People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 26

-Nathan’s POV-

The cheerful atmosphere in front was a direct and painful opposite of the current atmosphere I’m in. Kalen was giving off dangerous vibes, dad was gushing over me, trying his best to get me to start talking. The wizard that came with Kalen was keeping a rather far distance with a stoic look on his face. But no matter how far he stood, there was no hiding the fear that flash in his eyes from time to time when Kalen glanced back at him.

I kept my silence, not wanting to speak while Ray and Alex were knocked out. I didn’t really know what to say. After all, I was caught up in my own memories and I didn’t really witness much except that Ray and Alex had been doing their best to protect me. Yet I was caught up in my own emotions. I didn’t even know if they had talked while I was not paying attention.

I caused this to happen. If I had been more cautious, if I had been able to control myself better, none of this would have happened. Alex and Ray wouldn’t be in such a state because of me. When we stepped past the purple veil, the cheerful atmosphere seemed to have vanished. It was as if everyone suddenly sensed that something was very wrong. Milo came rushing to his wife's side and Kalen handed Ray over to him. The moment Milo touched Ray, his face changed.

“We need a mana transfusion ASAP! Karl, set up the transfusion spell this instant!” Milo screamed at the team of wizards. The shortest of the wizards quickly rummaged his pouch while running towards what I assumed was the Medical Bay. The hood slipped off his head and you can see his red hair rushing against the wind as he picked up the pace. Philip quickly came over and guided dad towards the Medical Bay. I trailed behind and saw people cheering, some drinking, while others are pacing about worriedly. When we reached the Medical Bay, Milo was shouting desperately at Karl as Dad was being guided away to a room meant for Alphas.

“Karl! Come on! We need to act fast or else his life is in danger!” Milo begged while the poor boy. Karl looked somewhere around 14 to 16 years of age, his red hair contrasting strongly against his pale white skin.

“But… I…” Karl sputtered out against the pressure, unable to form his sentence clearly. He looked around desperately, trying to find something, anything that can get him out of that situation. He glanced in my direction, and we locked eyes for a brief moment. I quickly turned my head the other way, but the damage was done.

“Him!” Karl exclaimed loudly, pointing fingers at me. “Him! He has the most suitable mana!”

I quickly turned heels, not wanting to be part of the commotion but Milo was already sprinting down the room and clutch my hands.

“Nathan, please. We need you to give some mana to Ray. He over exhausted himself and he might die if we don’t act now.” He begged me. I was ridden with guilt. Ray would never blame me for it but I can’t let him die like this. Not because of me. Knowing him, he would just laugh it off saying that he overestimated himself. I took a breath and nodded my head.

Karl guided me into what I assume was the transfusion circle that was drawn neatly on the polished wood floor. Ray was laid on another circle that looked like the one that I was standing on. Karl drew some connecting lines and some symbols between the two circles with green chalk. Once he was done, he quickly stepped away. Milo took a deep breath and placed both hands on the ground. The lines and symbols shimmered in a bright purple and glowed brilliantly.

But the moment the light reaches my circle, my breath hitched. My knees buckled and I was forced onto my knees as I felt something being drained. My vision started to swirl, and I felt like I was about to throw up at any point in time.

“Mr. Nathan! Mr. Nathan!” Karl shouted from outside the circle.

“Nathan!” I heard dad shout from somewhere in the corner.

“Raphael! do not step inside, the entire process might be messed up if you do so. It will put both of them in danger.” Milo shouted fiercely. Dad let out a low growl.

“I’m…Fine…” I wheezed out. I was slowly losing energy and consciousness.

“Mr. Nathan. We need you to stay awake a bit longer. As long as we can give Mr. Ray the minimum amount needed, he will survive.” Karl pleaded, probably out of fear of what would happen if Ray didn’t survive. I just nodded my head, unable to speak. Forcing myself to stay awake, I clench my fist and pinched my knees. The pain instantly got me sober for a few moments, but the constant drain was starting to take its toll. I collapsed onto the floor and started breathing heavily.

“Nathan!” Dad shouted with worry laced in his voice.

I need to stay awake. I need to stay awake, I told myself. I struggled to keep my eyes open, but I could see Karl panicking. Voices started to become fainter and fainter as I continued my struggle. I’m sorry Ray, I can’t keep up anymore.

Just as I was about to give up, the shimmering purple faded away and a few faint cheers could be heard from around the room. But I could feel that I was already fading into darkness.

I woke up to my dad snoring off at one side, sitting uncomfortably on a wooden chair. The smell of antiseptic and the constant beeping at the side of my ear told me where I was. I tried moving my body but the exhaustion made it almost impossible. Struggling, I focused all my energy to reach the hospital’s bed remote, which was at the side of the bed, to at least lift myself or press the ‘call a nurse’ button. I stretched my fingers as much as possible, and I finally touched the remote.

Only, I accidentally pushed it off the bed. I immediately looked away and prepared for the clanking sound between the floor and the remote. Dad immediately shot up from his position and was poised, ready to take out any intruder or assassin if one so decided to come. His eyes glanced at the room with a hard glare, focused on finding any form of threat.

When he finally determined that there was no threat at all, he glanced at me and for the first time, noticed that I finally woke up. His eyes soften up and came over to my side.

“Are you feeling okay?” Dad asked, picking up the remote off the floor and placing it in my hands. I press the incline button on the remote and the bed slowly inclined to a sitting position.

“I’m okay.” I voiced out, sounding hoarse. I got myself in a more comfortable position while dad got some water from the side table and handed it to me. I smiled and took a sip of water, relishing the feeling of water sliding down my throat. “How are Ray and Alex?”

“Ray’s recovered, thanks to you,” Dad said, voice sounding somewhat strained. “According to Milo, it seemed that the mana transfer was successful. But because you’re not used to using mana like a wizard, the side effects were worse than usual. Alex had recovered by the next day and now he’s stuck in his office dealing with the aftermath of the attack.” I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my eyes. Within seconds, I was fast asleep.

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