
Chapter Chapter XXIII

After the drama of yesterday no one had wanted to go to school, not even Ace or Jason went. We’d all stayed home and just got ourselves ready for finals week and graduation. My kind of preparation was different, I already knew I’d ace all my grades. So now that I was prepared for the high school side of things, I had to prepare for coronation. Half of my day had been spent with Martha learning etiquette for dining and balls, protocol for how I was to be protected inside and outside of the castle, how royal court matters were discussed while discussing how to deal with the people daily and a quick run over the history and laws of England.

We went over a mock situation of what would happen on the day as well and by the end of it all I was exhausted. Trudging down the hall to the gym I had the overwhelming feeling to just curl up in a ball and sleep in bed for the rest of the afternoon but I knew a part of my training consisted the gym. No matter how much I hated it. Cameron was in the upstairs one and watching him work out had me sweating already. His muscles bulged under the weights he was lifting and I had to tear myself away from the door to calm down my erratic heartbeat. How could watching him lift a barbell with weights on it make me so horny.

I laughed at myself while I walked down the stairs towards the gym next to the downstairs lounge room. Michael was already there in his workout gear and I rolled my eyes at the prospect of another hard workout session. “Hello Princess,” he formally greeted me before I sat down on one of the benches. We always went through why this was so important before we started working out so I had a better understanding of why I needed to do this. Before I’d been through all of those, well I guess you could call them situations, I’d already been through this talk three times. It wasn’t ingrained in my memory yet but I’d have no doubt by the end of the week that it would be. “Why is it so important Princess for you to be fit as Queen?”

“In the event of an evacuation of the Queen, which will be me.”

“Correct. What will an evac entail?”

“Running, possibly climbing?” I questioned, not exactly sure of this one yet. My parents had never had issues with the public or inside assassination of any kind. Our castle had always been that impenetrable.

“The castle isn’t always safe Princess, I can see the look on your face. Just because it didn’t happen to your parents in their reign doesn’t mean it won’t happen to you. But you are correct in the sense of running and climbing so we’ll be working your entire body. We’ll start with cardio circuits first and then move on to strength cardio circuits once your cardio has picked up. I will also teach you how to defend yourself, although I pray that you never have too.” I nodded my head at him and jumped up ready to start.

For an hour I diligently followed Michael's every instruction and did cardio based circuits, only at the very end did he teach me how to defend myself against an attack. How to block, parry, roll, duck and a few other things involving how to block hits from hands or feet coming my way.

“You did well Princess,” Michael stated after we’d finished our session. I wasn’t sure that I could feel my legs so I rolled my eyes and gave him a thumbs up with what I’d call a sarcastic smile. He laughed at me on his way out of the room and I huffed in annoyance and wobbled side to side as I walked out of the room after drying most of the sweat off me. I did a fast penguin walk up the stairs towards my bedroom, ready to shower and at least have a nap for a few hours before my date with Cameron and God was I excited about it. Speaking about the devil, he walked out of my room, water dripping from the ends of his hair with just a towel wrapped around his lower body. My eyes hovered there too long before coming back up as he was smirking. He looked like a devilish Greek God. I rolled my eyes for the second time today and figured if I did it enough they’d eventually roll into the back of my head. I tried to sashay away but I ended up looking like an awkward duckling that’d just been born. In my head I could hear Cameron laughing but there was no noise as I reached my door. He was still smirking at me and he turned to walk away but paused, “Your butt’s cute,” he flipped over his shoulder before heading to his room. I almost choked while dragging a hand down my face in embarrassment. As if I just had to endure that.

I didn’t even get to ask why the hell he’d been in my room to start off with considering he has a ensuite in his own room. I wasn’t complaining though, the more I got to look at the better. Heading towards the bathroom I opted for a cold shower instead. Maybe that’d wash the thoughts in my head away and out of the gutter. I shivered as the cold water touched my warm skin, I was excited for our date tonight although I had no clue what to wear. I’d have to ask Cameron for an idea or maybe Claire knew of his plans.

As expected once I jumped out of the shower, Claire came running in looking all excited, her hands waving wildly about, “Okay Cameron gave me all the deets on your date and I know what you’re going to wear and how you’re going to present yourself.” I laughed at her enthusiasm, “Ready when you are stylist Claire.” Clapping her hands together Claire pushed me lightly into the desk chair where my horde of makeup was kept and grabbed out an item of clothing I couldn’t yet see because she kept telling me to face the front and that there was no peeking apparently. At least not until the end.

She whizzed around my face like the pro she was and I waited quietly until she was done, music was playing on the side as she helped me dress into my outfit for the night. It was a dress and I could feel that just by being in it. She spun me around and I could feel her mentally agreeing with herself about the outcome. I opened my eyes and I was facing the mirror, a gorgeous floor length dress that hugged my upper body but flowed outwards towards the bottom. It had a slit at the side of my leg but not high enough to make it seem too revealing. A gorgeous piece of synched material came around the waist and made me seem slimmer. It was orange and with my blonde hair absolutely made me feel like I was a falling leaf in the middle of autumn. The makeup she’d paired up with it was simple but elegant and made my sky-blue eyes pop. My hair was done in light but cute beach type waves and it was stunning.

I had jewelled flats on with this outfit which had me realising I wouldn’t be wanting to wear heels on this date, another clue. Heading towards the door, I opened it and there was Cameron standing in black slacks, a belt keeping it in place and a white button up shirt. The top button was undone and his hair hadn’t been messed around with too much. He looked casual but sexy, the smile he was giving me made it all worth the hair tugging and makeup being dragged across my face.

