
Chapter 4

Tonight was the big solstice dance. It was an annual Big Deal. And for year number two, no one invited me. Not a huge surprise. Still hurt a little. I supposed I could just invite someone myself. No harm there. But I figured anyone without a date at this late point would be way my junior and I did not want to show up with a flippin teen wolf. Ew.

So, I was trying not to mope around the house. Even Katelyn was off somewhere. I thought about going for a run. Just get away from it all but I didn’t really have the energy for it. So, I holed up in my room and tried to engage with a book. I ended up staring out the window more than reading.

“Well, Wolfie?” I said, dragging the little stuffed guy into my lap, “What should we do that’s fun? We could play video games? I heard there’s a new one. The pool table will be wide open to practice bank shots. Midnight swim at the falls? Uh. No. Some couples will have snuck out there by then and we don’t want to interrupt that, do we? Play on the internet? Why does everything sound so boring? At least you always keep me company. You just need to learn to talk. I wish Katelyn were here.”

Wait a minute. Katelyn! She wouldn’t have a date to the dance either. That meant she’d be alone since I knew Janis and Marci definitely had dates. I didn’t want her to be bored with nothing to do. What could I do to fix that? I wasn’t going to ask her to the dance. That would be too weird.

‘Sit down, wolf. What is up with you? It just would be.’

What else could we do? And then it came to me like a flash.

We both had to eat, and I wasn’t sure about her, but I didn’t want to dine with all the twosomes having the special dance menu out on the terrace under candlelight. The younger crowd would be in the dining rooms having a toned-down version but still trying to ramp up the romance. We needed to get away from this two-by-two night.

I tossed Wolfie in the window seat and headed for the kitchen. I didn’t want to get in Mama Vera’s way. It was a huge night for the cooks, too. I just needed to get some food and a sack to put it in. Then I’d grab Katelyn and we’d head out to the overlook for a sunset picnic. You could hear the music from up there. Well, I could. I wasn’t sure about human ears, but it was still a pretty view. We’d be away from the romance vibe at least.

“Cassie? Why aren’t you getting ready?” Mama Vera said, catching me in one of the fridges.

“Uh. Wasn’t invited.” I said.

I was in such a good mood with my plan that my former hurt had disappeared. Mama Vera looked hurt for me.

“No. I thought of something else to do.” I said quickly, smiling.

Mama Vera had watched over me since I had arrived at the house as a thirteen-year-old gawky kid. She gave me advice on navigating life as a Were and offered me solace and a warm kitchen with milk and cookies when I was picked on for being an outsider in Were school. Everyone called her Mama Vera but, in my heart, she had become my second mom after I had run away from my foster family. I never knew my for real mom which was a good thing considering my start in life.

“What is that?” she said.

“I’m going to take Katelyn on a picnic for dinner. I just need a sack and some of that fried chicken you usually have.” I gushed.

Mama Vera smiled at me.

“What a good idea, Cassie. Have you asked her?”

“My next stop.”

“I think we can do a little better than a sack with some old chicken. Let me make you a proper basket while you track her down.”

“You don’t have …”

“Hush. Get going and let me work.”

“Thanks.” I said and ran out of the kitchen.

I had no idea where to find Katelyn. On regular days she liked the library and the patio where she hung out with Janis and Marci. Right now, the patio was off limits since it was being decorated for the dinner. I skidded into the library, and it was empty. I normally didn’t track people in the house, but I wanted to find Katelyn and get the evening started. So, I closed my eyes and breathed in through my nose, letting wolf sort the scents. There were a lot of them, but Katelyn’s was unique.

I found the most recent and started walking after it. I couldn’t run because I might lose the trail. There were literally hundreds of cross scents and I had to stay focused on Katelyn’s. She went upstairs to the third floor, someplace I normally did not tread. This was the start of upper pack territory. But her scent hadn’t come back down the main staircase. She could have returned down a different one, but I stayed on this trail. If she had gone back downstairs, I’d find that at some point. Instead, I found myself in front of a door. I would have backed up and fled except the strongest scent around the door was from Janis. This had to be her room. I stood there in debate. I could go back downstairs and wait for Katelyn. That would probably be more polite than interrupting whatever girly thing they were doing. Yeah. That made sense. I turned as the door opened.

My breath left me. It was Katelyn. She was absolutely beautiful. Her thick mahogany hair was held up with chopsticks and drooped in curls around her face. She had on a green sheath dress that made her eyes glow nearly gold. She was now my height from short black heels.

“It’s Cassie.” she said, turning and revealing a slit in the dress halfway up her thigh.

“I thought it might be Bradyn anxious to pick you up for the dance.” Janis giggled from somewhere in the room.

“Where’s your dress?” Katelyn said, smiling at me.

I didn’t have any words in me. Katelyn was going to the dance. She was going with Bradyn. She was beautiful. My head was going to explode. Wolf had gone silent.


“Making sure you were okay.” I said, hoarsely.

“I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked, looking concerned.

“You know. Dances. Wolves. Crazy night.” I stuttered, “You’re fine.”

I turned and left her calling after me. My heart was fluttering. Wolf was whimpering for some reason. I didn’t pay attention to where I was going until I smelled meat cooking and realized I was in the kitchen.

“Cassie. I have … What’s wrong?” Mama Vera said walking over to me.

“Nothing.” I said shortly, “All good. Katelyn’s going to the dance. Don’t need a picnic. Thanks.”

I made tracks for the outside door. Mama Vera was calling after me, too. I don’t know what the fuss was. So? She had a date. Guess she’d gotten over her wolf fear just fine. Maybe the Alpha would do his hypnotism thing or whatever he did and send her back to humankind.

I would have thrown off my clothes and shifted the minute I hit air, but I hadn’t told Katelyn yet that I was one of ‘them’. Instead, I jogged across the back yard and into the trees. I kept running. I didn’t go to the overlook. I didn’t want to think about the picnic. I didn’t want to hear the music. I didn’t want to think of the couples dancing and having a good time. Of beautiful Katelyn. I needed distance.

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