
Chapter 2

I was made to be wild, wicked and free, to carve out my own crazy destiny, to find a place in this world where I can be the most authentic version of me.

- Christy Ann Martine

“Are you ready for this?” Jack grumbled to me as I stepped outside of my family cabin. It was the morning of the meetings and we had both missed our usual training because of it. Jack already looked done for the day as he loosened the tie around his neck. It was rare that he ever wore a suit, and it was obvious by how uncomfortable he looked in the thing. I wanted to laugh at how strange he looked. He suited his typical training shorts and t-shirts far more.

“Not even close.” I speared him with a tired glare. I’d been up all night reading the files he’d provided with me so last minute, and now without my morning training I was feeling grouchy and sluggish. I couldn’t imagine how he felt; his wolf must have been pacing up a storm. He was fidgeting with his tie and collar still as we walked towards the main house until, with a huff, I batted his hands away and untied it altogether. “Just take the damn thing off. You’re still in a suit.”

“You’re walking weird.” Jack commented.

“It’s these stupid shoes.” The smart pumps I was wearing crunched against the dried leaves, rubbing against the side of my feet with every step. They weren’t even my shoes; Mom had nearly had my hide this morning as I stepped out of my room in my usual trainers. Apparently, they weren’t appropriate for the meeting.

“Where the hell did you get them from? They Elaine’s?”

“Her feet are a size smaller than mine; this is torture. The walk is so long,” I whined, staring longingly into the distance where I could already see the main house. It wasn’t even that far from where I lived, but I was definitely going to have blisters before the end of the day.

“Maybe if you didn’t live so damn far away, you wouldn’t have this problem,” Jack grunted, shooting me a pointed look. “I think you should move into the main house.”

I rolled my eyes.

“I think I should move to Colorado.”

Jack’s jaw ticked. He stayed silent for just a beat too long.

“Agree to disagree. But I suppose I can’t force you to stay here.” His tone was off, clearly bothered by the sudden turn of the conversation. I didn’t want to dwell too long on it though, on this tense atmosphere, not with such a long day ahead of us. We’d confront whatever these issues were when we had to. It was still possible for my transferal to be rejected.

“Well, you can, being my Alpha and all,” I said, attempting to lighten the mood, nudging him in the stomach with my elbow, “but you know I’d kick your ass if you did.”

“Please,” Jack shoved me away from him as we finally stepped up onto the porch. “As if you could land a single punch on me.”

“How’s that nose feeling?” I smirked.

“How did everyone settle in yesterday?” He ignored my taunt with a grin, suppressing his amusement poorly as he attempted to settle into his role of Alpha. Of course, the meeting, we had to act professionally.

“Good, Nevada arrived late as usual, but there weren’t any problems. Colorado should have arrived this morning, but you’ll have to ask Beta Maria or Beta Kyle about that. I never understand why they don’t just arrive the day before like everyone else.”

Jack shrugged, holding the door open for me. “They keep to themselves; it makes no difference to me if they want to arrive later and leave earlier, as long as they’re at the meeting on time. Besides, have you ever tried to sit in the same room as Alpha Harris all day? The male’s so damn strong it always sets the Beta’s on edge. It’s probably a good thing he’s here less.”

“I’ve never met the male, not that it makes any difference. I’ve got no wolf to cower under the Alpha command. That’s why I don’t take shit from you.” I quipped cheekily, ducking beneath his arm into the main house.

“Yeah,” Jack drawled, strolling in after me. “That’s why.”

There were only a couple of Beta’s in the foyer, flicking through files and conversing, when Jack and I arrived. It was still incredibly early. We had to arrive early though, considering Jack was hosting the meeting. That these Betas were already here, out of their own choice and looking so awake, was wild.

“Right then,” he muttered under his breath, shooting me a sideways glance that told me just how much he already hated the day ahead of us. “Let’s get things started.”

“I’ll get the coffee brewing in the kitchen. Mom said she’ll be up at eleven with the other cooks to prepare lunch, so I think breaking at twelve-thirty sounds best.”

Jack nodded firmly, adding, “I’ll go set up in the meeting room.”

“Alpha Athan!” a booming voiced bellowed from the open doorway before either of us had a chance to move. I cringed at the volume, and then again when I caught who the voice belonged to. Alpha Felix Delaney, Minnesota, one of the oldest of the Alpha’s of the seven packs, second only to the Alaska Alpha. He was a far too boisterous man when he wanted to be, and I wasn’t at all ready for his big personality at this time of morning.

“Good luck,” I offered Jack a fleeting glance before practically running towards the kitchen.

Ten minutes later, as I was piling all the cups, milk, sugar and pots of coffee onto two trays, someone else entered the kitchen. The guy was tall, much taller than I was despite being just under six feet, and muscular but lean, unlike some of the other Alpha and Betas, who were positively bulging with muscles. A dark dusting of stubble covered a sharp jawline, giving me the impression he hadn’t shaved within the last few days, matched by his dark unruly hair that probably needed a comb.

“Uh, can I help you?” I asked, not recognising the man in front of me. I assumed he was probably one of the Betas or Alphas I had yet to meet.

He paused, narrowing his eyes at me slightly as if I was the one out of place, before grunting out a short, “Coffee.” He was still looking me up and down, assessing me. I bet he was from Alaska. I’d heard of how reserved they were up there, how distrusting they were of the other packs. It wasn’t surprising considering how far away they were, completely isolated from the other six packs. No wonder the male seemed grouchy. Travelling that far must have been tiring.

