People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 12

4 years after the kidnap

-Nathan’s POV-

The branches rattle as I descended from the sky breathless. It was days since I had landed on any ground. My legs gave way as I struggled to continue escaping from my prison, getting as far away as possible. Bruised and battered, I was pushing my body to its limits. I gathered the air to swirl around me as I leaped off the ground again.

Cover as much distance as I can, I thought to myself, hoping that I can get away safely with the little amount of energy I have left. My vision blurred as the swirling wind around my legs start to lose its form. This is as far as I can get I guess...

[a few months later]

“OW!” I exclaimed as my head hit the cold floor. It seems I rolled out of bed again. I stood up, supporting my head with one hand as I wait for the pain to subside. I walked wobbly to the bathroom, wincing at the slight stinging with every step I take. I brushed my teeth and stripped out of my clothing before stepping into the shower. I gazed at the scars on my hand as the water ran through them stinging like they always did.

Nathan… A ghostly voice sounded in my head. I always hear it from time to tie but nothing ever comes out of it. At first, I would respond to it. But after months of not receiving a reply, I gave up.

“Nathan! Stop hogging the toilet.” My ‘dad’ shouted from outside the toilet door. Well, he is not my actual dad. Raphael was the one who saved me after I had lost my consciousness falling from th. He is surprisingly comfortable with all this considering he is a weretiger, a sabretooth tiger at that. Werewolf and weretiger are not known to get along. He was the one who made the proposition to me after my recovery.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself with a towel before dressing myself. When I stepped out, I could smell the delicious aroma of breakfast. Dad is a freaking great cook.

“So, what would you be doing after school today?” He asked while sipping on his freshly brewed café latte.

“Urm...I’m probably going out with Ray later during the day. He said he needs my help with the project work.” I told him while munching on the perfectly fried egg.

“Him again! I swear you should stay away from that kid. He is only increasing your troubles.” He complained and rolled his eye. I giggled as I finished up my meal. I placed the used plates into the sink before grabbing my bag and head off to school on my skateboard.

In the lab, I was forced to develop my powers. When they found out that I was not an ordinary wolf, I was placed in their Special Care Unit. I suppose it should be obvious how that would go. Experiments after experiments, some are just laboratory tests, others are live experiments. But now, I’m grateful to be able to push the skateboard forwards without needing to kick my leg every few seconds.

I arrived on time just as the bell rang. I threw my board into the human-sized locker and secure it before rushing into my classroom. I quickly made my way to my seat before the teacher came in. I laughed at my luck as the teacher waddled in with a large number of papers.

“Hey, Nathan. What homework do we have to hand in today?” Ray whispered from behind me. I slipped a note of homework that I had noted down before the term break. I could hear him groan as he realized the amount of homework he had not done during the last week of break. “Do you know that there was a new teacher today?”

“Nope, I don’t keep up with gossips around the school,” I told him. Ray was more like a girl than a guy. Not the way he acts but rather his interest and hobby. He likes gossips, especially those that had to do with romance. He is the most well-known gossiper. Before I know it, he was already rambling about everything he heard from the recent gossips.

“...You know, they said that his name was Mr. Knight I think, a lot of students say he is really like a knight.” He told me. Knight... That is kind of familiar, I wonder why. Well, no use thinking about it since I probably wouldn’t even meet him, I told myself before shrugging.

We are already into our fifth period, and I could tell that Ray was bored to death already if I am getting bored myself. I am currently playing with a mini ball of swirling wind. It is harmless so I could hurl it at someone, and it would only feel like cotton wool struck them. Just as I was about to flick it at the teacher, the ball popped into tiny flower petals and fluttered onto the floor. I could hear laughter behind me, and I turned to glare at Ray for spoiling my fun.

Ray is a wizard but not a full-fledged one, so he is allowed to fool around with magic like this and still get away with it. But after his 18th birthday, which happens to fall next week, he would not be able to use his magic unwisely.

My heart ached suddenly, feeling as though I was struck by lightning. I pressed my fist onto my chest hoping to relieve at least a little of the pain as I suddenly felt breathless. Unknown fear erupted in me and a familiar howl of pain cried in my mind. Just as I was on the verge of fainting, a warm feeling came over me. The pain slightly cleared and I could slowly focus on what was happening around me.

“Nathan, go to the nurse to check on what’s wrong.” My teacher commanded, not giving me a chance to object to her decision. Ray, who had been using some recovery magic on me, carried me to the nurse’s office and lay me down on the bed before going off to find the nurse. I took in deep breaths as I calmed my beating heart down. This has happened many times, but none was as bad as this...

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