“You look beautiful,” he said grabbing my hand and giving it a kiss. I blushed furiously and looked in his beautiful calm grey eyes, “You don’t scrub up bad yourself King.”

“I just thought about it, isn’t that last name so fitting?” I laughed.

“Yes, my King,” I replied giving him a curtsy. He lifted my chin up towards his lips giving me a soft and passionate kiss. My head reeled. It was so hard to think that almost a year ago we were at each other’s throats and here we were now, going on our first date.

He led me down the stairs and towards a nineteen sixty-five red Shelby Mustang. It was one of my favourite convertibles. I’d specifically asked my father to have it shipped down since it was one we drove together when he was down here at least.

The soft top was left down and I didn’t mind in the slightest, the wind through my hair felt amazing, although we didn’t go very far before we reached our destination. The big tree on the open field was covered in fairy lights and lit up the area underneath with dangling candles from the lowest branches. Underneath was a picnic blanket and basket, the stars above were sparkling as bright as could have been possible for a night like tonight and surprisingly a warm breeze blew through the air considering it was still winter.

“It’s gorgeous,” I whispered walking towards the blanket and lying down on my side underneath the stars. Cameron came and stretched out beside me, “I thought you’d like it.”

“I actually have a garden at home, not exactly like this but the twinkling lights give it the same kind of feeling it gives me when I’m walking through it looking at the stars.”

“I can’t wait to see it someday,” he said, the excitement in his voice making my stomach churn. How could I possibly tell him he couldn’t come with me. My parents wouldn’t accept it even if I tried, how could I possibly manage to make this work.

Not wanting to ruin the night I plastered a smile on my face and placed a hand on his cheek rubbing my thumb along his jaw. He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life Isabella.”

Finally, someone who wasn’t after the crown. Who loved me for who I was inside and not just the name that came with me. “I love you Cameron and although this may be our first date, I feel like we’ve had quite a few already without meaning too.” I chuckled and he laughed back with me.

“You’re not wrong,” he stated and lay back on the blanket after we’d gone through a few of the strawberries and other fruits lying there. The pineapple was especially delicious. I could say the same thing about the four glasses of strawberry flavoured wine.

I rested my head on Cameron’s chest and sighed in content, “Happy there darling?” He questioned even though he already knew the answer by his knowing smirk.

“Never better,” I smiled up at him. His hands laced with mine and we lay there content with the sounds of the fireflies and crickets around us. The stars twinkled and I couldn’t help but think that this was it, this was the happiest I could ever be. This was the happiness I’d been waiting for.

It took us a while to reach the mansion again and I kept falling in and out of sleep in the crook of Cameron’s neck. His arms were around me and he was smiling slightly. Warm lips pressed against my forehead as the car stopped and it made my eyes open completely as my heart raced at the touch of his kiss.

I was out like a light as soon as I was placed in bed. All I could feel was Cameron’s warm body wrapped around mine and an eerie presence of happiness.

Saturday night rolled around way too quick and I had no time to decide whether I wanted to have my disguise on or not. When the first knock came to the door my decision was final. Everything was to be natural, the real me. If these boys were to find out then hopefully they’ll take it like men and not little boys.

The night was cold so we’d all decided it’d have to be drinks inside. For the moment anyway, the backyard had a garden and was perfectly lit by fairy lights, nothing like the one back home but it was similar. But the games room was where we’d be since it had an Xbox and pool table of sorts. The boys would be able to keep themselves occupied with all the toys in there.

Seth was the first one to turn up, I was honestly surprised he didn’t live here already given his relationship with Claire. He eyed my appearance, “It’s odd seeing you as your normal self Princess.” I glanced at him with annoyance. “You know better then that Seth, you’re my friend. I go by Bella to all of you.” He shook his head raising his hands up in mock defence and laughed at my attitude. In that exact moment Claire came thumping down the stairs and into Seth’s arms latching onto him like a monkey. I suppressed a giggle at the sight of the two of them.

The next knock at the door was Ace and his surprise at my change in appearance was comical.

“Did ya get your hair dyed dal?” He asked in his casually cool and flirty tone. I didn’t answer his question and instead shrugged my shoulders with a smirk.

Jason came next and his look was curious. He was going to be the one to figure it out and I knew it all too well. His guarded eyes roamed my look curiously.

It took a whole hour of drinking and playing games before a loud shout came from across the room, Jason who had been staring at his phone was now staring at me.

“I knew it!” He repeated again shouting, right next to Ace’s ear. I giggled at Ace’s frustration of how loud Jason was when he rubbed his ears and how completely oblivious he was to the situation.

“You’re Princess Isabella Roslein Marie Evans.”

“Correct.” I gave a quick nod of my head at him.

“How did I not figure this out the entire time, I mean obviously it’s amazing to be in your presence your grace but how did you hide it for so long, wait never mind. The wig and eye contacts. Makes complete sense.” I listened to him babble on some more before interrupting him.

“I need you to understand that this comes with a burden on you now. It’s a secret and you must keep it. At least until I am back home, then you can tell the world that we were best friends because I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are sworn to secrecy okay?”

Both Ace and Jason nodded their heads and I clapped my hands in joy. “Alright then let’s get this party started.”

We were all passed out on lounges outside near the pool and spa. The night was chilly and each of us had our own blankets. Cameron and I sharing, Claire and Seth together and Jason and Ace had their own lounges. The stars still twinkled above brightly and I smiled. I grabbed my glass of strawberry champagne and held it up, “Let’s make a toast.”

Everyone grabbed their glasses as well and we put them all close together, “Here’s to our last week of high school ever and to the everlasting friend ships that I’ve gained with all of you. Graduation here we come!”

Our glasses all clinked together and laughter bounced off the walls into the night.

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