Owned (Blood Ties Book 4)

Owned: Chapter 21


I cried out, bit down on the comforter, and burrowed deeper under the bedding. But it didn’t matter how hard I pressed the pillow against my ears, the terrifying sound still found its way inside my head. My breaths raced. My pulse was so fast I couldn’t hear it anymore. But I felt it. The panicked thrumming speared agony through my chest.

White light ripped through the darkened sky, filling my room with the neon glare.


I cringed at the sound and lunged out of bed, then raced for my door, wrenched it open, and tore out onto the landing. The neon glare filled the house, increasing the panic inside. I scanned the floor, my breaths cleaving through my chest as I narrowed in on their bedroom door.

I didn’t think, I just acted. I hurled myself toward that closed door and scrambled inside. It was dark, pitch black. The windows were covered by blackout curtains but in the fading white glow of the bolt, I caught the massive outline in the small bed.

I bit down on a cry as thunder rumbled again, rattling the windows. I scurried for the outline of my protector, yanked down the bedding, and climbed in beside him. He didn’t move, just lay there. I didn’t think he was awake. I prayed he wasn’t as I just pushed against his hard body without saying a word.


The thunder resounded right over the house again.

I closed my eyes, wedged my arms against my body, and pressed against him. My breath blasted back at me as it bounced off his shoulder. I squeezed my eyes tighter and burrowed even harder against his warmth. The earthy scent of him invaded my nose. He smelled like dirt…and something else. I flinched with another loud rumble. Still he didn’t move, not to shift in the bed, or shove me away. He was just…stiff.

Was he dead?

I opened my eyes and, in the faint flickering light, I saw him…and froze. His eyes were wide and filled with terror. I pushed upwards to look down at him. “Hey, are you…are you alive?”

Inch by inch, he turned that terrified stare toward me. Only then did I see his arms were over his head. Lightning flared again and illuminated the leather binding around his wrists.

The straps.

The straps I’d seen before on the bed.

I flinched and focused on them now. He wasn’t just bound by the straps, he gripped them. His knuckles were white from the strain of his grasp. I jerked my gaze to his, and found those blue eyes blazing almost neon in the dimming light.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered as I jerked at another thunder rumble.

But he said nothing, his wide stare still fixed with terror.


I jerked again and drove harder against his body, this time wrapping my arms around him tightly. Terror made me push my face against his chest. Under the heavy rush of breaths, his heart was booming. The panicked sound made me feel a little less alone.

“I’ve never felt this terrified before,” I whispered, then lifted my gaze to his. “Will you hold me?”

He said nothing, just stared at me, wide-eyed. Then slowly, I reached over him, holding his stare the entire time. He’d had his fingers inside me. That thought spurred me on. I used it to make me reach higher and pressed my breasts against his chest.

Tension arced between us. But it shifted, morphing from fear into something else, something desperate. My breaths slowed and became deeper as I brushed the leather shackle around his wrist.

“Don’t,” he forced through clenched teeth, stopping me cold. “Want to hurt you.”

There was a moment of panic until I remembered him sitting against the wall, watching over me when I slept. I tugged on the shackle, then yanked the Velcro. “You won’t.”

His brow furrowed as his hand slipped free. I reached for the other. “Just one. Only one.”

One was enough. I stared into his eyes and slowly nodded.

In the flickering light, hunger moved into his stare. His breaths eased, rising harder before falling and slowly he dragged his hand down until he reached around me. We said nothing, just stared into each other’s eyes. The storm raged, but the thunder wasn’t as loud as it was before. I settled against him, slid my arm across his chest, and slowly laid my head on his chest.

The panicked booming eased and the heavy thud of his heart lulled me. I closed my eyes as I listened to the sound and slowly slipped…

The steady beat stayed with me, fell quiet, then turned louder.

“No,” I heard him say, but I couldn’t surface.

I stayed in the darkness where the lightning didn’t quite reach me and the thunder was his heartbeat, until I shifted and pressed against something hard. I opened my eyes as I slowly became aware we weren’t alone.

I jerked my gaze to the foot of the bed and found the intense neon blue eyes of his twin brother as he stood there and stared at us. Only he wasn’t the only one who stared. London stood next to him, those dark eyes wide and fixed on the two of us wedged in the tiny bed.

“London,” I whispered. “What’s going on?”

He licked his lips as he glanced at the male beside me. “I was about to ask you the same thing.”

My thoughts were slow at first, before a low rumble in the sky above us brought it all crashing back. “The storm.” I startled as Colt moved his big hand upwards and palmed my breast.

I froze with the touch, turning a panicked stare to my captor.

“He won’t hurt you,” London urged. But those fixed dark eyes told me otherwise.

“He’s never…” Carven started. “He’s never done that.”

Never done that? I held his stare as Colt tugged my shirt upwards and exposed my breast. “Never done what?” I moaned as his thumb skimmed my nipple.

“Never touched a woman before.”

