People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 2 (PG13v)

-Nathan’s POV-


Goo dripped from my hair and landed on the floor with a splat. I sighed and closed what was left of my locker if you can even call it that. The hinge was barely intact, and the poor thing was dented out of its recognisable shape. I grab my worn-out bag and keep it an arms length away from my slimy clothing as I walked back home. It was the end of class.

While walking through the forest near the border, I could sense two people creeping in on me. Judging from their quick movement and heavy footstep, they should be the pack warriors. From the Darkvale Pack. When you are constantly abused, you learn how to differentiate such things. Running away was pretty much useless but I always try my best. I quickly walked away, trying to get to safety as soon as possible. Not alerting them that I know, would be the best way to get out of this.

The moment I stumbled over a piece of rock, a wolf charged and headbutted me on the side. I felt a sharp pain upon impact and I could feel my hip bone breaking. I struggled on keeping myself standing as my powers kicked into action. I was healed within seconds, allowing me to grip onto the tree for support but the pain still dulled my senses.

Just as I was about to consider running away, a second wolf shot up from behind me and sank his teeth at my abdomen area. I yelp in pain but manage to take the opportunity, grit my teeth and elbowed his face, causing him to howl in pain and release me from the bite. I manage to catch my breath, took my chance, and scrambled through the forest for my bag and escape. However, I did not get far before the first wolf raked his fangs into my legs. I let out a yell of pain, desperately trying not to cry from the pain inflicted, showing a sign of weakness.

I manage to knock him off using my free leg but my legs are now currently too injured for me to move. Despite my abilities trying their best to heal my legs, there was no way I could move away in time for the wolf, whom I elbowed, to come charging again. I used my hands and shielded myself from his oncoming attack. I felt his claws digging into my sides, probably puncturing my stomach, and his fangs sinking into my arm. I screamed in pain whilst trying to get off. I could feel the pain coursing through my body. It hurts a lot and he just keeps moving his claw, digging deeper into my waist while gnawing at my arm.

I begged him to get off, trying not to scream from the pain he is still inflicting. But being pack warriors, they know that I can heal well and used that as an excuse to use me as a target or a punching bag.

Surprisingly, he got off me, allowing my powers to kick in at full force, draining me of my energy to fight or flight. I looked at my attackers and tried to keep in my cries of help as they stood there, ready for my next torture.

I felt their dirty hands on my body, making me feel like puking at their touch. I flinched as one of them ripped my pants, roughly shoving my legs open exposing my nether region to the cold air. I tried begging them to stop but was only replied with my own clothes shoved down my throat. Tears rolled down my face as I desperately try to escape from their grips.

I begged and begged for them to stop but instead of giving a reply, they just laughed at my broken form. Digging their claws into my battered and scarred body to keep me from running. They made use of me for their own pleasure, unbothered that they themselves have their own mate, their other half. Having power, and having control is what makes them the pack warrior.

I felt broken tears travel down my face as they finally went for their duty.

I limped the way back home exhausted, not even bothered to greet my parents who don’t look the slightest bit surprised, and sank myself into the hot bath. I was too broken to even be surprised but I still hate the pain and the heartache that came along with it. I could not stop the tears as I saw the white goo float on the surface of the water, reminding me of my position and the horrors I have been through. I feel so useless.

In the end, I headed off to bed, trying not to care about the aching I hoped would disappear.

-Flashback (10 years ago)-

“You’re going to this school,” My father said monotonously. Before I could get a hold of myself, I growled loudly at him. A fist met my face, almost concaving it I swear. I stumbled back, shocked that he would actually hit me. I bit my lips, desperately trying not to let my tears spill. I looked at my mother for help but all I could see was a blank face of indifference. I could not argue with him or it would only bring me pain. It was always like this, I am just dirt in their face.

“Useless mutt, why couldn’t it be you.” My brother muttered under his breath. I would kill to be in my brother’s shoes right now. Not having to go with the rest of my ‘peers’ and be treated like a piece of garbage.

“At least you aren’t a piece of shit like me.” I spat out ruthlessly, not caring how much the truth hurts me. I will do anything I could to get any attention.

“Well, maybe if you aren’t an Omega, none of this shit would have happened to you.” He spat. I didn’t know what I was thinking, I could only feel desperation as I lashed out at my brother, mercilessly pounding at his face. Unlike me, my parents treasured my brother. I was the runt, I was not the Alpha or Beta, I am just a puny thing that is a weakness to all of them like they love to remind me with every single chance they got.

“You!! Heal his wounds now. How dare you harm your own brother!” my father commanded using that ugly voice of his. As much as I want to deny it, I did not have enough power to reject the command. The command of an Alpha. My first halted in midway despite my struggles and my power activated I ended up healing him.

A searing pain erupted in my chest, stretching to my abdomen area. I clutch at the wound, willing it to go away. Blood! I looked at my arm to see that my shirt is soaked in blood, my blood. I looked at the pile of notes nearby and I saw the cause which left me dumbfounded. My brother had cancer and I just helped him recover from it. I didn’t know if I was laughing from my stupidity or from the fact that I have the ability to cure a deadly disease. I felt my vision blur from the amount of blood I’m losing...

-end of flashback-

I jolted up at the sudden flashback. To date, I have not forgiven them for forcing me to receive the pain of my brother. If there are too many things to heal in one shot, I could heal bit by bit. This will allow me to treat it properly. Let me explain: if I treat all at one go, there may be problems that even I can’t treat. but if I treat bit by bit, I can ensure all is healed. The cost of me healing my brother almost killed me and I’m pretty sure that is what they want since that is pretty much the only way I can die, being unable to heal myself after expending all my energy.

When I could not fall back to sleep, I ended up in the shower, singing to myself. Letting out all my pain through the form of music.

I threw on a black jacket that I previously picked up from the trash, threw my jeans on, and went out of my house to get to school before ‘they’ get to school. I ran through the forest, enjoying the nice breeze. I got to the bus stop and sat quietly at the chairs, awaiting the bus. If I’m not wrong, Kelly said that there will be a group of new students joining our school, possibly the new pack that is transferring here from New York. Honestly, I couldn’t even care about them since they will only add to my chain of torture. That’s how I’m always introduced, ‘The punching bag’ or ‘The useless bitch’.

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