
Chapter Chapter Twenty-four: Aftermath

Stefan POV

After four hours in surgery, three-unit of pack blood, more morphine than i could count, we finally stopped the internal bleeding, we came close to losing our patient once but luckily the vitals came back to normal after we used pack blood

After we sent our patient to the recovery room, to wake up and regain conscious. I went to call my alpha, told him we saved the packmate life, and the patient status is stable.

I had to go home and check on Nala, her jaw was still a bit sore, i had to relocate her shoulder, apparently she fought the security hard enough to dislocate her shoulder all in aim of waiting for an ambulance. My brave little girl, waiting to make sure her friend is fine, i gave her some tramal shot to help with the pain and make her sleep. We all slept in her bed, all seven of us cuddling close, she'll only feel safe with us here and we'll only sleep close to our mate ready to protect her.

The next morning well afternoon, since Nala slept in, she was demanding that we take her to the hospital. We had a compromise that she has to eat and have a bath first.

"Up up make me a bath quickkkkk" she pocked Kane in the arm demanding her bath, she looked so adorable that Kane just laughed and got up to make her bath, she didn't wait long she turned to asher to help her strip and ran to the bath naked.

After her bath she put on some random mismatched clothes, Kane laughed and stripped her again and dressed her in a rainbow hoodie and some matching sweats.

She finished getting dressed and ran to the kitchen, we followed her still laughing, she stuffed her mouth with some dry cereal took two gulp of milk and said she's ready and went running to the cars.

I drove princess to the hospital since I'm a doctor and could let her in my patient room without anyone asking questions.

The moment she saw her friend sleeping in a hospital bed , she looked pale hooked to an IV and heart monitoring machine , her eyes were closed probably asleep from all the pain killers i prescribed for her. On her side was holden holding her hand trying to look strong but his eyes were stained with tears.

Jennifer POV.

I woke up, I feel like my mouth been stuffed with cotton, I'm dizzy and disoriented where am 1? I feel someone squeezing my hand it's holden my mate, i smile and squeeze back and he look up at me, his eyes are full of tears. The smile drops I look to the other side to see nala she's also crying, what happened.

They both gush and fuss over me making sure I'm okay, not in pain, that I'm good. A few minutes later we were all sitting in uncomfortable silence , i know i have to face what happened i have to tell them what's wrong. Taking a deep breath i start talking

"Ethan was best friend with my old alpha son after holden dragged me off that one time in the dinner and I stopped talking to him. He cornered me once , i think my rejection hurt his ego, he knew i couldn't shift yet and been making fun of me every time he saw me..."

I was cut off my nala and holden growls i knew i should have told them , but it was harmless bullying him saying i was sleeping with nala or saying holden is only having fun with me, that he'll never want me as mate. He only raised his hand on me that one time when he first confronted me but that's it.

"Guys please let me finish" they both settle down and I continue " Ethan is human so he didn't scare me, he never raised a hand on me "white lie "but that day he saw me alone in college, it was the usual words and making fun I just ignored him as I usually do" my breath become small quick breaths, flashbacks to my attack I feel tears in my eyes but I continue " he got enough with me ignoring him and he wasn't alone he had the alpha son and two other guys they dragged me away and started beating me, said they miss me in the old pack” I'm full-on sobbing now they...they..wanted to...but they kept...and then Nala came and all went black”

What i couldn't say was they wanted to rape me but first they planned on beating me black and blue, if nala didn't came by time i would be dead.

For the thousand time, I wished I was able to shift and protect myself.

"I kicked their ass for you sweetheart, I'll always protect you" nala says and kiss the top of my head. "They are banned from our territory and the neutral territory that includes your college, I'm so sorry baby i wasn't there to protect you" ~holden

Just then my parent come through the door and they both hug me close , nala and holden join the hug too, i feel loved but also weak why couldn't i shift.

I made my decision now and here, I'm gonna shift one way or another , i feel something shift in me , I'm not the same person i was before my attack.

Holden deserve a stronger mate, nala deserve a better friend , i plan on doing anything i can but I'm gonna shift one way or another.

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