People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 28

-Nathan’s POV-

We sat in the living room, fingers interlaced with each other while waiting for Elder Olivia, Kalen, Milo, and Philip to arrive. Alex grinned foolishly and rested his cheeks on my head of hair. I scowled and shook my head roughly. Not only it didn’t get him off my head, it made him laugh at my antics and that wasn’t funny at all. He buried his head deep in my hair and took a deep breath, letting my scent ingrain in his memory. He let go of my hand, snaked his arms around me, and pulled me close. A smile forced its way onto my face and I gave in to his affection.

My mind was swirling with so many conflicting emotions. His affection was like a foreign ingredient, trying to spice up my life and I have no idea if it will turn out good or bad. At times, my mind tells me that I do not deserve this at all. There was no way something this good is supposed to happen. I will wake up and realized that this is all a dream.

Or worse. This may just be the calm before the storm.

But before I can sink further into these dark thoughts, Alex nuzzled his cheeks on my neck and nibbled gently on my shoulder blade. I was instantly pulled out from the dark pit of thoughts and felt his arms pulling me closer to him.

He noticed, I instantly realized. I sighed blissfully.

“Alright, lovebirds. Have we given you enough time?” Philip chided which startled Alex. I felt him jump and a snicker escaped from my throat. Alex whined but didn’t say anything. I feel his mouth on my shoulder turned into a scowl. I guess he doesn’t like being interrupted and made fun of by his Beta.

Dad, Elder Olivia, Kalen, Milo, and Philip came walking down the stairs, taking a seat in the living room. We were going to discuss the matter of us being mates. Apparently, there may be certain issues or things that need to be pointed out. Elder Olivia and Philip happened to come across some ancient text and new information that may or may not be relevant to us.

“Right, let’s get down to business.” Philips started after getting comfortable. “First up would be that I had finally figured out what is up with the healing ability of our little white wolf here,” Alex growled at Philip’s way of addressing me, but Philip just brushed it off nonchalantly.

“The healing ability does not technically belong to the Moon goddess. It belongs to Aceso, the Greek Goddess of the healing process. She’s not a well-known goddess but a goddess nonetheless.” Philip explained.

“So, she blessed him to be able to heal any wounds?” Alex asked, curious to know how I received a blessing from a goddess from mythology.

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t get more information about it. According to the book I found in the Library, it only mentioned that Nathan received the blessing from the goddess Aceso. The power is meant for him. As such, when he extends the power to anyone else, it would damage himself as a recoil.” Philip frowned and pursed his lips, debating on whether to reveal the next information or not. “But it did mention that Nathan had earned the favour of the Goddess.”

“Nathan, do you remember anything that may have led to this?” Elder Olivia questioned. It was obvious that she had known of this information prior to this meeting. I shook my head. There wasn’t anything in my memory that I saw, or that I remember, that may have earned any favour from anyone, let alone a goddess.

“Couldn’t you search this up?” Alex asked Philip. Philip sighs and scratched his head.

’I tried but it’s not that easy to search for such things.” Philip lamented. “It’s pretty much the same as Google, but on a wider scale. It is important that I have the keywords in order to do the search. I only found out about it after Ray had told me that Nathan might have some divinity inside of him.”


“Well, let’s move on,” Dad said, hiding the scowl that’s on his face. “Elder Olivia remembered something interesting. Nathan, Alex, can I get the both of you to recount the events that happened with Kelly?”

I looked at Alex and he gave me a soft smile, so I recounted the event that Gale had told me. The effect of the spell, the link in our soul, and how he severed it. Alex had added on some of his side of the story, as Kelly had mentioned a bit more to him. By the end of the story, Elder Olivia seemed to have a knowing look in her eyes.

“The spell, it’s like a soul transfer.” Elder Olivia explained. “By exchanging a part of your soul with her, she can maintain her looks and youth. When the spell was broken, it was highly possible that you forcibly took back your part of the soul. Now, this is my hypothesis, but I think that because your soul and Kelly’s soul had established a connection when she passed, you were automatically selected as the next best candidate.”

“If that is the case, why didn’t I feel it?” Alex asked, confused by what Elder Olivia was saying.

“My theory is that it was because Nathan hadn’t decided nor had he broken off his connection with his own mate. Since nothing was decided, he couldn’t be selected as a second chance mate. But after he broke off the connection, he was instantly selected as your mate.” Elder Olivia theorized. On paper, it sounded legit. Although I have some doubts, it does make sense as to why I was chosen as a second chance mate. I muttered a small thank you to Kelly and felt Alex’s hand over mine, giving it a slight squeeze.

I could hear his heart beating calmly and saw a ghost of a smile on his face. He was just as glad as I am to have this chance.

“Ahem.” Dad coughed out which made us jump a bit. “Well then, time for me to do my part.”

“Alexandria Rose, you better treat my son right. He may be my adopted son, but he is my son nonetheless. If I hear a single complaint about you from him, if you ever even think about hurting him, I WILL castrate you. You won’t be able to hide from me, mark my words.”

The threat hung in the air, letting every single word seep into the bones as Alex gulped and I stared in shocked silence. Philip tried to hide his laughter, desperately holding it in while fanning his face.

When the gravity of the words finally hit me, my eyes watered. I was finally blessed with people that care about me. I tried my best to wipe the happy tears away, but they just kept coming. I buried my face into the fabric of Alex’s shirt, and I could feel him pulling me in. It was a confirmation of his affection and I’m loving every second of it.

“Urgh.” Kalen huffed out and left the room. Which shocked many of us. We had actually thought that she would be the happiest out of all of us.

“Sorry, Nathan. Please give her a while. You have to understand that almost losing her only son was a devastating blow to her.” Milo pleaded before running off after Kalen. Well, I guess not everything can be a happy ending.

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