Colt froze and his wide eyes searched mine. He’d never touched a woman before? I swallowed as I remembered his fingers inside me. He’d touched me. That was enough, wasn’t it? He pulled his hand away and for a second, I thought it was all over, that whatever moment we’d had between us had passed, until he stretched up and worked the binding on his other wrist.

“Brother,” Carven cautioned.

I shifted my gaze to them standing at the foot of the bed, and the memory of London punching Guild came roaring back. London’s brow furrowed as Colt worked the other Velcro strap off his wrist and sat up. Even his ankles were tethered. But as his hands worked fast to tear the straps open, the energy in the room changed. Heat tore through me as Colt’s blue eyes dragged mine back to him.

“Don’t be scared,” he murmured, his voice low and husky. “Won’t hurt you.”

He lowered his gaze to my breast. I could barely move, wedged in tight against him as I was in the cramped bed, but I lifted my arms when he tugged my shirt higher and off, leaving me in my soft pink boxers. His breaths were fast, almost as fast as last night, as he lowered his head and kissed my nipple.

“Jesus,” Carven murmured.

Colt dropped my shirt to the floor and pushed up on his strong arms. I felt the weight of London’s stare, but I didn’t have time for fear as Colt lowered his head, kissed my nipple again, and reached between my legs. I closed my eyes, biting my lip as he dragged those thick fingers along my crease.

“Will you let him…” London started. “Will you let him fuck you, wildcat?”

I opened my eyes and swallowed hard as I sought London’s gaze. “Do you want me to?”

Carven looked at London as Colt moved lower in the bed and dragged my boxers down.

“Yes,” London answered.


The word raged in my captor’s stare as I raised my hips and my boxers were slid off. Colt reached down, grabbed my knee, and lifted, parting my legs. A shiver of fear swept along my spine as I narrowed in on London’s stare.

This is what he wanted, wasn’t it? He wanted the sons to touch me like this. I watched London while Colt’s fingers pushed inside me. But I winced and licked my lips.

“She’s not ready,” Carven muttered. “You have to make her wet.”

Colt scowled and glanced at his brother.

“For fuck’s sake,” Carven snapped, and looked away for a moment before he turned back. With a snarl, he strode forward, grabbed his twin gently behind his neck, and pushed his head down. “Eat her.”

I shook my head as heat welled in my cheeks. “He doesn’t…”

“Yes,” London answered coldly. “He does.”

“You want to fuck, brother?” Carven’s eyes blazed. “Then you do it properly. You don’t get off until she gets off.”

Panic filled Colt’s eyes as they lifted to mine. I saw it, the doubt, he embarrassment. But then Carven pushed his brother’s head back down. I flinched with his hard touch as Carven spread my pussy lips wide and dragged his finger along my nub. “This is her clit, you need to lick there, just like London did.”

Oh God…

The heat moved in my cheeks. I started to pull away and close my legs until Carven jerked that savage glare to me. “Gone too far, wildcat. My brother wants you, and he’s never wanted a woman in his goddamn life…”

He wanted to say more, but he didn’t. Instead, he watched as Colt lowered his head. I turned away as that heat burned in my cheeks, and stared at the wall instead. This wasn’t what I—

The slow slide of his tongue made me freeze.

“Now suck…gently,” Carven instructed.

The tiny lick grew bolder, bringing back to life that spark of desire that had been dying inside me. My breaths deepened as he gently continued to suck.

“See how she’s responding?” Carven murmured, his voice huskier. “Her breaths are deeper and her pussy is…now slide your finger in just a little, and keep doing that. They’re so sensitive there, so…” Carven’s strained breath caught as he watched his brother. “You need to see if she likes—”

“Oh…God,” I moaned as Colt curled his finger and stroked as he gently sucked.

I lost track of his fingers and his mouth. Instead, I turned my head to see London’s dark, consuming stare as he watched this play out. He wanted this, right? I lowered my hand and my fingers slid through Colt’s hair as he unleashed a growl, lifted my leg higher, and opened me wider. London wanted them and me. Had he planned this all along? Maybe that’s what he’d bought me for, with the plan to give me to these broken sons…

Heat bloomed as Colt sucked then dipped down to drag the tip of his tongue along my crease from my ass all the way up.

“Jesus.” I tore my gaze from London to the massive male between my thighs.

He looked up at me, those clear blue eyes no longer terrified or unsure. I sucked in hard breaths and slid my fingers through his thick dark curls as he stared at me with amusement…and pride. Oh yes, there was pride.

“Don’t get too cocky,” I croaked as my body trembled under his touch.

He grinned with my words, then dipped his head to continue with satisfaction, only this time, his entire focus was on making me writhe. I cried out as the urgency grew bolder.

There were no more instructions given.

No more lessons.

No more waiting as Colt slid his hands under my ass, tilted my hips upward, and speared my pussy with his tongue. I cried out as I thrust against him and drove his mouth harder against me. I was going to…I was going to…

“Oh, Jesus…” I bucked as white sparks ignited behind my eyes.

He sucked and licked the warmth that flooded from me. The sensation only plunged me further into oblivion.

