People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 31

-Nathan’s POV-

“Wow, you really have silver eyes.” Ray teased.

“And you have white hair.” Hastie retorted while Hallie giggled. “Your point?”

Ray whined and buried his face into Hallie’s hair. He seems to hate his white hair very much. Hallie was very amused, occupied with playing Ray’s no white hair. I laughed and leaned into Alex. Life has been going fine. Sometimes it may feel like the calm before the storm, but with Alex around, even if the storm is a hurricane, it doesn’t matter. It’s hard to believe how much my life would change.

“Sir Nathan!” A guy shouted from a far corner, which made me jolt up. Tonight, was a night where the Crescent Moon Pack and the Southwind Pack celebrate the destruction of Darkvale Pack. I guess everyone really had it with them.

I tried my best to remember this man. Messy brown hair with green highlights, dressed in a tuxedo with a long leather belt that tails down on his side. He was rather tall, although shorter than Alex. Alex growled and grabbed me possessively. He was already not fond of Karl talking to me, let alone a new person. He seemed familiar though. The man stopped in front of me and got down on one knee. He placed his right fist over his chest and hung his head low.

“Sir Nathan, divine wolf of the Goddess. I am Druid, I had once served Terui Knight but I have deemed him to be unworthy of the service of my lineage.” He formally announced, earning a few gasps from Ray and the others. “Please, allow me to serve you.”

I looked at Alex, who wore a scowl on his face. Ray however was desperately mouthing, with frantic arm movements, to get me to accept the offer. Druids are rare and having one to serve you is of the highest honour.

“I don’t need someone to serve me. But we can arrange for you to be part of Alex’s pack, and you could help out when we require your assistance. How does that sound?” I asked Druid and Alex.

“That would be splendid,” Druid answered with a huge grin.

“Fine…” Alex grumbled out after Philip nudged him. I hugged Alex, which seemed to calm him down. I figured that since the Beta of the Cresent Moon pack was Philip, who wasn’t a werewolf, the pack wouldn’t mind having a druid.

“Hahaha. See, I told you that you wouldn’t have anything to worry about.” Christopher, previous Alpha of Southwind Pack, heartily laughed as he walked over with his mate. We greeted him but he simply waved us off.

“It’s good to see you, Alpha Christopher.”

“Drop the honorifics and manners, we are no longer the Alpha and Luna.” Christopher told us with a smile.

“But…” Alex tried to argue but he got cut off by Luna.

“No buts, we insist. After all, we are planning to move here.” She informed with a wink.


“Yeah. We have been in Southwind Pack for a while and after we transferred our title, we decided to leave the pack and join this one. After all, we love it here.” Christopher answered with a cheeky smile. I laughed together with Alex.



An awkward silence drifted between us. Alex remained at my side but the awkwardness was too much for the rest. Christopher, Luna, and Druid mumbled something about packing and scurried off. Ray, Hallie, Hastie, and Philip just ran off without a word. Lucas came over and joined us.

“So, you’re mated to Jake?” I asked Lucas, awkwardly avoiding my gaze with Jake. I don’t really know how to face him after all these years. I haven’t forgiven him for all the things that had happened.

“Yeah,” Lucas answered with a smile, putting his hand on Jake’s waist. His shirt slipped down a little and I saw the mating mark etched in his otherwise smooth skin. Jake blushed and I almost gagged. But I am not the only one. Alex was looking at Jake with obvious disdain and pulled me onto his lap.

“Nathan, I know that it may be hard to forgive Jake but do you mind just listening to him?” Lucas pleaded.

“Lucas, no offense, but even I can’t forgive Jake for what he has done,” Alex growled out with animosity.

“Is there something I should know?” I questioned my mate.

“Yes, but I don’t really want you to hear it,” Alex grumbled out. I look at him quizzically and it seemed that he was deep in thought before caving in. “Fine, but only this time.”

Jake took a deep breath and clutched onto Lucas’ hand tight. Seems like I’m not the only one who’s having trouble.

“Remember in the past, you healed me from my cancer?” Jake asked sheepishly. Remember? I couldn’t forget even if I want to. The largest, ugliest, and the most jagged scar that ran from my chest, all the way to my waist. It was all because of him. I took a deep breath and nodded. There was no point in getting angry about this now. “Because of that, it seems that sometimes, I am able to feel some of your pain and suffering.”

“Sorry, what do you mean by that.” I deadpanned. Anger was slowly building up in me, if it wasn’t for Alex running his fingers through my hair, I would have exploded by now.

“I felt it when… you know… you got raped.” He muttered although all of us heard it perfectly clear.

“Not a lot, not as bad as you had it… I think… just a little bit? But after you got kidnapped, I haven’t really felt anything.” He added quickly. But my anger was already off the roof.

“You what! You had been able to feel my pain!” I screamed, standing on the ground. Jake flinched but managed a nod. “And you did nothing about it? How selfish are you! All those years. All the pain. All the shame. All the humiliation. You are telling me now that you had been aware of it!”

“Nathan! Calm down!” Lucas growled out and pushed me back. I stumbled backward, not knowing how close I had gotten to Jake.

“Watch it, Lucas.” Alex threatened, catching me in his arms.

“Jake is trying to apologise already. There’s no need to get so agitated.” Lucas snapped.

“Apologise?” I seethed.

“Did you know what he has done? He let me go through all those tortures. He can feel it? How about the time where he let his ‘friends’ beat me up? How about the times where he walked by while I was getting raped by his ‘best friend’? How about the time where my dear ‘father’ stabbed me with a knife? How about the time where his ‘girlfriend’ forced my head down a toilet bowl?” I questioned angrily, staring Lucas straight in the eyes. Lucas’ eye went wide like saucers. Apparently, he didn’t know the degree of what I went through. “All those times, he was there. You’re telling me that he was able to feel my pain and decided not to help? Not to let my father know what is going on or…I don’t know…that he can feel my pain so they should stop the abuse?”

I stopped to catch a breath. Lucas was utterly disgusted while Jake looked like a deer in headlights. I could feel another burst of anger inside me, but it wasn’t mine. Alex grabbed my hand tight, not enough to hurt, but enough for me to know how he was feeling. For some reason, Alex’s low growls managed to soothe my nerves and calm me down a bit.

“All those times, the ones who saved me were Kelly and Alex. Apologize? I’m sorry. There is no way I can accept any apology.” I asserted, pulling Alex with me. “Let’s go back, I don’t want to stay here anymore.

Lucas nodded with a dangerous look in his eyes while Jake hung his head in shame. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t what Jake had wanted to tell me, but I don’t care. I don’t need his pity, his concern, or his reassurance.

[A/N: Hi everyone, how do you think of the direction of the story so far? I would really love to hear your opinions! - Devlan]

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