Pandora's Curse

Chapter 15

I stood outside the door, letting the wind ruffle my honey brown hair, the cold seeping in through my jacket. The goosebumps rising on my skin prickling ominously in my skin. Adam whinnied from somewhere in the field, sounding irritated and nervous for a horse to my very little knowledge of horses. The sky was the same neutral grey overhead, no sun or very little peeking through the dreary looking clouds.

The wind though lately had felt extremely unnatural the last couple of days.

War appeared beside me, staring at the field where Adam frolicked about snorting loudly and the wind blew at his curls and his open flannel shirt. His eyes were dark, cool and piercing as they read the sky and weather before he turned to me. His eyes spoke words even he was nervous to speak.

They’ve arrived.

And it was time to go.

I found Warren in the stables, dressed in his black denim jacket, shirt and jeans, undoing the knotted strands on Adam’s mane and murmuring quietly in a language I’ve come to learn was Latin. War spared me a faint smile but pulled away from Adam, patting his neck. “We’ll see you soon again, buddy. But we got to go now.” Adam snorted as though he understood to well. War turned to me, an indescribable expression on his face. “You ready?”


“Okay. I just...have a couple things to get.” His tone was strained and off but he only gave me a wry smile and he stepped towards the corner of the stable. Quickly wiping away the hay and grass away until he found a latch I never noticed. Twisting the latch after unlocking it with a key on his keychains, the stone door opened with a scratchy stone sound until Warren had it propped upright. Reaching inside, Warren yanked out a large, wooden box which he left fall before my feet.

“What is this?” I questioned, kneeling down beside Warren who only gave a dark smile as he passed me the key to open it up.

“The real War Horseman.” Confused and wary, I took the key from him and slipped it into the latch and twisted. It released with a pop and I slipped my fingers under the small gap and pushed it up to reveal what sat within. Armour. Steel armour that glinted a dark, eerie red in the dim lighting on top of a thin sheet of cloth. And beside it, nestled comfortably was a long, sheathed sword, which was shockingly long, more than half his body height. Various daggers nestled also within but the sword and armour were the most presentable. Warren only took the sword and other weapons, leaving the armour inside, giving me a smirk. “Be a little weird to walk around in old armour these days.” I let out a light laugh as I stared at the armour, running a finger over the slightly dusty cool steel that glinted sharply.

“It’d be a sight to see again hahaha. Maybe more humorless now though.”

“Yes, it would be.” Warren snorted and closed the box, locking it up and hauling it towards the secret compartment, he dropped it inside and locked the stone door over it. “Now, we’re ready.” Warren picked up his sword and the couple knives and other various weapons and walked out of the stables, leaving me with Adam who watched me with dark but clear eyes. Smiling faintly, I stood up, walking over to Adam and he nudged his head against my arm so I could start scratching his head, stroking his soft mane.

“It’s time to go now, Adam. It was nice meeting you officially. Wish we could take you with us.” Adam whinnied, ears twitching and I stroked his mane once more when I heard the sound of the car door closing. “Got to go now. Bye, Adam.” I trailed off faintly, smiling weakly as I left the stables, leaving the door open for Adam to follow out. Warren had closed the boot and was climbing into the drivers seat as I approached. Opening the passenger door, I looked back at this place of peace and calm and safety that had been mine for a handful of days.

But now, I needed to leave it and face the coming danger.

Hopping inside the car, closing the door with a snap and I met Warren’s gaze who gave me a faint smile, nodding his head and turning the car on. As Warren started driving backwards up the driveway onto the hidden road path, I saw Adam trotting out of the stables, moving towards us. Warren reached the top of the top of the roads and straightening his car, started to drive forwards, following the slight curves that would lead us out. And in the corner of my eye, a flicker of something dark blurred through the green and brown on my side. As we broke out through the woods out onto open roads with open fields beside us, Adam broke through the foliage, thundering through the fields beside us. Warren accelerated faster, a warm smile on his face as he glanced at his friend running alongside us. I smiled in delight and sadness at leaving the horse alone but as the fields dwindled, Adam turning away slightly, his mane and tail flying behind him as he shrieked that unnatural scream after us and soon a fog was behind us.

And we were on the roads.

An hour into the drive, Warren had placed his phone in the cup holder and was playing the phones music from the car radio, which had me confused and Warren laughing in amusement. The amusement faded from me when the first familiar chords of a song started to play out, bringing my eyes closed at the soft, mystical tone.



Well your faith was strong but you needed proof...

“I really love this song.”

