Patterns of Chaos: Book One - The First War

Chapter 20

When Calixta returned to the Antarctic base, it was with a new title. “Empress. Welcome back.” Parsyns greeted her.

The ceremony had taken place a week before, broadcast on all frequencies. Following the nuptials, Calixta had made a speech, condemning the humans for needlessly arresting her, and attempting to assassinate her beloved. For many on both the Chancel as well as the planet, this was the first they had heard of the assassin, and the Global Alliance came down particularly hard on the Americans’ rogue operation.

Aside from controlling her powers, Paul had also taught her the value of chaos. In addition, she was an especially quick study.

Commander Karman had accompanied her again to the surface for this final test of the prototype engine. “Have your men prepared the security procedures I sent ahead of our arrival?”

Parsyns nodded. “Of course. We would not dream of endangering her Highness.”

“Good. My husband would have accompanied us; however other matters required his immediate attention.” She entered the hanger in order to escape the cold. More psionic children were being born on board the vessel, and as a temporary solution Stragdoc had found a way to essentially “lock off” their powers for a time. She had objected briefly, and then understood the necessity; a child with developing emotional control, possessing unheard of mental abilities, in a vessel in orbit around the was a recipe for complete disaster.

“At any rate, I wish to have this demonstration completed in short order. The new engine is ready for assembly, we merely await confirmation that it won’t explode upon activation.”

“Of course, Empress. Let me assure you that we are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the engine’s viability.” Parsyns nodded sycophantically.

Karman, looking around, nodded confidently in approval of the armed guards present. “Should any harm come to her Highness, your guards’ lives are forfeit. Understood?”

Parsyns swallowed nervously. “Yes, Commander.”

“Let’s not waste any time, I wish to return to the Chancel as soon as possible.” Calixta strode towards the prototype vessel. “Your pilot is confident in their ability to fly this?”

Parsyns nodded again. “Yes ma’am. I’ll be performing the test flight.”

Calixta turned to face him. “Such bravery. If this succeeds, you will accompany me home and be named a hero of the Empire.” She beamed warmly. Parsyns blushed in response.

“What flight plan do you intend?” Karman asked, reviewing the monitoring equipment.

“Once I clear the atmosphere, I’ll engage warp...fold...uh, hyperspace? I don’t know what the preferred term is? Anyway, I’ll kick in the engine for a trip past neptune, take a few vids of the area, and return to Earth orbit.”

“Excellent. The test is scheduled for first thing tomorrow morning.” Calixta proclaimed. “Make us proud, Director Parsyns.”

His chest puffed proudly, the test pilot saluted and hurried back to work. Calixta and Karman retired to their quarters, not noticing the red haired woman wearing welding goggles.

After all, Calixta had sworn to kill the blonde-haired Jennifer Safyo. This woman could not possibly be her.

Jennifer had arrived in Antarctica about a week prior, forged documentation in hand stating that she was a deep cover Imperial agent named Jane Tessier...and had not needed it. The base had been too preoccupied watching the broadcast of the Stragdoc/Morsalis nuptuals. So instead, she simply added her alias to a list of recent transfers from the Chancel, sent to assist in final construction of the prototype vessel.

A ship that she had fallen in love with. She had no idea who had designed the sleek vessel (although she knew the engines were a product of Edward Simms, chief engineer aboard the Chancel), but she had made a decision early on after arriving here.

When she left, she was taking that ship. She knew from looking through communication logs that taking it would not stop the engine design from being installed aboard Paul’s orbital dystopia; she wanted it for herself. It called to her the way cars called to people when she was in school.

Parsyns would perform his test, and then she was going to help herself. She had earned herself a little treat since Toronto.

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