I barely heard Carven growl. “Fuck. Me,” before Colt lifted his head and met my gaze.

But the smirk was gone, now there was only a desperate longing. I licked my lips and gave him a slow, careful nod. He was awkward once more, with a scowl before he stopped.

“Lie back,” I urged. “Pull me on top of you.”

He slid his hands from under my ass, grabbed me around the waist, and rolled. I was lifted on top of him. In that moment, there was only him and me. No one else mattered. That same panicked look returned in his eyes. He fixed his gaze to the ceiling, his heavy breaths consuming.

Agony plunged through my chest. I realized the temperature in the room had plunged to subzero. There wasn’t a whisper, not a sound. I fixed my gaze on the powerful male underneath me and captured his hand which gripped my waist. “You made me feel so good.” My voice trembled as I fixed on his wide, terrified stare. “But we’re only going to do this if you want to, okay?”

His breath stopped, then slowly he looked down and met my eyes.

“That’s it,” I whispered as I slid his hand up my waist, then over my breast. “Look at me. Do you want to keep going?”

He was scared, but he nodded slowly.

It was all I needed. I made sure I moved slowly and held his stare the entire time as I inched his shirt upwards, before I froze. Oh. My. Fucking. God. My gaze skimmed across the mess of scars that had savaged his body. But then I forced myself to keep going and didn’t once let him see that I saw him as anything other than perfect.

“I’d say keep talking to me, but I don’t think that’s an option here,” I whispered as I moved his hand from my breast to the back of my neck and slowly dipped down. “So I’m going to let you guide me, okay?”

I met his stare and made sure he understood, then left his hand on my neck as I brushed my lips across his nipple and the jagged scar that savaged his dusky flesh. Jesus, he’d been savaged.

The sons had it worse.

London’s words pushed in before I drove them away. I didn’t need those words in my head. That would all come later. Right now, it was about us, about finding what felt good for him. I needed a starting point, that’s all…

“I’m going to touch your cock, okay?” I whispered as I met his stare. “I want you to grip me if you want me to stop.”

I lowered my gaze, kept my fingers light, and traveled down his hard chest to his stomach, then slowly made my way lower. The heat of his brother’s stare burned as I skimmed the thick, hard length and gently closed my fingers around him. My silent lover flinched, but his grip never pulled me away as I tugged down the waistband of his boxers.

Instead of pulling me away, he rose up, grabbed me under my armpits, and lifted me so that I straddled him. The motion couldn’t be clearer. Do it now.

“We can go slower next time,” I whispered. “If you want there to be a next time.”

The hunger in his eyes told me all I needed to know. I reached down and cupped his cock again. He was big…really big. I looked down, dreading to see a mangled mess of scars just like his chest. But there wasn’t, there was just perfection. The thick vein pulsed under my grip as I stroked, lifted my body higher, and angled him at my entrance.

“You’re so fucking perfect,” I whispered.

One slow slide of that slick head and I felt the resistance. Pressure burned. Colt scowled as a flare of panic moved deep in his eyes, but he didn’t know what it meant. So I whispered, “That’s it. Keep going.”

He closed his eyes for a second as he drove his cock into the sting. I winced and relief swept through me as I focused on his concentration. I didn’t want him to see me as I bit down on my lip and pushed him deeper inside.

The pain grew intense and built and built, until it broke through and made me gasp with the rush. My pulse boomed but I didn’t dare look down, didn’t want them to know this moment was just as important for me as it was for Colt.

I focused on him as a look of peace washed across his face and he slowly thrust and drove his hips upwards. Flickers of memories pushed in as I rose and dropped back down. It was London I thought of and somehow, he sensed it, as he stood behind me.

“Ride him, wildcat,” he urged, his voice thick with desire. “Take what you need.”

Heat burned in my cheeks. I ground my hips as I let London’s voice roll through me. I didn’t need to push his words from my head, or the memory of what he’d done on the table and on the hood of his car. I could have them both. London in my head and Colt under me. My breaths quickened as the realization hit me.

There was no need to choose.

Colt’s hands gripped me as he pulled and pushed while he drove his hips up from the bed and that crease cut deeper between his eyes.

“Look at me,” I whispered, my breaths urgent. “Look into my eyes. Give yourself to me…give yourself.”

He unleashed a low, savage moan as his cock twitched. Warmth followed, and filled me as he held me in place. I didn’t need to take what I needed… because this was it. My heart thundered as a deep ache bloomed. It was this…him…them. All of it.

A slow smile tugged at the corners of Colt’s lips.

“How was that?” I asked as I nervously searched his gaze.

That smile only grew wider as he dragged his thumb across my nipple, then gently rolled it between his fingers and pulled a low moan from me. “You don’t want to do that,” I murmured as my body clenched, still feeling the burn of my first time. “Not unless you want to go again.”

There was a low chuff of delight before he circled that tight nub once more and I understood that was his exact intention.

Oh fuck…I’d unleashed a goddamn animal.

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