Perfect Monster: A Fake Marriage Mafia Romance (The Oligarchs)

Perfect Monster: Chapter 16

I hung up the phone and stared down at my hands.

They were shaking.

“Sounds like she bought it.”

I didn’t turn around. I didn’t want to look at him. I felt his gaze crawl down my body, and once-upon-a-time I might’ve liked it—he was gorgeous after all—

But this was so fucking wrong.

I felt sick. My stomach was a sloshing mess like I drank too many margaritas and jumped on a trampoline.

“Is that all you wanted?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

And failing.

“That’s all. Like I said, one phone call.”

“How’d you know she’d call?”

“I planned on taking you with me if she didn’t. I guess we both lucked out.”

I sucked in a steadying breath. Come on Winter. Get it together. Keep in control. Don’t let him control this situation. “You promised you won’t hurt her.”

“And I won’t. I’m not interested in your friend, only in the man that’s protecting her.”

“Roman.” I turned around and stared.

Light green eyes. Messy, short brown hair with a tint of red in the right light. Square jaw, lips like cotton candy. Muscles in all the right place and then some. The sort of guy I’d see at the Lobster and try to take home, or at least I’d make raunchy jokes at Cassie about him just to get a rise out of her.

Business suit that fit him like a glove.

And a gun aimed at my chest.

“That’s right. Roman Lenkov. Does that name mean anything to you?” An arrogant smile. I hated arrogant men. They always assumed I was dumb and weak and worthless.

I worked hard to prove them all wrong.

“No, it doesn’t. And I’m sure you have something very cutting to say about that.”

He laughed, sipped his wine. My wine. And the good bottle too. Well, good is a relative term here. “No, actually. If you did know him, that would be an even larger problem.” He stood up, tucked the gun away, then finished the wine. “This stuff is disgusting.”

“I’m cheap. And I didn’t know I’d be entertaining a psycho kidnapper.”

“I’m not kidnapping anyone. I’m only paying you a visit.” He walked over and held out his hand. I gave him my phone and he pulled out the tiny little black device he had plugged into the bottom before handing it back. “If you’re lucky, my people will have traced that call, and I’ll finally know where Roman keeps his little secret hideout.”

“And if I’m not lucky?”

His green eyes flashed like a neon glow. “Then I’ll pay you another visit until we get it right. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

“Why are you doing this? Who the hell are you?”

He smiled at me. Delicious and terrible. “My name’s Darren. But please don’t mention it to anyone.” He covered his mouth with a single finger and winked. “It’s nothing personal, love. Roman is just a real piece of shit and I intend on making sure he doesn’t get any bigger than he already is. You got tossed into a game that’s way above your pay grade.” He walked toward my door. “You should be happy I’m the one that showed up here. Torin or Redmond wouldn’t be so gentle.”

“I’m not sure I’d call you breaking into my apartment and threatening me at gunpoint ‘gentle,’ but okay, sure.”

“Love, I put the kid gloves on for you. Forget you ever spoke with me. I swear on my grandmother’s grave, I mean your friend no harm.” He pressed two fingers above his heart and looked back at me. “But if you go against me, I’ll fill that damn bunker with enough gas to choke them all. Do you understand? I’ll kill Roman and your little friend. You never saw me and you never met me if you want Cassie to stay alive.”

Beautiful and arrogant and deadly.

Cassie, what did you get yourself into?

“I’ll make sure you pay if you break that promise.”

His smile was pure sin. “I believe it. Pleasure meeting you, Winter. Don’t feel so down. If you hadn’t followed my directions, I would’ve killed you and done it all myself. Have a wonderful life.”

I believed every word he said. I knew men like him before—

Dangerous. Detached.

If I hadn’t answered that call and kept her on the line long enough, I’d be dead, dead, dead. And no good to Cassie.

At least alive I could try and help.

If that was even possible.

The door clicked shut behind him.

I collapsed onto my couch and cried so hard I nearly threw up.

Cassie, oh god, Cassie, what did I just do?

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