Perfect Monster: A Fake Marriage Mafia Romance (The Oligarchs)

Chapter Perfect Monster: Epilogue

I trudged down the road, my sandals flopping against my heels.

Erick hadn’t been happy when I told him to go sit on his thumb and screw, but whatever, he’d get over it. That man was handsome, maybe a little too handsome. I wasn’t in the mood to flirt, and based on the way he looked at my body, I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to keep him from trying something.

And considering the epic dry-spell I was on, I didn’t have the will power to turn him down.

So a-walking I must go.

Not that I minded. Avalon’s not far from Sea Isle, though getting over the bridge might be a pain. I decided I’d call an Uber, but walking felt good after being so damn sedentary all day. Besides, I was a little tipsy, and the hike would help sober me up.

I smiled and sucked in the ocean air. God yes, that was the stuff. The whole reason I moved down here. I could bottle that up and live on nothing but that smell.

My good mood didn’t last long though. I worried about Cassie. She seemed happy—honestly, she was the happiest I’d ever seen her by a longshot, and that was important—but I knew danger lurked around the corner, stalking her like a hyena. I got hints of it at the edges of her story, and although she didn’t go into detail, I glimpsed enough to know that something huge was happening, and Roman was deeply involved.

I didn’t know what to do for her. Probably nothing. This was the path she chose, and I couldn’t fault her for that.

Lord knew I did a bunch of stupid shit in my past. I couldn’t judge her, not even a tiny bit.

Roman seemed like a good guy. Definitely a little cold and intense, but protective of Cassie. I noticed the way he drifted toward her unconsciously, like he was orbiting her in space. His eyes never left her, not really, even when he was looking at something else—she was always in his peripheral vision.

It was kind of cute. Creepy and scary but also sort of cute.

I sighed and stretched my arms up, arching my back. I was a little wobbly and already getting tired. I needed to do some damn cardio. Cassie was the runner—I was the sleeper. But heck, if she could change, then maybe I could too.

I didn’t have to be stuck in the past, even if it was the past that drove me into hiding.

Cassie and I had that in common.

Before I could spiral, I put on a big, broad smile, blocking out everything else.

That was my armor, my sword and shield.

Kill ‘em with kindness. And humor. Mostly humor.

I heard the rev of an engine from nearby. Avalon was pretty quiet and cars never drove fast around here—too many pedestrians. I turned toward the road ready to flip off some tourist with a fancy BMW or whatever, but instead watched as a black SUV roared toward me then slammed on its brakes once it drew level.

I stared in surprise and took one step back from the curb.

I didn’t recognize the man behind the wheel. He had dark hair and dark eyes. He was breathing hard, like he sprinted into the car. “Winter. Erick sent me. You need to get in the car.”

“In the car? Erick? The hunky bodyguard? What the hell?” I stared at him like the guy lost his damn mind. “I already told them I’m not having dinner tonight. Or did I leave my phone? God, I’m always leaving my phone places. You’d think that would be impossible, considering how often I’m using it, but—“

“Please,” the guy said. “You’re in danger. He’s—“

Two gunshots cracked out.

I blinked and stared as red blood spurted out from the driver’s chest. It was like something from a movie or a really good play. The gore was unreal, and god, there was so much red pumping from his wounds. The front windshield splintered like a spider web.

This wasn’t right. Nobody got shot in Avalon. It was freaking Avalon.

Rich people didn’t bother killing each other. What a hassle.

The driver coughed once and leaned forward, slumping against the steering wheel.

Definitely dead.

“Okay,” I said out loud, my mind in full-on freak out mode. I tried to get a handle on the situation, but couldn’t quite accept the reality of that very dead driver. “Okay, that’s bad. I think that’s bad. Very, very bad. Oh fuck.”

I turned to run.

And saw two men walking toward me.

I didn’t recognize the one holding the rifle. He was tall, big shoulders, bulky chest. Looked like he slept at the gym. He wore a pair of camo pants and a black t-shirt, like a freaking cliché army dude. His thinning hair was slicked back.

But the other, I knew him.

Darren smiled and spread his hands wide. “Winter, love. It’s been a while.”

I stepped backwards. “No.”

“Come now, Winter. Don’t be like that. We had fun, didn’t we? I never hurt you, and I still won’t, if you come along.”

“Not you. Please, not you.”

His face clouded. “Listen love. I’d be glad to leave you out of this, but Roman is in deep shit, and I need a little more leverage against him. That means you’re in play.”

I started to run.

Darren came after me. I didn’t get far. Freaking stupid sandals with the stupid freaking broken strap. They were cute but shit for escaping kidnappers.

He grabbed my wrist and yanked me around. I gasped in pain and nearly fell over, but he caught me and wrenched my arm up behind my back. I stood facing him, gasping, a bone-deep ache lancing up my skin.

Darren’s breath was warm and smelled spicy. “Very sorry about all this, love.” He turned and shoved me forward.

“Please,” I managed.

But then Darren bent over and threw me over his shoulder.

The big guy opened the SUV door and yanked the corpse of Roman’s guard out. It hit the street with a soft thud, like a pallet filled with flour.

The big guy climbed behind the wheel, despite all the blood.

Darren shoved me in the back and got in. I struggled, but he pinned me to the seat as the big man began to drive.

I tried to slap Darren away. I pushed and fought and hissed.

His hands were like iron.

“Please behave,” he said, his voice suddenly cool, his lips near my neck. “This’ll be over in a moment, love. You won’t remember a thing.”

“Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?”

Darren’s handsome lips pulled back and he tilted his head, grinning wildly.

“I want you to help me save the world. Now open that pretty mouth of yours nice and wide.”

“What do you—“

He shoved a rag against my face. I screamed, thrashed, sucked in a ragged breath—

A chemical blast down my throat, and the world lurched into darkness.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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