
Chapter Chapter Sixteen: Drowning

Nala POV

It's been two weeks since we started college, it's been pure hell. I can't tell my mates that I hate it. I hardly talk to anyone, even jenny been distant lately she hardly talks to me anymore.

She missed a full week of college , i don't even know why, she wouldn't tell me and i didn't push her.

I don't know what's wrong with my friend but somehow she's as miserable as me.

My mates are trying to talk to me, but I don’t wanna talk, I'm sleeping alone most nights. Well I hardly sleep I lay down at night and stare at the ceiling.

I'm still not eating, i don't feel like eating food, Jace keeps trying to feed me but i refuse everything. Christian tried going all alpha on me so i would talk or eat but i only break down to tears.

Stefan said my physical check-up showed that nothing is wrong with me , well shocker cause i feel like death.

The twins are both trying to make me laugh, trying to make it up for me, Kyle been dressing me in more colorful clothes, I wear them for him. Kane trying his hardest to be strong for me.

Aidan, sometimes Aidan will take me out and sit with me, we'll both sit in silence.

My heart hurt and ache. I can hardly breathe, I'm feeling lonely for the first time in almost a year. Maybe I should talk to them, but I don't know how to say what's wrong with me, I don't even know what's wrong with me.

It's almost 2 am, i can't breath , i feel like the walls are closing in , i feel like I'm drowning. I get out of bed and run downstairs I see Christian looking at me from his office, i don't look back even i keep running outside. I need to be out, I can't take this anymore.

I run outside and change to wolf. I let out a long wad howl, I put all my heartbreak into it. I can hear the rest of my pack, they are howling back with me in compassion, their luna is hurt they can feel it. I can feel other presence with me , i look around to see all seven of my mates. I start running, i run to escape my hurt, i run to escape the pain, i run cause i can't tolerate this anymore.

By the time I'm done running, I'm exhausted. I turn back to my human form and fall down to my knees, all seven of them are there for me, i can feel their coat keeping me warm, i can even see other pack members they all bow their head down in respect. I look up at the moon, and close my eyes.1

Jennifer POV

After what holden said to me, I ran home. I'm broken, I wish for the thousand times that I could shift, then I wouldn't have to run from holden then I wouldn't be abused in my old pack, no one would dare to hurt my family but I'm weak.

I make it home, mum ask what's wrong with me but i don't reply i just run to my room. Close the door and break down crying. I keep my door locked, my parent tries talking to me, they ask if something is wrong, i can't tell them anything,i can't tell them how much it hurt.

I didn't go to college for the last week, Nala text me sometimes but i hardly reply and she doesn't mind much.

My friend isn't happy either, well it's life, it hurt us all.

Finn came to our house, he said that i can't keep skipping college, that i have to go back or he'll report me to the alpha. I wanted to say fuck it, I wanted to hide in my room forever.

Dad wouldn't let me, he got enough with my attitude. He yelled at me and said that i have to go even if he have to drag me there every day, he said he's not gonna let me waste my life, that college is an opportunity that he won't allow me to lose it.

I went back to college, i don't speak to Ethan anymore, Nala hardly speaks she look like a zombie but i feel the same so it's okay with me.

Every night when I sleep, I see nightmares, it's getting worst, I see the old beta but this time he does succeed to rape me and I scream and yell in my sleep. Sometimes I'll see holden laughing at me saying what a stupid excuse for a werewolf i am.

Tonight is another bad night, I'm screaming and crying again, i wake up and go open my window, i need to breath. I feel like I'm drowning in my own misery. I look out of my window and see the moon, it's full tonight, beautiful. I hear a sad howl, deep down even though I'm not a full wolf I know it's my luna, my heart breaks for her, she sounds so sad. I hear other pack howling with her i wish i can howl too but i can't. I feel tears running down my cheeks and i break to sobs.

A lone wold howl get my attention, i look down my window to see a brown wolf sitting down and looking at me , the wolf got the same brown eyes as holden, he look at me with eyes full of worry, like he cares for me.

I spend the whole night looking down at the wolf, and him looking up at me, our eyes locked till i feel asleep

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