
Chapter Chapter Thirteen: Lunas

Jennifer POV

I'm summoned to the alpha house this morning, I don't really mind.

I don't think I'm in trouble, beta Ryland sent me the message saying they want to talk with me, it might be about the college or about my friendship with luna or I could be in trouble. But well the worst thing they did to me was getting grounded for two days which is pretty laughable in comparison to my old pack punishment.

I remember that one time, mother was sick and my father was busy at work he was taking some extra shifts so he was hardly at home, the fridge was empty as usual. Wolves can heal themselves, but they need to eat extra to compensate for their healing. And I don't enjoy seing my mother tired or sick, it just break my heart when she lies and tell me she's fine.

I decided to go to the main house to ask for food, it's not uncommon aroud here, but it can be humiliating for the best of us.

I kept pep talking myself the whole walk there, I'm doing it for my mother, anything they give me will be good, I just need something to help her heal.

Only if I could shift I would go and hunt something for her, only if. I wipe the tears from my eyes once I see the house of my nightmares in front of me.

I walk inside using the back door, the front one is for the alpha and his dominant pack.

I wish i could just take some food and run but that would be stealing and the punishment for that is severe

Just my luck the luna is in the kitchen, she's sitting on a high stool eating strawberries, she'll bring the fruit to her lips, take a small bite, suck the juices before eating the rest.

I stand quietly not daring to disturb the luna. She left me standing there with my eyes cast down for around forty minutes.

"What do you want?" she sneers at me.

"Luna, my mother...she's sick and we don't have any food...i ...i need" i stutter

"You want food is that right?" she spits the words in my face and I nod.

"If you want food then beg" she say the word with an evil smile.

"luna can you please spare us some food" i try

"Tsk tsk , if you want food , the food my mate and your alpha provided you better try harder” the luna says.

"Please please luna" I start but she cut me off.

"Oww for the love of your sick mother do better” she practically yell at me.

I go down to my knees and she gives a sadistic smile

"Luna I beg you to spare us some of the alphas generosity please please luna”

She laughs out loud like the sick psycho she is, she extends her foot forward the sick smile still on her face I know what she wants me to do I swallow my pride thinking about my mother and kiss her feet.

She laughs again in delight and gets up, I'm still on my knees too afraid that she'll change her mind. She goes and ramage in the kitchen she throws something in front of me and leaves the kitchen, I say a quiet thank you and take the bag and run home tears sliding down my cheeks. When I get home I check the bag, she gave me some bones with hardly any meat on them, but they are enough for me to make a broth from them, it will have to be enough to my mother and for that I'm grateful. Shaking my head away from the bad memory, I start walking to the main house, I knock on the door and wait.

kane open the door for me with a smile.

"Good morning jenny, come in Jace is making pancakes” ~lucas

"Good morning and Yumm" ~jenny

I walk in to see a zombie-like Nala sitting in the alpha lap, she's definitely not a morning person. But still I love her very much, she's the first friend I ever had and a wonderful person full of compassion and respect for others, I'm just lucky to call her my friend and luna.

Christan POV

After we finished breakfast I sit nala on the chair next to mine so I can have a serious talk with her. "Girls I need to talk to you for a second,” I say

They both look at me, giving me their attention.

"Have you thought about what you want to study at college?” I ask and Nala groans it's not her favorite topic.

"Nala college start next week, you should at least chose what classes you want to be enrolled in" I add

"Luna maybe we can take some general classes together, cause honestly i never thought i will have a chance to go to college” Jennifer suggest.

"I think that's a good idea, you can choose what you like best later” Aidan suggest

"Okay with that being settled, girls you heard the dean rules for college, so here are mine," I say and they both nod so I continue

"No fighting if someone is bullying you if someone is being disrespectful, if someone start a fight with you two just walk away and tell the dean and then call me immediately, you both represent my pack and you are under my protection is that clear?”

"Yes alpha" ~Jennifer

Nala only nods her head then hold her arms up wanting to be held, i don't think she even noticed it's Tristan who's holding her while jenny, jenny look the happier i ever saw her and i smile softly at her.

"A-alpha..alpha i wanted to say thank you...for...for everything” come the very timid voice of jennifer and I give her a full real smile, she's adorable ,well behaved and have tons of potential.

"Don't thank me sweetheart, just show me that you're grateful by getting good grades" i say and she nod.

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