“It’s a beautiful song. It’s a classic you can’t get enough of.” Warren smiled softly. “When all this is over, like I said, I’ll introduce you to all the good stuff. But I do have them listed on here so they’ll get to hear them at least.”

“Hah, of course you did.” I smiled out the window, watching the foliage go by in a green blur and slowly, cars driving along the open roads started to appear one at a time. “We have a drive ahead of us?”

“Yeah,” Warren sighed but his eyes were cool and staring ahead sharply. “A lengthy drive.” He turned his gaze to me briefly. “But plenty of time to focus on something else.” I swallow heavily, nodding in understanding.

“After all this is done, can I stay with you?”

“I think we already mentioned this. Yes, you’re staying with me.” His cheeks darkened and he kept his gaze ahead. “I want you to stay.” My heart thumped heavily in my chest and I couldn’t help smiling bashfully out the window. “Don’t go being all bashful, Pan. You’re not helping.” I couldn’t help laughing and Warren rolled his eyes. “Besides, I have to get you indoctrinated into certain holidays, like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and more.”

“I’m curious about this Christmas thing because you’ve described it to me and I’ll be honest I looked it up.” Warren nodded along, lips curling.

“Looking it up online is nothing like seeing it in person. New York during Christmas, at night. Spectacular.” He suddenly grinned widely. “Can’t wait to see your expression when you see it.”

“Okay, I have questions.” I shifted in my seat to face him.


“Okay, have you met a dragon before?” Warren frowned, brows furrowing at the question and he glanced at me oddly.

“Shockingly, yes I’ve met a couple of them in the past. Very...unique.”

“I’m assuming you mean crass.” Warren glanced out the window, brows rising before he groaned inwardly.

“I almost forgot what Pan and that God get up to when they catch up. Please, dear God, tell me you didn’t run into one when you went to meet Dionysus.” I shrugged, well aware War could see and he sighed. “Actually, I don’t want to know what they said or tried to do.”

“Actually,” I murmur, smiling nervously. “You might not want to know what I did to him when he became too persistent.” Warren looked like he wanted to close his eyes, hiding his frustration as he groaned louder.

“Yeah, don’t tell me.” He murmured. But then he suddenly turned to me slightly. “But good on you. I have no doubt you have your own back.” He winked. I grinned back, glancing ahead as my good mood slowly dropped as the seconds drifted by as much I didn’t want it to. Warren was calm and collected beside me, distracted from the thoughts ahead by focusing on the road. He’d been in these situations more times than should be allowed or healthy.

“You’re fading away, Pan.”

I tensed at hearing him suddenly speak aloud, the music quietening down and my chest feels heavy, a sense of panic should be enveloping me but it’s not. Just a heavy, painful feeling and I shrug in response. “I say it enough times but I’m not prepared. I feel I can be when the time comes possibly but feeling or thinking is so different until you’re in the moment.” I turn in my seat to look at Warren better. “When we were setting off to the underground markets to save Marios and the nuns, there was always those upfront comments, ‘just be prepared’ or ‘it won’t be easy’ and I took that in but did I really? Because when it happened and we tried to save them, I’m nothing to an ogre, much less three of them. How can I face a possible nest, or just even Aello-”

“We’ll figure it out.” Warren grew silent a strange look crossing his face, his lips tightening as though he had a thought in mind but shrugged it off. “Pan, until we know anything, we can’t overthink. No doubt this is dangerous and be difficult. But you don’t need to worry. I made a promise.” Warren faced ahead, his face and eyes darkening as he watched the roads ahead. “And I fully intend to keep it. No matter what.”

“We’re here.”

I stared up at the large white building that loomed above us, leaving us in its shadow as the sun glimmered brightly overhead despite the grey clouds closing in around the sun. That didn’t seem good at all and that was hopefully good. It would mean we were close to the Eyrie. Hopefully.

Warren pulled up into a parking spot, stepping out casually, throwing his sunglasses back in as he stood next to a parking meter, paying for the spot.

“Do you think we’ll be a while?” I murmur, standing behind him and Warren shrugged.

“I believe so. If, if somehow, the harpies have made place here or near here, we’re not going to do anything until nightfall. Not even Aello and the harpies will risk giving themselves away.” Warren frowned darkly as he placed his ticket in the car beneath the window. “Well, not yet at least.” Warren stared at me and I glanced down at myself wondering if I was dressed wrong or if something was out of place. “If any harpies are taking control in here, they may or may not recognize you. So, for now at least,” He reached into the backseat and pulled out an odd looking black cap and handed it to me. I stared at him with an ‘are-you-serious’ look and he shrugged. “It might not do much but you won’t look”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Warren sighed exasperated.

