Owned by the Italian Mafia Don: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 2)

Owned by the Italian Mafia Don: Chapter 34

Five months into Rosie’s pregnancy

“How are you feeling today, Tesoro?” I kiss her on the top of her head then slide my hand across her stomach while she leans over the counter and fills out a college application online. I’m very proud of her for deciding to go to school. I was hesitant because of her pregnancy. I didn’t want her to feel overwhelmed. Not because I didn’t think she could do school and be pregnant but because I only wanted her to feel rested and taken care of. I don’t want her to stress. I want to pamper her.

One of her dreams has always been to go to school and get her degree. I never want to stop her from doing anything she wants. If she wants the world, I’ll find a way to give it to her.

“Good. I’m almost done. I’m nervous. What if I don’t get in? I really want my degree in business. I want to reopen the shop and turn it into something else. Something I’ll enjoy. I don’t know what yet, but I really want to make it happen.”

I spin her around and place my hand against her neck. “And you will. You’re brilliant. You work hard and you’re driven. If that’s what you want to do, you’ll do it, and I’ll do anything to make that happen.”

She gives me a smile, wrapping her arms around my neck. “You always believe in me.”

I tug on her curls. “What’s not to believe in? You are a force of nature and I have no doubt you’ll do everything you want.”

Rosie steps on her tiptoes and kisses me. It’s sweet. A gentle long peck that reminds me of the love I finally get to have every day.

A grunt of pain coming from the backyard ruins the moment and Rosie breaks away from me, walking over to the sliding doors that lead outside. I stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, then gently lift her stomach to bring her relief.

She groans, placing her head on my shoulder while I lift the weight.

“That feels so good,” she slurs with relief.

I kiss the side of her neck, hiding my grin. “I know.” I like to do this a few times a day for her, rub her back, and her feet. I massage her neck. I touch her everywhere. I want her to know how much I appreciate her and what her body is going through to grow my child.

Another grunt sounds.

Caplan is currently getting his ass kicked by Matias.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Rosie asks, a slight edge of concern to her tone.

“He’ll be fine. Matias won’t hurt him.”

“That’s not what I mean. Do you think he’ll be okay here? Working for you?”

I wince when Matias swipes his leg and sweeps Caplan from his feet. He lands on his back and groans. Matias chuckles and helps Caplan back up by extending his hand. While he is getting his ass kicked, I have no doubt about Caplan’s ability to do well here.

“He doesn’t seem like much now, I know,” I snicker when he doesn’t dodge a punch from Matias. “But self-defense is needed here. He needs to learn how to do this and how to take pain.” I won’t remind her of the torture sessions that come later. We have to desensitize him to pain because there will be a time where someone gets the best of him and he needs to learn and be able to take it. “But I have no doubts he will do well. He’s smart and he is a natural in this life. He’s proven himself already, but I need him to be able to protect himself better.” I cringe when Matias yanks Caplan’s arm back.

“Uncle! Fucking uncle! Good god,” Caplan shouts.

Rosie laughs next and Matias lets him go. My twin must say something along the lines of them being done for the day because Caplan falls dramatically on the ground. His arms and legs are spread out as he stares up to the sky.

“He’ll be just fine. He wants a more active role,” I begin to tell her. “He wants me to take him when I meet with my….” I choose my word carefully. “Customers. I told him he should learn security from Gianni and Matias, but he wants in on the action. I’m not sure yet. If he doesn’t improve his self-defense, he will be our tech guy, which isn’t a bad thing. That’s an important job.”

She sighs in disappointment. “Caplan never quits. He’ll work hard to make sure he gets what he wants. Might as well get used to him as your shadow.”

I slowly and gently lower her belly back down and turn her into my arms. “When you have you degree, would you be interested in taking a position with me? Here.”

“I don’t want to put our baby’s entire family at risk. I won’t go to action, but negotiations? Hell yes, count me in. I love the drama.”

I toss my head back and bellow laughter, holding her tight against me. “I love you,” I say.

