Patterns of Chaos: Book One - The First War

Chapter 15

Rather than return directly to Site A, Calixta opted to return to the Chancel, and own up to the disaster in Toronto. Karman and his men were forced to fire upon the Canadian troops guarding the building, who had ascended to investigate the battle noises above them, as well as the obvious spaceship on the roof.

Calixta gave her full report kneeling before the Emperor, trying to maintain her composure, but failing quite miserably. “Pity about the soldiers. I always liked Canada.” She heard her master’s voice above her. “Get up, Calixta, show some dignity for god’s sake.”

Sniffling, she rose. She could not bear to look at him, so much trust he put in her and she had failed so utterly…

“Oh for….” He sighed in exasperation. She felt him willing her head upright to face him. “Calixta. At this point I’m more disappointed in your current behaviour than your inability to kill Safyo.”


“And stop that as well.” He tapped out a command and she heard his chamber door lock. He moved towards her, stroking her face tenderly. “When we are alone, you call me Paul from now on. After all, we do have a more...personal relationship these days.”

“I...I only wanted to please you…”

“Yes, yes...and you have. You tried to kill her for me. You wanted to do it yourself just to make me happy. In addition, you have killed for me. I’ve never met a woman willing to do that before.” He was smiling at her. She risked a smile back, and was rewarded by him embracing her.

Indeed, he was seething with rage, but not at her. Stragdoc was furious at Safyo for her temerity, her brazen theft. He would make her suffer...or this young woman in his arms would. He rather liked the thought of that. “Who is she?” Calixta whispered.

“A former disciple. She betrayed me and left me to die.” Calixta’s body tightened in his arms. “You’d never do something like that, would you?”

Her head turned to face him, eyes glowing with devotion. “Let me kill her for you.”

Stragdoc smiled. “Unfortunately, you’re not strong enough...yet.” His mind touched hers, finding so much untapped potential there… “I can make you powerful. If that is what you want.”

“Will it hurt?” she looked at him, with obvious desire for what he offered.

Stragdoc caressed her face. “Exquisitely.” Opting for a dramatic flourish, he kissed her as his mind tore into hers, rewiring massive parts of her brain, changing neural paths, making connections that simply should not be. She screamed as her mind was disassembled, reassembled, over and over again.

Then it was over.

She collapsed into blessed oblivion. Stragdoc scooped her into his arms, carrying her to his bed, laying her there. She would live, hopefully. He had never done something that extensive before, changing a person’s mental layout to mirror his own.

He left the room and contacted Site A, telling them that the final test would be delayed until he himself could be present. Following that, he left orders that he not be disturbed under any circumstances.

Then he began his vigil. It was not that long, twelve, thirteen hours before her Alphite physiology woke her. Calixta’s eyes simply snapped open, searching him out. The love and devotion were still there, that was good. “How do you feel, Calixta?”

She smiled. “Powerful.”

He sent for food, they made love. Following that, he took her to an empty part of the vessel.

“You have power, now you must learn to control it.” He explained. He had brought one of the gold bars she had returned from Earth with. It floated over his hand telekinetically. “Something simple to begin with. Take it from me.”

Calixta nibbled her lip. “Think of the bar. Grab it in your thoughts and pull.” A moment later it was in her hand, she was beaming proudly. “Again. Faster this time.” Repeatedly, until he was satisfied with her speed.

“It is one thing to simply take something from someone allowing you to have it.” The bar now levitated between them. “Seize it and wrench it from my grasp.” She had no difficulty in grasping the gold, but pulling it away proved difficult this time.

Stragdoc knew he was far too strong for her to defeat him easily. Nevertheless, so was Jennifer Safyo. Therefore, if his lover wanted to kill his nemesis for him, she would need to train. Additionally, this let him test the lessons he was planning for the children.

Calixta was sweating with exertion. She had been mentally pulling on the gold for over an hour, only managing to wiggle it in place.

Stragdoc was standing patiently before her. “Would you like to rest?”

“N-no…” through gritted teeth.

“Perhaps try visualizing it as something else. Something you want more than anything else. Tap into your primal emotions and let them work for you.”

He watched as she seemed to tense up, and then surprised him with a powerful mental pull that sent it flying into her hand. He smiled approvingly. “Well done.”

Calixta grinned broadly.

Tell me, what did you visualize it as?”

Calixta did not blink. “That bitch’s severed head.”

Stragdoc knelt next to her. “You really do want to kill her, don’t you? Why? Just to please me?”

She shook her head. “No..I mean, yes, I know you would be happy to have her dead, but that’s not all.” She paused, sighed. “She embarrassed me. Humiliated me. Made me feel weak and powerless.” There were some tears in her eyes. “I haven’t felt like that since before you cured me.”

The Emperor rose, helping her to her feet. “You will never feel weak and powerless again, Calixta. I promise you. She is strong, yes, and she might still be stronger than you, just as I am. However, you will be craftier. Smarter. And you have something she does not.” he brushed a few loose strands of hair from her face. “Your gift of foresight. You are stronger than her in that alone.”

Calixta blushed. “You really think so?”

Stragdoc nodded. “I have a limited version of it. Enough that it allows me to invest wisely, or if a business deal will be beneficial or not. But to anticipate attack the way you did?” He was leading her back to his quarters. “That man would not have shot at me when I rescued you if I had that ability.”

Alphites they passed saluted, bowed. More than a few seemed to be nursing headaches. “Will you do for them what you did to me?” Calixta whispered.

Stragdoc thought hard. “Possibly. What I did to your mind was dangerous, Calixta. I did what I did because you are becoming more and more precious to me.” He took her hand in his, brought it to his mouth, kissing it tenderly. “And I find myself unable to deny you.”

Her blush deepened to crimson. “I can’t tell you how much that means to hear you say it, si-...Paul.” She amended lamely.

He smiled at her. Yes, Calixta was becoming dear to him. Her position on his chessboard was definitely approaching Queen status.

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