
Chapter Chapter Thirty-one: Playing

Nala POV

After my tantrum yesterday, my punishment and finally my alone time with Ryland. I went to sleep in my own bed , i wasn't up to be awake by dawn on a Sunday.

I was being shaken, whut? Who? I opened my eyes to see jenny. What's she doing in my bed.Before i got time to ask what and why she began to drag me out of bed.

"You said you'll help me" ~jenny

"Of course i will but Jen I'm sure we can postpone burying the corpse till the sun come out.” ~nala "What corpse luna?" jenny ask in wonder

"The one you killed and need help hiding , it's the only logical reason to why you waking me this early” ~nala

Jenny laugh and keep on dragging me , i refused to put on any clothes so we ended up with me in my baby blue shorts and a hoodie that belong to one of my mates on top. The hoodie was long enough to reach my knee, i think it's Aidan'’s.

Outside I see Aidan and Ryland waiting for us, oww yeah true Ryland did mention that i need to do some meditation but i wasn't ready to start today. I go and sit on the floor next to Jenny, Aidan coaches us on breathing in and out, reaching our calming point and holding on to that feeling. But i did more then just hold to my calm i felled asleep, while cross-sitting on the ground. I was awoken by jenny scream "I DID IT, DID YOU SEE I DID IT"

I look at her weird and say " sure good job" not getting what she did.1

Ryland laughs and explains to her that I've been napping so she should do it again. Jenny took a deep breath and looked like she's focusing on something, she had her eyes closed in concentration. When she opened them her eyes had a silver lining to them. Oh my GOD.

I give jenny a big hug and start jumping with her in my arms, her wolf just showed up for the first time. I'm so proud of her.

We decided to stop here, while jenny is still happy and not push her any more. I was so happy to be in and find a new spot to nap on. Christian was sitting on the table drinking his coffee and scrolling through his phone. Perfect.

I walk toward him and sit in his lap with my head nestled on his chest I fall asleep again. I really should ask Kyle to buy me some "Don't wake me up at dawn " Tshirt maybe then they'll let me sleep. I'm shaken awake again, come on what's wrong with these people. I feel my self being lifted from Christian lap and i land in someone's else lap, i open my eyes enough to see it's Jace. "Pumpkin would you like some coffee?" Jace asks me and offers me his cup, I take a sip from it, it's black unlike the one i usually drink with too much milk. A few sips of coffee were enough to help me open both my eyes, Christian kiss my head and say he got paperwork to do, Ryland goes to work as does Stefan. The twins got some errands to run too and I'm still mad at Aidan so I decided to stick with Jace for the day.

Usually the guys make sure to empty at least one Sunday per month for family time but it look like it's not today, Jace feeds me breakfast from his plate and i drink most of his coffee.

After breakfast and cleaning up, jenny went to meet with holden and Jace said he's going to the supermarket, he did try to make me get dressed but i refused and kept my hoodie on, it's long enough to pass as a dress , he did have to roll my sleeves a couple times and put shoes on me but i was ready to go in no time.

Jace POV

I don't usually do shopping in person, i rely on online shopping and the food get delivered to the gates, i do supervise the distribution to make sure every pack house got a fair share. But I'm going away for a few days on a conference next week , and since Nala is tagging along so why not.

When we made it to the shop i get a shopping cart, I tell Nala that she can buy some candy but she goes crazy and choose half the store. I'm walking around while Nala is skipping in front of me, I didn't know shopping for food would made her this happy or i would've brought her here all the time.

"Daddy can i buy some new cereal?" ~nala ask with pleading tone, i try to limit her sugar intake, she's already a very active little pup and sugar make things worst. Now that i think about it i shouldn't have let her drink that much coffee this morning.

"You can, but only one and you'll have it on weekend only" i say she pout but nod and chose the most colorful box , i don't even want to know how much sugar it contain.

After filling three shopping carts with food , enough for the whole pack we go to pay, it take us some time but finally we are done. Nala is fidgeting in her seat , she can hardly keep still.

"Pumpkin how about we deliver the food and go on a run?" i ask

"Oww oww i love running and you can play with me , maybe i get to see some of the pack and they'll play along running running..." Nala says while jumping on her seat.

"Princess sit still I'm still driving, you can get hurt" i say and she pout " yes I'll play with you and I'm sure the pack will be more then happy to play along”

Apparently an over active Nala is a great assistant in delivering food, what usually take me around three hours we did it just in just one. She went to shift to wolf, but then remembered she want playing buddies.

She look at the pack who helped deliver food, there are ten guys who stand tall and proud around six feet tall and two hundred pounds, they are deadly in a fight trained by Aidan, Ryland, and Christian.

"Guys shift, you too daddy you promised” she say in a singing voice and go to shift in privacy. They look at me and i nod, their luna just gave them an order they better obey.

Nala is a very small person compared to us, when she shift she's also a very small white wolf, being small came in her favor since she ran between the guys legs, she'll jump over and bite them. None were brave enough to bite back or hurt her she’s still their luna and my mate. I might not be the greatest fighter but I'm not a bad one either and I'm more dominant then most of them.

I played along with Nala chasing her and fighting off whenever one of them get too close for my liking. She was small and fast she really did give the pack a run for their money jumping from one side to the other.

We kept playing till we lost sight of Nala, my wolf went crazy!! Could someone have kidnapped her! Is she hurt!

Her scent was all over the place since she ran around so much. I was about to go call Christian, something bad must have happened when one of the guys barked to get my attention.

In a little tree grove there slept my baby snoring lightly, she must have crashed from all the running around. I shift back and carry her inside , my little princess , how could i ever survived without her. I never knew something was missing from my life till the day she came in.

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