
Chapter Chapter Ten: Jenny Story.

Nala POV

After I catch up with jenny, I tried calling her but she kept running so I jumped on her. She's crying, I don't know why but I don't like this I don't like seeing my friend hurt.

"What's wrong? Who hurt you? Who do I have to kill" I ask her meaning every word, no one hurt what's mine.

When she keeps crying I try a different tactic "Shh shhh come on let's go somewhere private to talk.”

I know we can't go back to the house too many people, too many ears to have a private conversation.

So I take her to the best place to have a private talk, a cave deep in the wood, it's a bit of a hike to get there.

The first time I went there it was with Mathew and Zach, it's where they told me their story.

Being a wolf has its perks my balance is better than it used to be, I'm faster and I can go longer.

By the time we made it there, jenny is sweating and swearing about the hike. I can't help but laugh at her at least she's not crying anymore.

"Sit down, talk to me, why were you crying?" I ask her with my best stern voice.

She shakes her head no.

"Come on jenny you know you can trust me"

Again with the head shake.

"Jennifer I'm your Luna and friend you know I'll never laugh at you or hurt you"

She shrug

"JENNIFER talk to me, I can't help you if you don't talk to me"

She looks at me with teary eyes and burst into sobs, damn is this how my mates feel when I give them hard time. Shit, I really should try and behave.

I do what the guys always do to me when I break down crying I hug her close, I'm petting her hair trying to calm her down, yeah maybe yelling at her wasn't the best option ever.

After about ten minutes jenny is calm enough to talk to me.

"I'm sorry jenny I shouldn't have yelled at you, but I don't like seeing you hurt that's all,” I say in a calm voice.

She just nods.

"Okay want to try and tell me what happened I promise not to yell or get mad at you," I say.

Finally, she looks at me, straight in the eyes, whatever she saw there seem to redeem me trustworthy, she takes a deep breath and starts talking.

"In my old pack, they used to make fun of me all the time about how I couldn't shift, sometimes they'll beat me trying to initiate a shift, you know your wolf side will always come out to protect you. But none of that worked.

I was the pack punching bag, my dad tried to protect me but he isn't the strongest wolf and he isn't there for me all the time.

The reason we finally changed packs was when...when" she breaks down crying again and I know what to come isn't easy or pleasant I try calming her, telling her that I'm there, when she could finally catch her breath she continued with her story "the beta of my old pack tried to rape me" she says and I see red, I can feel my eyes changing, true our wolf side come out to protect us but they also come out to protect what's ours and my wolf consider jenny hers, under her protection, swallowing my anger I nod at her encouraging her to finish her story while I plan on how to kill that asshole " mum got there just in time, it's why she had a broken arm. When the alpha found out he told us to keep quiet or leave. We didn't have much money for travel and we are no use to another pack I can't shift, my mum has a broken arm and my dad isn't that strong. It was a miracle that your pack took us in" she says and I hug her close, no it wasn't a miracle it was my mates they can't see anyone being hurt and leave them there, they all believe that the most powerful should protect the weak not abuse them.

Jennifer POV

I can't believe I just told Luna my story, I felt safe with her, I couldn't bring myself to tell her about Holden about how much his words sting. If Luna is going to be my friend and on my side, I can ignore his comment no matter how bad they hurt.

"YOU TWO ARE IN DEEP TROUBLES" came a voice from the cave opening I had no idea who that was but I cower into Luna's arms.

"You" and he point at Nala " just tell Jace that you need to check on the pup and run" I can see now that the person yelling is the alpha and it scares me even more "since when is that acceptable nala! let's go move it " he takes Nala by the arm and pulls her up, I look at her expecting to see some fear in her eyes but instead she's giving him puppy eyes look

"Sorry daddy but my friend was hurt and crying I couldn't leave her," she says.

"Baby girl you should've told me, or took her to the house not here," alpha says, he's calmer now. He walks out with Nala in his arm while I'm still sitting on the cave floor, next thing I know someone is lifting me by my arms

"You okay?" the voice asks and I nod.

"Okay pup I'm taking you home, you gave your parent the scare of their life," he says and I nod again.

He doesn't let me walk instead I'm being carried bridal style. When we're out of the cave and I can finally see who's holding me it's the beta.

"I heard Nala saying you were crying you okay now" the beta ask

"Yes sir," I say in a law voice and avoid all eye contact

"You know if someone hurt you or says something bad to you all you have to do is come and find me," he says.

Yeah right sure I'll do that when the pigs fly, but I just nod at him.

"My name is Ryland, I'm beta of this pack, sheriff of this town and I'm your Luna mate. But I can assure you I'm nothing like your old beta that scumbag deserves to be crucified for what he did to you. So let me tell you this again if anyone, and I mean anyone ever hurt you or try to bully you. Jennifer, you come straight to me and I promise you I WILL PROTECT YOU"

I did not expect those words from him or the intensity of them but I believe him, I'm putting my trust in this pack dominants and I pray to god I won't be hurt again.

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