“Your hair is hard to miss. It’s unique, it’s long, the colour and just..." He swallowed tightly, his eyes darkening faintly. "Plus with the cap over your head, it might hide your features a little bit.”

“Won’t I look a little...”

“It’s not a simple cap. It’s fashionable. But I’d rather not take a chance.” Sighing in exasperation, I held the cap between my knees and bent over, flinging my hair over my head and using the hair tie I had and tying my hair into a tight bun as small it could be. Straightening up, I slipped the hat over my head and the bun tightly under it, the sunlight now partially avoiding my eyes. I had to tilt my head up further to look at Warren whose lips twitched in amusement and I scowled at him.

“Don’t. Say a word.” Warren raised his hands in defeat. “I look so crass and this is a museum. A place of history and myths. I feel so disrespectful to be like this.”

“Maybe it is, but you’re not the only one. People don’t dress to the nines for a museum trip. But you do look nice.” Warren slipped off his coat and closed the door, locking it up. “Besides,” Warren brushed past me, leaning in close to my ear as we walked towards the building. “I’m going to enjoy letting your hair down when this is over.”

Bloody hell! This man...

Blushing furiously, almost stumbling over my feet in shock, heart stutters alongside as Warren chuckles darkly, a wicked smirk on his face as he walks ahead of me. My tongue clicking against my teeth as I watch him stunned with narrowed eyes and my lips twitched.

Something to look forward to indeed.

The foyer was open and bright, the walls and corners neatly decorated with busts or paintings. There was quite a few people mingling about, having just entered. Warren took a map from a stand, opening it up. “You said it was French?”

“Yeah,” Warren muttered, following the paper for French art and his finger stopped on the second floor. “Second floor.” Warren led us to the elevator where a couple stood waiting and stepped in at Warren’s gesture. Warren and I stood in front of the pair, waiting for the doors to close and the box to glide up to our floor. Meanwhile, I was too aware of Warren’s close stance next to me and I sneak a glance up at him. As if feeling my gaze on him, his eyes met mine and my eyes look away quickly but my lips twitch.

“If you die on me Pandora,” Warren whispered so quietly I almost didn’t hear. “I’ll be ruined.” His faint smirk almost made it seem as if he were joking but his eyes glancing down at me were anything but joking. I swallowed heavily, my heart tremoring in both delight and nerves.

Hera, whoever listens. I’m falling hard. And I can’t control it.

“’Scuse me, dears.” So lost in trance, we hadn’t noticed the elevator door open and the couple behind us trying to leave past us, for we were so caught up staring at one another, it had to have a spell making me stuck. Blushing heavily, I stepped aside as the couple slipped past us and the woman chuckled warmly. “Ah, young love.”

Oh, there it is. That word.

Shaking my head of thoughts for that, Warren slipped out of the elevator, both of us smartly avoiding saying more but Warren smiled gently at me and we hurried towards the French art sections.

“There.” Warren suddenly hissed, pointing down to the other end of the room in the corner, a marble statue stood, the light from the window behind it setting it alight just so faintly, an ethereal glow surrounding Galatea who was gazing down upon her beloved Acis or Pygmalion. It was a stunning piece to look upon, basked in silvery sunlight. Even Warren looked in awe and his gaze flickered briefly around him as he nodded slowly. “I got to to have an excuse to bring my class here again. It never gets old.” As I stared at Galatea, I had no idea where to start or what to expect. A voice from further down got our attention briefly, to see a man with a black jacket and fancy grey jeans with a large camera looped over his neck, snapping at the older couple we had joined on the elevator. The photographer practically shooed the couple away with a few choice words. I glanced up at Warren who shook his head, rolling his eyes, muttering ‘some people’. We turned back to Galatea, unsure of what to do.

“ we speak to her? Is she alive?”

“Yes. She is. Don’t know if she’ll answer though.” Warren glanced around warily and I leaned in close to the statue, keeping my voice low.

“Galáteia, boreís na me akoúseis?” There was no response. Feeling stupid and a little wary, I leaned in closer. “Galáteia, eímai i Pandóra. We need your help. Dionysus told me to come to you. He was defeated by Aello. And if you know of me, you’ll have heard of my box. Aello has it and she will unleash it along with her sisters. We need to find them. Can you help us?”

No movement. No sound. No nothing.

Galatea continued to gaze upon her beloved with a hard frown upon her face.

“War, I think she can hear us...”

“Yes, but she’s not answering. What? What are you doing?” He muttered as I reached into his jacket, pulling out his phone.