“I love you too. Oh!” she snags my hand and puts her on her stomach.

“What? Are you okay?” I worry.

“Just wait—there!”

A kick hits my palm and I gasp as if I’m feeling it for the first time. I always get surprised, and it does feel like the first time every time I feel my child kick. I place my other hand on her rounded stomach and wait, squatting down to be eye level.

Another kick.

And another.

That one makes Rosie grunt.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I need to pee though. He kicked my bladder.” She rushes away from me, leaving me smiling at her retreating form.

The sliding door opens to reveal a sweaty Matias. He downs a bottle of water, gasping to catch his breath.

“Where is Cap?” I ask him.

“Out there,” he points a finger over his shoulder.

I look out of the window to see Caplan lying down still. “Is he showing progress?”

“Definitely. I go hard on him, but he is learning. He’ll be good in a few months.”

“Great. Good to know. Thank you.”

“A game of Battleship later?”

I lift a brow at him. “If you’re in the mood to lose.”

He walks away to head to his room and he laughs. “Please, I’ll wager. Five hundred bucks.”

“Deal!” I shout after him just as I hear the little patter of my wife’s feet.

“Are you gambling over Battleship again?”

“No,” I grumble, tracing a circle with my finger on the counter. “Yes.”

“You’ve lost two times in a row.”

“Way to remind me. Third time is the charm.”

“Maybe I’ll play too.”

“And what are you betting?” I lower my tone, drifting my hand to her ass which has gotten plumper since her pregnancy. I love it.

“All day. All orgasms for me. Not you.”

“You’re evil.” I narrow my eyes at her.

“You love it.”

“I do. I must love torture.”

She pinches me lightly and then checks the time. “Are you ready for our appointment?”

I nod eagerly. Every time we have gone to the doctor to learn if our baby is a boy or girl, the stubborn child is never in position.

He or she gets their defiance from their mother.

I’ve hired a doctor and he likes to stay downstairs, away from the main levels of the house.

“And after we will go get your strawberry milkshake.”

She squeals happily. “Oh, I can’t wait. I want an extra-large one.”

“I know. You love things extra large.”

She tosses a smirk over her shoulder while we walk to the steps. “I really do, don’t I?”

I growl low in my throat, warning her to not say another word. “Don’t use that tone with me unless you’re wanting to be late for our appointment.”

She stops before going down the stairs and takes my hand. “I love that you say ‘our.’ It doesn’t make me feel alone in this. You’re really there. Every step of the way. You’re the most supportive husband.”

“I want to be as in this as possible. I wish I could take some of your discomfort, your pain, anything, everything if it means you feel peace.” I kiss her forehead and keep her close to my side as we walk down the steps. “Let’s make sure our baby is okay.”

When we are in the basement, I knock on his office door and Dominic Cellini opens the door. He’s an older man with silver hair but he doesn’t look a day over forty. He has to be in his fifties. “Mr. Milazzo. Are we ready to see if the little one will play by the rules?”

Rosie rushes by him, plops on the table, leans back, and lifts her shirt. “Come on, come on. I want a milkshake.”

I smile and shake my head, standing by her side and taking her hand.

“I love your enthusiasm. Let’s make this short, then.” He squirts jelly on her stomach and grabs the wand to the ultrasound, swirling it over her belly. The swoosh of our baby’s heartbeat sounds and I squeeze Rosie’s hand when I hear it.

It’s the best sound.

“Well, congratulations.” He points to the screen. “He isn’t shy today.”

“He?” Rosie and I ask in unison.

“We’re having a boy?” I question.

“Yes, and he looks very healthy. I’ll print these pictures for you.”

I kiss Rosie long and hard, wishing we were alone so I could claim her body for the second time today. If she wants orgasms today, then that’s what I’ll give her. I don’t care about me. I’ll give her anything. Everything.

“Can we get my milkshake now? Maybe buy some clothes for him,” she whispers with watery eyes.

“Whatever you want.”

And I meant it. I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure she has everything she’s always desired.

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