People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 3

-Terui’s POV-

(A day before)

“Everything is ready sir.” My butler, also my best friend, Druid informed me.

“Thanks, Druid. Let’s get a move on shall we, we have to get to Housten before nightfall.” Getting into the jet, I popped a Halls mint into my mouth and waited for him to give a signal to the pilot to take off.

I rest my head on the cushion and thought about my old town. It’s a nice change of pace without all the wars going on. New people though mostly werewolves, new buildings, new scenery, and unfortunately new mates. I’m not looking forward to finding my mate. Why? It’s simple. I’m immortal, I can’t die but my mate can which means I will continue living even if my mate is dead.

As the plane landed at the airport, several reporters rushed towards the plane, not caring about the police who are trying their very best to block them up. I sighed as Druid tried to get them to move so I could actually get out. A few more years and I can pretend to vanish from this world.

There was some struggling in the crowd but I am finally on my way to no man’s land, which will be ours soon.

After marking out the area, I could finally relax and contact the pack to come in, fortunately, the packhouse and a few other buildings were done, though not every building.

I’m done marking out the place, you can enter the zone now. Tell the alpha that he has to mark out the place a second time to strengthen the scent near the boundaries. I will visit the surrounding pack to announce our arrival.

I took off, running towards the closest pack in the area after sending the report.


(Present time)

I jolted up from the bed as a pang of worry ran through me. I found myself breathing hard as an unknown sadness passed by my heart. My wolf whimpered at the aching pain in my heart but I could understand his thoughts clearly. My mate is in this country and he/she is very near to me. I traveled through the packs yesterday but there wasn’t any sign that my mate was in any of the packs. It’s not possible for me to feel their emotions if they are dead or rogue so that means that either they just got back or that they are in some pack that I haven’t visited yet.

My wolf is known as the Ash wolf in the were community, Ash wolves are much more sensitive to their mates feelings. These feelings are also known to bring out the potential of the wolf but as I said, it may also bring about the downfall of the same person.

I felt the feelings disappearing which means that my mate is getting further away from me. My wolf whined at that thought and is begging me to give chase but I just shushed him. As an elder, I have to first establish the treaty with the surrounding pack in the pack meeting that will happen a few hours from now. If I’m not wrong, Lucas and the other members should be on their way to school now.

-Nathan’s POV-

“Natty!” Kelly called out, waving her hands around like a madwoman on drugs. If I didn’t know that she was a werewolf, I would have assumed that she really is on drugs. Perhaps she is... I walked towards her, plastering a fake smile which I spent many years perfecting. She gave me a friendly hug before dragging me through the front gates of the school. Alex stood there, absorbing all the praises and admiration from the students around. With him, I stood out like a sore thumb, but it still surprises me that he hangs out with me.

Unfortunately, that also means more enemies.

I walked with them in the school corridor but keeping a fair distance so that the students will just take me as the light bulb to their relationship. I collected my stuff from the locker with the two beasts ‘guarding’ me. When we finish collecting our stuff, we headed towards our first period, Kelly with me.

“Hey Natty, have you seen any of the new students yet?” Kelly asked me on our way there. I shrugged before pondering about it.

“Nope, I haven’t. I would rather they not actually bother about me honestly.” I replied, making her sigh. She is tired of my negativity but I really do not want another person to know about me just to beat me up later.

When we entered class, unusually loud noise could be heard throughout the room, the substitute teacher having a hard time getting them to settle down before our teacher arrive. The class immediately settled down once Mrs. Ray stepped into the class.

Mrs. Ray is one of the most badass teachers in school that. She has this aura around her that can cause people to shit their pants even before hearing her speak. There was one time the idiots (jocks) made a dare to piss her off and it’s sad to say she decided not to rip their balls off. I swear she made satan look like the good guy and I’m lucky that she would occasionally look out for me. Or maybe she was just annoyed at their behaviors causing me to skip her classes

“Class,” she said in her usual eerie voice, “there will be three new people joining our class. Please introduce yourself.”

The newcomers stood up took turns introducing themselves.

“I’m Hastie (read as Hasty), I’m from the Southwind Pack. I’m in a full AP class, hope we could get along.” The first girl introduced herself. She is about 5"5′, slim yet has those curves that many women would die for.

“I’m Hallie (read as Hail-ly), as you can see, me and Hastie are twins but I’m the younger one. I will be in most of the non-AP class, hope we get along.” The second girl spoke. She looks the same as Hastie but you can see that Hallie has a slightly larger frame.

“My name is Lucas, next in line for the Alpha of the Southwind pack. I’m hoping to be able to find my mate.” The last newcomer introduced himself. From his frame, I could tell that he is the alpha. In a pack, usually, the alpha has the larger frame if not the warrior or beta. He’s about 6"2′, near my brother’s height.

“Please take a seat anywhere you like, I’ll start the briefing for your 1 month project. I will not tolerate any late submission, also it holds 70% of your final exam grades so do it well.” She started.

“First get into groups of five, any shortage will be dealt with later but since there are 3 new students, we have just enough. Kelly shifted her seat next to mine immediately, claiming herself to my group. we just sat there and waited for the other 3 unlucky ones to join our group. I shifted my sight and saw the new trio walk past, choosing a group to join in. You could literally see people showing off more skin as if it will invite them. I shiver in disgust and looked away.

As they got closer to me and Kelly, I started to get nervous. Kelly will probably be overjoyed but I am seriously hoping they will not join.

God must have hated me.

They took a seat near us and I kept really quiet cause I’m currently cursing and swearing to everybody out there mentally.

“This is like the first time in forever someone actually decided to join this mini group!! I’m Kelly, mated to the next Alpha of Crescent Moon pack. This is my greatest and only friend Nathan!! He’s not talking now but don’t worry, he is just cursing at someone out there as usual.” Kelly rambled in her bubbly speech, embarrassing me along the way but I was too grumpy to actually bother about it now.

The girls continued off talking about their hobbies while I listened to project requirements together with Lucas, who seemed to be used to the ruckus.

“Natty!! Should we meet at your place or do you want to go to their place??” Kelly shout-whispered into my ear.

“Their place, don’t even consider mine.” I told her strictly, no one else should ever find out what happens at my side. She hung her head, apologizing to me through the mind link.

“Nathan right?? Would you like to meet at our place after school today??” Lucas asked me, having an attitude different from most alpha I know of, except Alex of course. I nodded just as the bell rang. I quickly shot out of the classroom, getting to the math room ASAP while avoiding the entire student body.

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