People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 33

-Nathan’s POV-

The bed was empty when I woke up, still somewhat warm from the lingering heat.

Creak. I jumped when the door groaned open slowly, startling me.

“Just in time!” Alex chuckled with a huge smile on his face, walking in with a plate of food. I took a whiff and smelled bacons and eggs. The grin on his face never faltered even the slightest as he sat down on the bed near me. In fact, it seemed to glow brighter with every passing moment. I wonder what made him so happy. My stomach chose to let out a growl at that very moment and my face flushed red. I reached for the fork in Alex’s hand, but he quickly pulled away from me.

I scowled, making him laugh out loud. He sliced the scrambled egg, took a stab at it, and brought it to my mouth. I look at him disbelievingly, wondering what has gotten into him. I knew that Alex loved cliches, but I didn’t think it’d be this bad.

“I can feed myself,” I complained, trying my best to suppress the heat that was threatening to make its way to my face.

“Say ‘Ah’.” Alex teased. Heat instantly rushed to my face and I’m pretty dang sure that my face is red and hot. I bit the inside of my mouth, desperately trying to suppress the bubbly feeling that was threatening to showcase itself like it was on a fashion show. Just then, my stomach made itself known, whining for the food that was almost brushing past my lip. I caved and took a bite of the egg off the fork. Alex was definitely amused by how red I’m blushing, a satisfied and mischievous glint reflecting in his dark blue eyes. I couldn’t scowl even if I wanted to.

Alex was definitely having the time of his life, feeding me bit by bit. Rather than trying to get food in my stomach, it seemed that he was enjoying feeding me. When he sliced the already bite-sized scrambled egg even further, I let out a groan.

“Come on, just let me finish the food.” I cried out, wanting this embarrassing moment to be over as soon as possible.

“Just one more?” He pouted with doggy eyes. That should be illegal. I caved and just let him have his way.

“You’re impossible!” I groaned as he sliced the egg into another half.

“I’m your impossible.” He bragged and I just sighed in defeat.

When he finally let me finish off the food, we lay in bed and cuddled a bit. I was enjoying this current peace that we were experiencing. But of course, there were bigger things to worry about. A loud howl resounded from the forest, signaling an attack. Footsteps stormed around the packhouse, there were shouting and panicked cries. Alex quickly got up from the bed and made a grab for my hands. I didn’t have to ask, his main priority was me and he isn’t obliged to help out Lucas yet. We made our way to the living room for more information but unfortunately, we were stopped by Lucas.

“Nathan, can I speak to you for a moment?” Lucas pleaded urgently. Alex growled lowly but didn’t say anything when I gave his hand a quick squeeze.

“What is it?” I asked. It can’t be anything good if he is turning to me for help.

“The patrol team fought with a single rogue. Oliver, my beta, was part of the team. The last message I heard from him was ‘he was using magic’. I won’t be able to defeat the rogue if he really uses magic, can I ask for your help?” Lucas requested. I was more than certain that this Oliver guy met a Demonic wolf but, it is worrying regarding the increased number of Demonic wolves roaming about.

“Of course,” I replied quickly. Alex whined but didn’t argue. Having faced off Demonic wolf, he knows that a normal werewolf wouldn’t be able to put up even a decent fight. The three of us quickly made our way to the forest. A strange scent filled the area, a scent that I do not recognize yet it seemed familiar. The three of us quickly came to stop and a pitch-black wolf trotted out from behind the tree. It growled menacingly at us but didn’t seem to make a move. His fur coat wasn’t like Alex’s glossy black fur. Rather, it was like a matted black fur, neither pleasing to the eye nor did it compliment the wolf. It looked heavy.

Alex and Lucas quickly shifted into their wolves, that was when we noticed that something was very off. Being alphas, Alex and Lucas have rather large wolf forms. However, this guy stood slightly taller than both of them. The aura that he gives off was that of a warrior, not an Elder. He shouldn’t be bigger.

Alex quickly stood in front of me protectively while Lucas positioned himself to attack. I quickly raised my arm and took aim. But before I could think of anything else, fear gripped my heart.

What if I messed things up again? What if I lose control of myself again? What if I hurt Alex again? My heartbeat sped up and a dark swirl of thoughts started dragging me down. There was a flurry of movements, but I could no longer focus on my surroundings.

A soft wet tongue dragged up my face, instantly dragging me out of my dark thoughts. Alex nuzzled my cheeks and let out a soft whine as if reassuring me that he would stay by me no matter what happens. My heartbeat returned back to normal, and I could feel that I was back in control.

It will be okay, I convinced myself. I am no longer alone.

Lucas fought hard, holding off the Demonic wolf. He growled loudly at the Demonic wolf who seemed to be toying with him. He needed to buy enough time for Alex to bring me back to my senses.

The Demonic wolf wasn’t really any faster than Lucas, but he was much stronger. Fortunately, it didn’t seem that the Demonic wolf knew how to use its power. If he did, there was no way Lucas would be able to buy any time. I quickly gathered my power and raised a hand up into the sky.

“Lucas! Dodge!” I shouted and swung my hand down. Lucas quickly stepped back. The Demonic wolf chased after Lucas as if he was chasing down prey. Like a guillotine, the blade of air hanging in the sky dropped right where the Demonic wolf was at, decapitating it instantly. Seeing that the attack was successful, Lucas shifted back to his human form.

Something was very wrong though, there was no blood spilling out. Instead, it looked as if the wound was trying to close itself up, even though such an injury would clearly devoid anyone of life. Anyone except….

“Stand back!” Ray suddenly screamed from behind us, his white hair in a dirty mess with some leaves and branches sticking out of it. He threw up both hands and quickly trapped the Demonic wolf in a ball with what seemed like a forcefield. “Nathan!”

I quickly concentrated inside the ball. If chopping its head off doesn’t kill it, it just means that I must kill him in a way that he is not able to recover from. I spin the wind blades like a blender, mincing up the Demonic wolf.

It was a gruesome sight. Lucas quickly turned away and threw up at a nearby tree. However, my plan worked. The demonic wolf was no longer recognizable and there didn’t seem to be any kind of healing or stitching back together. We sighed in relief. Jake, who had followed behind Ray, quickly brought the spare clothes and towel to Lucas. Alex quickly shifted back and enveloped me in a hug.

“You did well.” He praised while petting my head. I blushed and look down, trying to hide my face. That was when I saw his rod, hanging in between his legs, in full view. I yelped and tried to get away but Alex caged me in his arms and gave a hearty laugh. Ray sighed tossed a towel at the both of us.

“I’m going to check on the patrol team,” Ray informed us and took Lucas and Jake with him, leaving me alone with Alex.

“Shall we head back then?” Alex suggested and I smiled. Going back sounds like a great idea.

Help… A weak voice murmured in my head. My body stiffened, Alex, who just finished tying the towel around his waist, gave me a quizzical look. I recognize that voice anywhere.

Please, anyone… It didn’t sound like it was directed at me. A pained howl resounded deep from within my headspace.

The howl immediately shook me to my core. Terui was in danger.

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