
Chapter 41

The place is finally quiet, media houses and the police have left, only a few people are lingering around the area obviously still wanting to get a glimpse of what happened.

I am sitted across Vaughn, I don’t want to imagine the pain that she is going through right now. I would have never guessed that Nelson was a mental case and needed a lot of help until today. Both he and Chisoni have been charged for murdering Ivy because both of their finger prints were found on the gun.

Samara is rubbing her back, she hasn’t said a word to me from the time they both walked into the house. I am in my own emotions and I just want them to leave.

‘Do you want me to call the lawyer?’ she asks her daughter who shakes her head

‘He might not be found guilty after all but he needs to be taken into a mental institution, he is not okay and he needs a lot of help.’ She says

I sink deep into the couch as I hold tight to the fleece blanket, tears falling. I don’t want these two to see me this broken but all this is way too much for me.

Vaughn manages to stand and walks out of the house.

‘I am sorry for your loss.’ Samara says, I look at her wondering why she is trying to be nice to me.

‘I haven’t seen VK this happy or sad in a long time.’

I raise an eyebrow

‘Happy when you two were all over each other like children and sad that all this is happening to him, I feel sad that he feels he should continue being the head of our household even though we have done so much wrong to him.’

I choose not to respond, even though she is trying to be nice she is not my friend and never will be.

‘I will leave now, I hope you can find some peace after the dust settles.’

I sigh heavily and when she closes the door behind her I sink further in my seat and look around the room, this is the house I grew up in. the same house where my parents lived all their days as a couple, we were supposed to have a happy ending and not how things just went south and I am not sure I will ever walk past the fact that the man who raised me as his own pulled the trigger and tried to kill me and worse off I am not sure how to feel now that Aunt Ivy took the bullet for me and she is no more. How am I supposed to live with all this for the rest of my life? What sort of future am I even supposed to have?

Tears are still running down my eyes when the door opens and a familiar scent hits me, it’s VK. I look up and he is there his face full of sympathy and seeing him look at me like this makes me cry even harder.

‘I am here now.’ He says when he holds me in his arms

‘I am here now.’ He repeats this time rubbing my back

I don’t know what to say to him, I don’t know if I am even ready to talk. As if reading my mind we sit in silence for close to ten minutes until I am calm and tears are no longer falling.

‘Mphatso was arrested for the murder of Moudy, we managed to retrieve the footage and after following it up we discovered it was him that did it and he framed you.’

I chuckle, nothing shocks me any more.

‘What can I do for you? Anything to make this more bearable.’

‘I want a fresh start away from all this, away from everything.’

‘And your biological dad?’

I chuckle, in my discovery I learnt he never told mum it was his sperms he had used until it was too late.

‘He has never been my father and he will never be.’

‘Where would you like to go?’

I shrug my shoulders, I don’t have a job or any money to my name.

‘You can get on the next plane to Kenya, I have a beach house there. You can stay until you are ready to face the world, take all the time you need to rediscover yourself and maybe when you get back you will be ready with that project.’

I laugh lightly, the first genuine laugh in weeks.

‘I love you Kasweka and I want nothing but the very best for you, I hope you never forget that.’ He says kissing my hand

‘I love you.’ I tell him honestly and this is about the most honest conversation I have had with anyone in a very long time and this right here is a place I want to be in forever.

The End


Your Friend and Author



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