
Chapter Chapter Six: SWAT.

Kyle POV

I remember the first time we played this game, it was Nala's first day with us as our little baby. She simply stood there looking at us like we're from Mars while we woke Mathew and Zach, good time, good times.

Today she's taking lead, it became one of her favorite games of all time, we're playing SWAT, our target is bluebell, our code names are dark, light, princess, red, and cook, Our weapons Glock g18. In other words, our target is Mathew since that kid has blue hair the name really fits, dark is my twin Kane, light is me, princess is Nala, jenny is red, cook is Jace. Our weapons are plastic water guns that we bought specially for these occasions.

We're giving jenny a chance to play with us, something she didn't get in her last pack. Playing even rough one help build puppies character and give them some confidence something jenny can definitely use.

"Okay so here's the plan dark you with me, light goes with red, cook you distract them. We'll go in and take care of the bodyguard while you two retrieve bluebell we need him alive” Nala says taking lead in the game.

I look over at jenny she looks a bit nervous she probably prefers to stay with Nala. "You ready red?" I ask

"Uhu...yeah...sure" the poor puppy stutter.

"Just go with it, it's really fun" I assure her one last time.

Princess gives her mark and cook go toward our oblivious targets, they're sitting in the sun talking, the best time to do this.

Jace sprays them both with his water gun and runs making Zach follow. Princess and dark jump on Zach and throw him to the ground.

"It's Go Time red" I yell getting into my character in the game.

I hold Mathew from one side and mention for jenny to do the same and we drag a screaming Mathew away. You'd think he's really getting kidnapped with all the screaming "Noo let me go" * I'm never gonna tell you where it is * "Zach help”

He's not really fighting, since he's used to our games we drag him toward the kitchen AKA our lair. Jenny is laughing, a good look on the girl, I haven't seen her show a tooth before. We wait for the rest to come back to regroup.

A very wet Nala come in the kitchen we ask her what happens her answer was "your henchmen found the hose".

We all start laughing while she gives us the mean look. Jace takes her upstairs to help her change, she’s a spoiled princess after all.

Jennifer POV

This pack is very different from my old one. In my old home, there was no way I would be playing swat with my Luna and four of the most dominant wolves. I'll probably be bullied by them all or even beaten in the hope that I will shift.

The fact that they offered me a chance to go to uni like wow who do that. We hardly had enough money to eat but now I get to go to college, play, and have fun, nobody is bullying me or beating me, the alpha even sends grocery to the pack homes to make sure everyone is fed. I think I'm in heaven I just wish I didn't have to go through hell to get here.

I'm lost in my own thoughts when a hand land on my shoulder and I scream.

"Sorry sorry didn't mean to scare you," Kyle says raising both his hand in surrender.

"It's...it's okay... was lost in my thoughts sorry” I reply.

"No need to apologize I was asking if you want pizza and maybe we can all watch a movie," he says with a smile.

Right on cue Nala comes into the kitchen in dry clothes * I want pepperoni and let's watch Cinderella” she demands.

Kane slap her ass hard "manners sugar”

It wasn't a hard slap, it's not like the abuse I'm used to, it's just a quick discipline not meant to hurt just correct her behavior. As if anyone would correct anything my old luna did.

After the pizza was ordered and the movie was playing I'm snuggling next to Mathew, well this feels good, it's a new day and a new life and I'm happy we moved.

By the time I went home I was late, I was supposed to help my mother with dinner but I was having so much fun I didn't want to leave.

"Where have you been" my father George asks, he looks mad.

"I was at the main house" I reply honestly.

"And what were you doing there?" my father demands

"Luna invited me over," I say offended

"What for, " he says still suspicious.

"Dad don't be like this, I love it here, it's different the luna is so nice she wants us to go to uni together she doesn't mind that I didn't shift yet "I try to reason with him

"Jennifer I refuse to see my baby girl getting hurt again so don't get attached to the dominant wolves and the luna" my dad yells at me.

I don't bother to explain to him, he just wants to protect me, after everything I've been through. I just nod my head and go to help my mother.

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