Patient Blue

Chapter The Summer house

We no longer leave the grounds of Treetops, it’s far too dangerous.Throughout this summer of fierce unbearable heat and drought, society seems to have broken down completely. We can only guess at what might be going on as there is no news media left to report and give accurate facts, rumours abound that starvation and disease stalk the land and gangs of feral looters rob and rape with impunity. Each night as darkness falls gunfire can be heard echoing around the wooded hills and occasionally high pitched screams pierce the hot still night, making our blood run cold and the hair on our necks stand on end. The ominous red glow of fires cast a sinister flickering light over the dark countryside, causing us all to fear the onset of uncontrolled forest fires in the tinder dry conditions.

Treetops, isolated in the hills, its entrance carefully concealed, still feels like a sanctuary of stillness calm and plenty.The livestock, chickens, ducks and rabbits are plentiful, the natural clear spring though diminished, still provides clean water. The generator has long since run out of fuel but there is a plentiful supply of wood to burn in the Aga, and candles and oil lamps that give ample light. The wine cellar is still well stocked and the cannabis plants thrive in the green house. The nights are drawing inas autumn approaches and each evening the growing darkness brings tension, with us all expecting a crazed gang of looters to attack and destroy everything.

Each night and especially just before bedtime I am also l frustration combined wit irrational jealousy dominates my life. I have been dreaming about Rosslynne for more than fifteen years and now here she is, willing and able, sharing my bed every night. Yet unbelievably I still haven’t been able to fuck her. I know the problem is psychological because I still get a fearsome hard-on whenever I fantasize about her and have to knock one out. In fact I’m doing it so often I think I’m turning Japanese, and keep expecting to see hair growing on my palms. But each time I lay next to her we touch and I begin to grow hard. My dick seems to develop a slow puncture and try as I might I just can’t stop it deflating and end up with a flaccid little bastard tucked between my legs that is no good for anything other than pissing through. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Rosslynne although constantly frustrated and disappointed, has accepted this state of affairs and says she is willing to wait for me. I know she has obviously been talking to Barbi about my problem and I occasionally catch her giving me quizzical but at least sympathetic looks.

Guru on the other hand; “the animal”, seems to be going from strength to strength and night after night I’m kept awake by Barbi screaming and him bellowing as yet another sexual marathon reaches its apparently spectacular climax. Worse still, Rosslynne seems to be growing very fond of George and I often catch them together sharing conversations and laughing, perhaps at me. They are I note, spending increasing amounts of time together. Guru I feel sure is now being perceived by the women as the alpha male, just because he can get it up and keep it up. I think that if Guru George,what a fucking stupid name for a middle aged twat with a couple of dubious theories, tries to move in on my woman I might have to kill him.

Lately I have seriously started to think of ways I might achieve this, whilst making it seem like an accident. He’s a physically big bastard so I will have to pick my time and place. I know there is a loaded shotgun in the house and I reckon I could contrive an accidental shooting if I really had to, and the way things are going I just might have to. Not sure I could actually do it, but desperation can lead to anything, murder included

Rosslynne and I are going to spend a night in the old summer house that is situated at the very top of the grounds high up in the hills. It was once Rosslynne’s favorite haunt. First as a child when she had hosted innocent and happy sleep over’s therewith her friends. Then as she got older and involved with boys, the sleep over’s had been on a one to one basis and were far less innocent, with the added advantage of being a long way away from the prying eyes of her parents.

She rediscovered the summer house on a walk we had in the hills a couple of months earlier and I’ve spent a lot of time clearing away the growths of brambles and ivy that clung to the sides of the structure and had curled their way inside on ghostly pale tendrils. I have removed layers of dust and cobwebs, along with their large hairy and pissed off eight legged owners. Now it is once again habitable and actually quite comfortable. Tonight we will take some bedding, oil lamps, chilled bottles of Champagne, some apples, a fruit Rosslynne is particularly fond of and grown in our own orchard. They are a bit hard and shriveled due to the heat but still edible, and some of Barbi’s delicious hash cakes.

Rosslynne is excited and really looking forward to our adventure, saying a change of scene might do us both good, get away from the house and the loud nocturnal distractions. She says she will surprise me and wear something extra special and I will be at liberty to suggest anything and do anything I want, anything. No taboos or activity off limit and she will be up for it, she wiggled and slapped her cute tight little ass as she told me this. Oh God I hope I can rise to the occasion!

