he continued. “I am still quite young…”

“I seem” her brow furrowed in thought. She had an idea on how to keep him warm until he was okay. “Can you put him in my bag?” she asked Charmayne. “Just drape a few pieces of clothes over him to keep him warm.”

“Me?” Charmayne looked nervous and panicked pointing at herself. “B-But I-I’m not a favorite of anyone here and I’ll probably drop him.”

“You won’t,” Rayen assured her. “Go on.”

“Okay…” she took Mazin and gingerly held him as if he were glass as Rayen turned her back to them. Charmayne places him in the bag then covered him with a few layers of clothes and partially closed the bag to allow breathing room. “There.”

“Thanks.” Rayen started walking again. “Come on people.”

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