“Look her up! You’re faster than me.” Warren frowned in confusion but did as I asked while I gestured to Galatea, thrumming with relief and hope. “I remember you showed me a picture. Her expression is different. She can hear us, she’s here and she doesn’t like what she’s hearing.” I peeked over Warren’s hand where he held a close up photo of Galatea and I almost squealed in relief. “See! She’s so serene but here-” I pointed to her and her expression was still that odd frown, brows furrowed lightly.

“Okay, so she’s here. But there’s so much she can do for us.” Warren glanced around, eying all the guests that were wandering slowly through the museum. “There’s too many people here.” I eyed all the people around us. None were close enough to see or hear what we were doing.

“What about a distraction?” I whisper. Warren’s frown, contemplating as I lean in close. “A distraction, like I don’t know, someone touches the items, or knocks something over-”

“Not a chance!” Warren hissed, looking appalled at me. “Besides, it not like I could get someone to break something...” He trailed off, his eyes widening briefly. He gives me a look and I raise my hand in surrender. “Not a chance, it’s too close quarters-”

“Oy, could you move it, lady!” A man suddenly snapped at me suddenly, practically pushing me aside so he could a photo of Galatea. Warren was already holding me before I could trip over.

“You don’t have to push.” I grumble and the man scowls at me, tilting his nose upwards at me.

“Maybe you shouldn’t hog all angles,” He mutters some ugly words under his breath and Warren tightens his grip on my shoulders.

“A fight it is.” Warren grumbled, his voice low and deep, setting off a quiet rumble and I swallow. The camera man gives me a nasty look, glancing me and Warren up and down with huff and storms past Warren, brushing against his shoulder-

“You’re very aggressive.” Warren’s voice grows low, trailing after the camera man who stumbles slightly, frowning at us, his eyes blanking out before returning to its normal colour. His eyes turned to anger and he glared at us.

“Did you say something, big guy?” Warren straightened, stepping in front of me and raised his hands in defeat, with a slight smirk on his face. “Yeah that’s what I thought? Play tough in front of your girl.”

“Oh, I don’t need to but you need to back off or apologize to my girl.”

“And what are you going to do if I don’t?” The man suddenly pressed up against Warren who had stepped away from me and Galatea, staring down at a man who was chest bumping into him. “Hm? What you going to do about it? Trying to look tough for your prissy little princess-”

Oh no!

“Hey! No one calls me princess!” The man scowls down at me, sneering.

“Oh shut up hun-” He waves his hand at me, still holding his camera and without thinking, I quickly yanked the camera out of his hand and pressed it into Warren’s hand, who gave me a stunned look but quickly stormed past him. “HEY! GIVE THAT BACK! THAT’S EXPENSIVE, BASTARD!”

Sorry, Warren!

Voices were rising higher and growing from where Warren disappeared around the corner and more shouts resumed, cursing and yells and I saw people pulling away from the artwork, too intrigued by a fight to miss it. Giving me some privacy at least.

I hurried back to Galatea, standing before her, leaning in to whisper a little louder.

“You despise Aello as much most would. She’s close and she can do a lot of damage. Help me stop her.” Galatea remained unmoving gazing with a hard, mellow frown at her kneeling lover and there was no twitch or slight of movement. “Galatea, please we need-”


Oh no! Warren!

There were loud shouts and arguing and glancing back at Galatea once more with a hesitant glance but nothing happened, I hurried through the crowd that had gathered, muttering in shock and horror at the sight. I groan internally, hurrying forward to help Warren who had been shoved into a rack, knocking items over. Thankfully it hadn’t been anything expensive or momentous like the items here in the museum, but Warren looked far from pleased. “Warren, eísai entáxei?” I offer my hand to Warren, helping him off the floor as he wipes himself, glaring at the rude man who was yelling and screaming at a man who had stepped in between Warren and him. Security was standing next to him, hands raised and trying to calm him down forcefully.

“Eímai entáxei.” Warren grumbled, his eyes dark and foreboding as he glanced past me. “We’ve got problems now. Did you really have to take the camera from him?” Was all he muttered before security approached us.

“It worked didn’t it?” I grumble.

“I’m afraid you two have to come with me.” Security gestured for us to turn around and start walking which we had no choice to do with a crowd watching us.

“What now?” I whisper and Warren frowns darkly, contemplating his choices. I can tell he doesn’t want to do anything to people who are only doing their job but we had a job to do for everyone’s sake. The security leads us both into the restricted areas, then into a small room with a desk and a computer. The guard tells us to sit and wait with a fierce look, shoving me forward but flinches back as Warren throws him a quick look and hurries out with a brusque snort, leaving us alone...waiting for whatever to come.

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