Owned By A Sinner (The Sinners Series)

Owned By A Sinner: Chapter 41

When the needy whimper slips over my lips, Liam’s eyes light up with satisfaction.

Bracing a forearm beside my head, his mouth nips at mine while he keeps powering into me as if he’ll die if he has to slow down for a second.

The way he owns me makes me feel delirious, causing tingles of absolute pleasure to rush through my body.

There’s only Liam.

I drag my nails down his back, shove my hands beneath his sweatpants and dig my fingers into his asscheeks, feeling the power in his muscles as he slams into me.

Our eyes remain locked, and the possessiveness shining from him makes me feel protected and loved.

“Liam,” I whisper breathlessly, my abdomen tightening with the impending orgasm. “I love you.”

His mouth slams down on mine, and devouring the words I said, he powers into me until I explode in a quivering mess beneath him.

“Jesus,” he groans. “You clamp so fucking hard around me when you come.”

As the orgasm tears through me, I watch as Liam falls apart. Jerking inside me, his features tense, his eyes burning into mine.

Slumping down, his chest presses against mine. We gasp, breathing the same air.

Pleasure keeps spasming through me, making him groan. “Love the way you come, baby. As if I’m electrocuting you.” He presses a tender kiss to my mouth. “I fucking love everything about you.”

His arms wrap around me, squashing me to him while he remains buried inside me. I relish in the feel of his body covering mine, the way he’s holding me, telling me he’ll never let go.

I’m his forever.

After a long moment of us relishing in the intimacy we shared, Liam lifts his head, his eyes finding mine again. “All mine.”

“All yours,” I whisper.

I’ll never again put you in the position you were in today. I need to learn how to protect myself and Liam. I have to become the woman the head of the mafia needs.

A satisfied smirk curves his lips, and he presses a possessive kiss to my lips before pulling out of me.

I push myself up and scoot off the bed. Walking to the bathroom, I quickly take care of business.

When I come out, I see Liam standing in front of the windows, staring out over the city. I walk to him and squeeze into the gap between his body and the window. 

Liam chuckles as I lean back against his chest, his arms wrapping around my front. Resting my head against his shoulder, I let out a satisfied sigh.

“You asked why I live in a penthouse when I don’t like heights.”


“It’s so I can keep watch over my city.” I feel his chest expand as he takes a deep breath. “So I can remind myself what I’m fighting for. What I have to protect.”

“After you teach me how to shoot a gun, I can help you protect your first love,” I murmur.

“No, baby. Chicago is in my blood, but you’re my first love. My only love.” He presses a kiss to the side of my neck, then flattens a hand over my stomach. “Are you going to give me children?”

“God-willing, one day,” I chuckle softly, not wanting to disturb the intimate feeling between us.

Today was bitter-sweet. I need this moment.

His mouth brushes over my shoulder. “Marry me, Kiara.”

Shock flutters through me. Instantly, I smile, my heart bursting at the seams. “Is that a question or an order?”

Liam turns me to face him, his eyes filled with all the love he feels for me. Standing naked, not even clothes between us, he asks, “Will you marry me, Kiara?”

I stare into the loving gaze of the man who changed my entire world in such a short space of time.

He’s proven himself to me. Over and over. I know without a doubt, I won’t find a better man than him.

And love him.

God, I love him so much.

We’ve been to hell and back, and now I want my happily ever after with him.

“Yes, Liam.”

His eyes lower to my mouth. “Say it again.”

“Yes, Liam. I’ll marry you.”

The corner of his mouth lifts with a satisfied smirk, then without a word, he walks into the walk-in closet. I move closer, watching as he keys in a code into a build-in safe. It opens with a click, and he reaches inside.

When he comes back to me, I glance down at the box in his hand.

“This was my mother’s and my grandmother’s before that.” He opens it, taking out a golden band with an enormous diamond set in the bed of emeralds. “Not sure it will fit.” Then he chuckles. “As you can see, I didn’t quite plan this.”

My tongue darts out, wetting my lips as nervous energy spins in my stomach.

“Give me your hand, baby.”

I lift my left hand, and when Liam slips the ring onto my finger, emotion wells in my chest. It almost fits. It probably just needs to be adjusted one size smaller.

Liam lifts an eyebrow. “See, even the ring agrees you’re meant for me.”

Wrapping an arm around my waist, he tugs me against his body. “Now I get to fuck my fiancée for the first time.”

I let out a chuckle. “I like the sound of that, sir.”

His eyes flare with desire, then he pushes me back against the window. Gripping hold of my butt, he lifts me, and I quickly wrap my legs around him.

Knowing it will drive him wild, I say, “Please fuck me, sir.”

“Jesus, Kiara,” he growls right before he thrusts up, filling me with every inch of him. His eyes lock on mine, dominance making them shine like the diamond on my finger.

 Holding my butt with one hand, he places his other one against the window, then starts to move hard and fast. My body shifts against the window with each thrust.

With our foreheads pressed together, I feel his breaths on my lips.

Liam sets my body on fire, demanding I only focus on him.

“Tell me again,” he murmurs. “Tell me how much you love me.”

“With all my heart,” I gasp. “All my soul.” My arms tighten around his neck as the orgasm starts to build in me. “With all of my body.” I let out a cry as intense pleasure floods me. “I love you.”

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