“I was just about to take it out.” I nodded down awkwardly at the tray on the counter. I didn’t make a move to pick it up, not wanting to seem dismissive. Alphas and Betas could sometimes be sensitive if they thought you were disrespecting them. And I definitely didn’t know this male well enough to treat him as casually as the others I knew.

“Need help?” Not an Alpha then, not prideful enough. He must be a Beta.

“Sure, thanks.” I bobbed my head, waiting for him to make the first move. He reached for the heaviest tray.

The meeting room had filled up by the time we entered. Alphas and Betas milled around the rows of desks and conversed amongst themselves. Their reaction to our entrance was almost instantaneous, their eyes shooting greedily to the hot pots of coffee being carried in front of me.

I expected the Beta to leave once we had reached the small table in the room’s corner, but he stayed beside me, still as silent as before.

“Delaney,” he uttered, as I began unloading the trays. His voice had lowered to a deep timbre, and I turned just in time to see the Minnesota Alpha nod. The Alpha’s sombre expression quickly brightened, however, as his eyes landed on me and recognition shot through them.

“Emily! Good to see you again, girly!” I struggled to hold back my groan. The Alpha, tall and stocky, beamed down at me in delight. How was he always so joyful all the time? And especially here, where we were about to begin seven long, dull hours discussing pack business.

“You here on your own today, Alpha Delaney?” I greeted with a smile, noticing his mate was absent from his side. It wasn’t unusual for the Alpha couples to be by each other for the entirety of these meetings. They became particularly territorial and defensive with so many other Alpha’s present.

“Alexia’s back in Minnesota. She’s too close to bursting to be travelling much.” I could have sworn she was pregnant the last time I saw her, but I couldn’t remember how long ago that had been.

“Again? Congratulations, how many pups do you have now?” His chest puffed out slightly, his grin widening at the mention of his family.

“It’ll be five with this new pup on the way.”

“Five!” My eyes almost bulged from my head; I couldn’t imagine having so many pups, let alone giving birth to them. Alpha Delaney snorted, noticing my horror.

“I am 186, girly, me and Alexia gotta’ be doin’ something with our time.”

“Ah yes,” I conceded, amused, nodding in mock seriousness. “I forgot you were such an old man.”

“You’re lucky I like you. Anyone else talk to me like that and I’d have them on their back. What are you doing here, anyway? Have they upgraded you to the pack waitress?” Alpha Delaney laughed, a deep, joyful sound that was impossible not to join in with.

“Actually, uh,” my laughter subsided. “I’m gonna be at the meetings this time. Alpha Athan asked me to be Acting Alpha beside him.” I couldn’t help my eyes from shifting away for a second, shuffling a little on my feet. It felt wrong to be taking up such a position in front of legitimate Alphas and Betas. The Alpha position had to be earned, not gifted, so while it was only temporary and only for the three-days of meetings, I didn’t feel at all worthy.

“That’s great!” Alpha Delaney boomed, surprising me. He clapped me on the shoulder in support. “We could do with some fresh blood at these meetings, don’t you say Harris?” He glanced over at my shoulder where I hadn’t realised the man from before was still standing. The name pinged in my brain in recognition: Harris, Alpha Harris of Colorado, the Alpha of the pack I wished to join.

Oh fuck, and here I was, being so informal and insulting another Alpha in front of him. What if he thought I was too immature or unruly?

I turned to find him staring at me.

“We need something to stop these meetings from being so dull.” His tone was so dry, no hint of amusement from him.

“Well,” Alpha Delaney coughed, “I’m going to get myself a cup of coffee. Perhaps you should go speak to Alpha Athan. He’s looking over here in concern, as if I’m going to talk you to death.” He jutted his wide, square jaw towards the other side of the room, where Jack was indeed glancing my way as he spoke with Beta Maria and Beta Kyle.


I wish you had just dragged me away,” I hissed under my breath to Jack, who sat beside me with his attention on the Alpha that was currently speaking. The meeting had begun an hour ago, and all the Alphas and Betas had divided between the tables within their packs. Beta Maria snickered beside me.

How was I supposed to know you were making a fool out of yourself?” he whispered back, biting his lip to suppress his amusement.

You dic-”

“Now onto pack transferals,” Jack stated in a firm voice, suddenly on his feet and addressing the crowd. I felt my face flush as eyes instantly shot towards our group.

Both Alpha Delaney and Alpha Harris were watching me, Alpha Delaney with a supportive smile while Alpha Harris looked as if he had completely zoned out and his eyes coincidently fell my way. Beside him sat who I presumed to be his Beta. Hair golden and long to counter his Alpha’s, the male’s physique was smaller than Alpha Harris’, his shoulders not as broad.

“... we had two mating’s in March. Lily Stern transferred to Montanna, Alex Goodstone, to Nevada. Three of our wolves will transfer for the two-year period to Colorado for training, Nero Alban, Max Watson, Caitlin Horton,” the Arizona Alpha informed dryly, reading from a file in his hands. I had only caught the tail end of the list of transferrals and I hoped I wasn’t supposed to be noting these down. Jack hadn’t given me any instructions. I didn’t know how I should help him at these meetings.

“Excellent,” Jack commented. “We’ve had no transferals to other packs in the last six months. However, I wish to put forth a transferal request to Colorado.” Jack paused, looking towards Alpha Harris for acknowledgement. The other Alpha barely tipped his head down. “Emily Jefferson, twenty-three, unmated.”

Alpha Harris’ eyes didn’t hesitate to meet mine. I held back any reaction to his intense stare as he processed the information.

“Is this for the two-year training period or the five?” Alpha Harris barely managed to utter, looking down at the files littering his desk. I felt my heart deflate at the clear disinterest. Still, I refused to show my disappointment.

“This is a request for permanent transferal.”

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