This is the best offer I’ve ever had and though it fills me with suppressed lust and excitement, it is of course tempered by the leaden dread of failure. Realistically this is the make or break event of our future relationship and my life with Rosslynne. I know it and so does she. Oh God please help me I really needed to perform.Take pity on this poor lost soul, dear lord, please have some pity on me.

We arrive as darkness falls and a rare gentle rain has just started to dampen our hair and clothes. The candles are lit and the double air bed inflated, our first glasses of wine and hash cakes consumed. Our talk is small and focused on the weather. Neither of us mention the rather large elephant in the room.The unmistakable sounds of a heavy machine gun and three distant large explosions make our conversation cease. The glow of fires in the distance become more pronounced as the darkness becomes total.The light rain of earlier has now turned to a heavy downpour and rattles loudly on the roof. I notice that in one or two places leaks have already started to steadily drip onto the floor.

‘Are you scared? We could go back to the house. It may not be that comfortable, what with all this rain and all.’

‘No I’m not scared with you here, besides do you know what this reminds me of’?


‘The Reading festival, in that silly little tent of yours, when we first met, first did it. I loved that festival that tent and I have to say the sex was great, you were great I just couldn’t get enough of you I still can’t, if we could only just--’

‘The trouble is Rosslynne, you aren’t getting any of me I can’t seem to, you know. I don’t know why. It’s embarrassing, I love you, lust after you, I’ve waited so long for you. I used to dream of you and I never got over you leaving me I’ve never loved anyone else and I know I never will. I wanted everything to be right but it’s not, it’s not fair on you and it’s killing me.’

‘Don’t be silly I love you too, in my way, and I will wait for you. Sex is an important part of any relationship, but it’s not everything, not to me and to be honest not to most women, we can work on it. Let’s go to bed and start right now, bring the wine and the hash cakes, the night is young and I’ve got some things to show you.’

Again I feel the familiar stirrings, but this time, miraculously, they do not subside. I remove Rosslynne’s sheer silk underwear and probe her wetness with my fingers, withdraw them and trace a slick shiny circle around her nipple which I then cup in my lips to taste her. My erection does not falter and as the rain pounds on the roof of the Summer house, this wonderful Summer house, accompanied by the sporadic sound of distant gunfire, we at last re-consummated our relationship. Oh thank you God so, so much. I promise I will be good forever, volunteer for a charity, be kind to refugees, always pray.

I am a very happy man, just like a boy who has lost his virginity to the unobtainable town beauty, and not only that, she had enjoyed the experience as well. I feel like running back to the house and telling Barbi and especially George, who, thank Christ I won’t have to kill after all, my happy news.

Instead, at the insistence of Rosslynne we are doing it again. This time she sits astride me and moves herself in a practiced and experienced way gyrating and making me squirm and groan, I pull her forwards grab her breasts and run my tongue around her hard nipples. I come deep inside her, grabbing her buttocks in both hands as I do. She leans forward, kisses me and whispers ‘I love being fucked by you.’ She eases herself off of my sloppy still semi-hard penis and lies down with a sigh next to me on the bed.

The ground beneath us begins to tremor and shake, quite softly at first, but then more strongly. ‘I knew you were good but to literally make the earth move, I’m impressed,’ jokes Rosslynne.

‘I think it might actually be a small earthquake.’

‘In Reigate, now that would be an interesting new phenomenon.’

‘Nine months ago so would the sound of automatic gunfire, South Central LA comes to the Surrey Stockbroker belt. I believe we live in interesting times and right now anything is possible, even us having sexual intercourse three times in one hour rather than just twice is possible now.’

‘I might just hold you to that, stud.’

We both leave the bed and immediately notice it feels suddenly freezing cold, icy in fact and we shiver. When we look outside it has started to snow, small icy flakes some tinged with black soot are already beginning to settle. It looks set to continue for sometime.

‘What the fuck.’

‘My oh my, strange days indeed, I’m freezing let’s get back to bed and if you play your cards right you can ride out the storm, on me, that’s if your newly revitalized dick doesn’t get frozen and go into hibernation mode again, but if it does I can always try thawing it out in my mouth ’

‘It’s funny you should say that nurse. Warm tongue and suction therapy may be just the thing required.’

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