
Chapter Chapter XVI


There was lights and sirens, white walls and the smell of cleanliness surrounding me. I could still feel all my limbs so I knew I wasn’t dead. The car had hit Bella’s side, Claire was in the middle and I had been on the outer edge on the other side. The person in the other vehicle had been well enough to speedily drive off down the road and surprisingly, none of us caught his face.

Bella might have been able too but the last I had heard she was heading into surgery. Even after all the shit we’d been through together, I was scared. Scared she wouldn’t make it, I sat up and groaned quietly in pain. I wasn’t completely damaged, I had a stitched wound on my head and a broken rib. Otherwise, I was fine.

Claire had a broken arm from trying to shield Bella, idiotic move but Bella was her best friend so I understood to an extent. She also had a few more stitches and bruises then I did along with a concussion, but she was going to live.

The door creaked open and a nurse walked in, she almost looked nervous to have disturbed me. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she took authority here, “Hello Mr King, I was told to call your closest relative on file. But as she is no longer here, I called your father.” I sucked in a large breath and repeatedly started telling myself that we were in a hospital and he couldn’t do anything to me here. I had seen security walking up and down the hall for the past hour now and I knew they were here to keep Bella, Claire and I safe.

She nodded her head even though I hadn’t exactly given her a reply and headed out the door again. The next person to walk in made my skin crawl, the dazzling signature smirk he always wore was plastered on his face as he walked further into my room. He looked me up and down as if to assess whether I could take his next beating. He always did that. He looked towards the nurses desk where the nurse was nervously speaking to one of the security guards. He was looking in our direction, specifically at my father. He didn’t make any move to come closer but stayed within an area where he could see both my father and I, which I appreciated.

A scowl came from my father since he and I were looking in the same direction at the same thing. He placed his big bulky body in the way of the security guards vision and sneered at me. “How did you manage to get yourself into this one Cammy?”

I ignored his question because I simply had no clue myself. The car didn’t ‘accidentally’ slam into us and by the look on everyone’s faces at the crime scene, it wasn’t good.

Did I ever say that it was bad to ignore my father, No? Well the injured hand that was resting on the bed was grabbed in the tightest grip I think he could manage and I groaned in pain. “I don’t know,” I grunted out in pain.

The security guard that had been looking over me opened the door and had now placed himself inside the room, “Sir you need to leave now, this patient needs to rest and to not be disturbed.” I’m pretty sure my father would have roared in fury if he was an animal but he just gave a smirk towards the guard and walked out the door, not before giving me a look that said ‘I’m coming back for you’.

I shook my head in annoyance and ignored his non verbal threat focusing on the guard still standing in my room. “Thank you,” I murmured quietly and the guards eyebrow raised in suspicion but he didn’t ask anything. Nodding his head at me he walked out of the room and down the same route my father went. Probably to make sure he actually made it out of the hospital instead of coming back in and harassing me.

Laying my throbbing head back down onto the pillow I sighed in annoyance. This was such a shit situation to be in and no one knew what was going on, well I didn’t anyway.

While contemplating my escape I watched a bunch of nurses rush down towards the surgery room and I sat upright in fear, ignoring the pain in my ribs. If Bella didn’t make it I didn’t know what I was going to do. I decided finally that it was time to get out of here and go find Claire at least. I unhooked myself from the monitor and turned it off before it started to beep. I shouldn’t really know how to do that but I’ve been in here way too many times.

Cracking open the door slightly just so I could see out into the hall was easier then expected, no one was around which meant either Bella was in a lot of trouble or other patients needed tending too. My heart was already in my stomach thinking of Bella so I focused on getting to Claire. She was only five rooms down from me and around the corner. I ran towards her door, passing two nurses who gave me funny looks and as I reached it, I peaked in to see her sitting up and playing around with her fingers, she was as anxious as I was by the looks of it.

I knocked on the door lightly and poked my head through the gap, she laughed and sighed in relief. “I have never been so happy to see your face!”

I smiled at her and went to sit beside her bed, “Well it’s better then staring at the white walls, fiddling with my fingers and praying Bella will be okay.” Claire grabbed my hand and looked at me with an intensity in her eyes, “She’ll pull out okay, she always does,” she whispered the last part letting go of my hand slowly, placing it back on the arm of the chair for me as if so not to hurt me anymore.

She looked in pain but I know she’d never admit it, not while Bella was doing it worse then the both of us. Her leg and arm had been broken on the side that the car came from and she had multiple cuts and bruises running up and down her body. I put my head in my hands, “I really need to know what’s going on but it’s not like I can walk into the surgical room and be like, 'Hey guys so what’s the sitch’". I mimicked Kim Possible.

Claire let out a small giggle, “No we can’t do that, so for now we’ll just have to wait here and see what happens.” I smiled up at her and rested my head on her bed, getting comfortable. We were both in for the long haul and I had no intention of talking to her about my fathers visit so we both lay there in silence waiting for any kind of update on Bella.

Any at all.

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