
Chapter Chapter XX

School was as normal as it could get now, my classes had been shuffled around so I could have Seth, Claire and Cameron in my classes all the time. Proved to be a little much for our first period teacher but I knew he loved us. I think.

I pulled out the books for second period as we all sat down, Claire and Cameron beside me and Seth in front of me. Seth and Claire kept making googly love eyes at each other and I had to stop myself from barfing. I stuck a finger in my throat towards Claire and we all laughed. We were so close to graduating now and I could feel it. Everything was going to get better from here. All the nonsense that had been happening in the last few months just had to stop for the sake of my sanity.

I was more than terrified that Victor would strike again and we were all as vigilant as ever, while also trying to remember that we were human beings and we deserved to be happy for at least a little while.

Maths had proved to be boring for the three children sitting around me so I eventually had to join in on their games. We were at the back of the classroom so the teacher didn’t really pay attention to us, not that he really wanted too anyway. They’d been spit balling each other and as I recall this was Cameron’s favourite game to play. I’d had to duck numerous time to avoid getting hit with saliva in the face. I just continued to laugh at the surprised look on their faces when one of them would hit the other with a surprise spit ball.

Eventually the bell rang which ended the spit balling contest and in turn had them arguing about who won. “Guys there’s no winner, shut up.” I said, laughing at the bickering going on behind me. I walked towards my locker and opened it, not expecting the plastic bucket of cold water to land on my head and drench me.

“Cameron!” I turned around fuming, still with the bucket on my head. I could’ve stomped their faces in because all three of them were on the floor in fits of giggles. “I’m sorry, was it torment Isabella day and I didn’t know about it,” I whisper yelled at all three of them, taking the bucket off my head and sighing. Claire was still rolling around with the boys and I heard her snort.

“Claire!” I yelled halfway through a giggle which sent them into a frenzy again.

In the end I was the one wet but they were now dirty having been idiots rolling around on the floor. We got to the lunch table eventually and the looks on Ace and Jason’s face were comical.

“What the fuck have you guys been doing between periods? And Bella why are you wet?”

Claire tried to cover her laugh but ending up snorting instead and we just died from laughter all over again.

Once we’d calmed down and had all sat on the chair I explained, “Apparently Mr pretty boy here thought it’d be funny to do the locker water prank on me again and these buffoons had such a good giggle about it they ended up rolling around on the dirty floor.”

“Gross.” Jason said his face scrunched up at Cameron, Claire and Seth.

Cameron looked at Seth and before I knew it all the boys were on the ground in a scuffle. It lasted a while before they got back up and I laughed at the state they were in. “Now who’s gross Jason? Huh?” Cameron taunted.

“Don’t make me kill you boy.” Cameron laughed at Jason’s threat and walked over to me. Standing behind me I looked up at him and he smiled. “I’ll go get our lunches.” He said kissing me on the lips before walking towards the cafeteria.

I looked back down towards Claire who was pointing into her mouth with her finger and the boys all stifling a giggle around her. “Wow so original Claire.” I said yawning and patting my hand over my mouth. We both laughed at our stupidity and continued with lunch.

“Oi guys, I was thinking we should have a pre-grad party?” I nodded slowly in agreement at Ace.

“That sounds good.”

“Where would we have it though he said,” deep in thought.

“Well it won’t be mine since my parents killed me from the last party I had.” Jason explained.

“We’ll discuss it later during the week guys. Claire and I will come up with something during the week at home and see what we can do.”

They all nodded in agreement and went back to their lunches. Cameron finally came back with ours and I smiled softly at him as he put it down in front of me.

“Definitely too good for me.” I said taking a bite out of the food.

“Nope, you’re too good for me,” he said kissing me on the cheek before returning to his own lunch.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me and I looked further up the cafeteria tables. Ash was glaring at me from his table with some of the football boys. I sent a questioning look his way and he turned away from me glaring now at the table. That was odd, I’ve always been decent friends with Ash, why would he be mad at me now.

Putting it out of my brain I focused on the five most important people in front of me and involved myself about everything that had been happening throughout their lives recently. Jason had been telling us where he wanted to study and what he wanted to major in, while Ace was telling us about the day he crashed his parent’s car. His face was comical when he recalled the events of what his parents had done to him that day.

The bell had gone quicker then I’d liked it too and I was relishing in the fantastic day we’d already had and had continued to have.

“By the way Isabella, we haven’t finished that pranking war yet.” Cameron whispered in my ear before catching up to the boys and leaving me with Claire dumbfounded.

“I’m going to murder him. Lovingly.”

“Why? Because of the water prank?” She laughed.

“No because he just reopened the prank war, care to help darling?”

“Always best friend.”

We both skipped off towards the last lesson where I had to deal with spit balls and giggling for another sixty minutes.

The bell rang for the end of last period and all six of us piled out of the library and towards the school gates. “We’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Ace yelled from his red mustang. Jason also nodded in our direction and headed towards his grey BMW. Cameron took my hand and both him Claire and I headed towards the black SUV neatly concealed around the corner. We all jumped in and headed towards home.

I’d fallen asleep obviously since I woke up slightly to being carried up the stairs of my house. I felt a soft mattress under me and knew I was in my bed. Cameron being the gentlemen he is, took both of my shoes off and put me under the covers. He turned to walk out but I extended a hand his way without even opening my eyes, “Stay.” I whispered. I heard him turn slowly and walk back to the bed, kicking off his own shoes and lying down behind me.

I couldn’t have been more content or happier than I had been with this boy in my entire life. No one could compare to him and no one could replace him. He rubbed soft circles into the sides of my hips sending soothing chills across my stomach. He started playing with my hair and massaging my head and I was out like a light within a few minutes. He was a god sent from heaven.

“Goodnight Princess.”

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