
Chapter Chapter Thirty-one: Tortured.

Nala POV

When I opened my eyes everything was upside down. When did that happens, no no the world wasn't upside down I was. I look up to see a hook coming down in the center of the room and chains around my ankles metal chains, they burn and hurt I can't move much. Every time I try to move my feet the chains dig deeper into my skin and I scream in agony.

Then my captor comes in, in all his ugly glory.

"Ohh princess looks like you are awake and ready to have some fun,” he says with an evil smile.

He put on some brass knuckles and stray using me as a punching bag.

Every time he hit me and I scream, I scream for my mates to come to help me, I scream from the agony, I scream from how cruel fate had been, I scream and scream but he never stops.

Christian POV

"Alpha we've been ambushed, they took Nala" Zach rasp on the phone.

It took all my self-control, all my concentration, all my will not to go wolf and just run and try to find my mate I had to think I'm the alpha and my pack mate needs me.

After that phone call, we all went to the mall, there was no trace like they took her and vanished not even a scent. Who were they why did they take our baby.

Mathew was hurt badly, I can see that Zach tried his best to protect him and Nala I don't blame him for what happened. I blame me, I shouldn't have let her come without extra protection or one of us to be there. And here I am standing facing the consequences.

We went back home trying to find any lead to whom might have taken her. And why. We all have enemies but for them to take Nala. This, this was something personal.

Nala POV

The next time I woke up, I wasn't upside down anymore ohh thank god. I was on some kind of table. My hands and legs are still bound by the same chains that burn so I don't try to move much. How long has it been are the guys coming to save me, they have to they promised never to let me go. Then an ugly face comes in. "Finally awake? Took you long enough.

Did you know princes that the human body got two hundred and six bones? No? Well let's see how many we can break in one go”

He took hold of my right hand, he started twisting my finger to an unnatural position, breaking my knuckles in the process. Agony is all I feel and I scream "please stop please” but he doesn't listen he keep going breaking all ten of my finger.

Ryland POV

I'm the fucking beta of this pack, I'm the god damn Sherriff I should be able to find my mate, I should be able to help but nothing all we could find from the mall cameras was that they were attacked by ten people and that she was taken to a black van, then they sped away with our only hope in this life.

I feel so worthless I can't even look at myself.

Nala POV

I never liked darkness I was always afraid of it, but now whenever it claims me I feel relieved I don't want to wake up.

Aidan POV

I'm one of the pack best fighters, I'm known to be ruthless. I never lost a fight in my life. I haven't lost a battle in my life until now I feel defeated.

Nala POV

I'm thirsty and hungry. When I asked an ugly face for water. He got a cold bottle he showed it to me, got it close to my lips but before I could even taste a drop of it he took it away drank the whole thing in front of me, and laughed.

Jace POV

Life with Nala was full of sugar and spices, never a dull moment she was always up to something, she gave life a taste. But now without her life is tasteless, we can't be bothered to do anything but search for her.

Nala POV

I don't know how long I've been here, I can't see the sun so I don't know if it's morning or night all I see is an ugly face and I wish he would drop and dies.

Stefan POV

I dedicated my life to help the weeks, the one in need. Now my baby is somewhere only God knows what state she's in and I can't do a thing to help her.

Nala POV

I don't think I can take much more. I was always a survivor but I don't think I can endure any more ugly face torture.

The twins POV

We always thought that we were two sides of one coin. That until Nala came in, she's our third side and we can't be complete without her.

Nala POV

Christian, Ryland, Aidan, Jace, Kane, Kyle, Stefan if I don't make it. I Love You All with all my heart.

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