
Chapter Chapter four: Sad Beginnings.

Christian POV

When two of my pack mates walk in holding a little angel in their arm, she looked so innocent sleeping. She could use some meat on her little bones, her clothes were hanging by a thread, and her hair messy looking. But even with all that, she was a little doll, beautiful looking even in her current state.

I got what Kyle was talking about, I felt a pull toward her, I wanted to protect her, spoil her and give her unconditional love and keep her forever.

My pack is kind of strange, we are a bunch of misfits some of us lost our true and only mates our other half and for some of us, our mate decided to reject us. Wolves like us only get one true mate for all our immortal life to know your other half don't want you or dead. Living in infinite pain never finding peace.

But that wasn't the only weird thing about this pack, we are caregiver, a natural nutrient, we loved to take care of our other half, spoil them crazy.

The age play, daddyy/little relation was perfect for us, we all dabbed into it after we hit puberty. Puberty starts at the age of thirty, and we are a full adult at the age of fifty, ready to take our role in our pack and mate.

I once held my baby girl in my hand, told her how much I love her, and was rewarded with a big smile while she said "love you DADDY" and kissed my cheeks, nose, chin anywhere she can reach. But fate wasn't as nice to me, my baby girl never survived puberty her first change killed her, I wasn't there to help her through it and she died all alone in the dark.

I felt a lone tear falling from my eyes, the pain in my chest aching again and again. When my beta and best mate Ryland put a hand on my shoulder and asked quietly "hey man are you okay?"

I just shook my head saying "yeah remembering some dark stuff. Where are the guys?"

With eyes full of sympathy Ryland replied "it wasn't your fault, stop blaming yourself come on we got a new baby to take care of"

Walking into the family room I see all six of my trusty pack mates, all six of whom share the same pain like mine, the reason we started this pack. It used to be just the seven of us but that was over one hundred years ago now my pack consist of two hundred wolves under my protection and power.

But it's just us living in the main house, the highest-ranked wolves the one I count my family, and with whom I'll share our new baby. We shared our pain, misery, and worst moments. We decided a long time ago if we ever get a second chance we'll share that one too. Being in a polyamorous relation isn't that weird in our current world.

I should mention there is two more family member but those two hardly count as adults but still, we love them as our little annoying brothers.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts for the second time in a raw when Kyle decides to start whining "S0000000...the baby how should we treat? What's our game plan?”

Count on Kyle to make fun in times like this, but he got a good point of view. I don't want to scare her away none of us want that.

"We offer her a place to stay, she'll stay in the guest room till she starts to trust us, no going wolf either we don't want to send her screaming to the hills, and..."

I was cut off by loud screaming and wailing and it was coming from the guest room where my baby is sleeping, whatever is causing her screams is dead.

I barge in the room and turn the lights on, only for her to start screaming again trying to get away from me. I give to my instinct and hug her close to me, making sure that my aura is as calm as possible. Calm Dom means a calm submissive, in this case little. Thankfully my plan worked and she drifted to sleep again.

I left her sleeping in the bed and get back to my pack mates assuring them that all is under control. Kane had a theory about her being afraid of the dark and after everything I heard and see I agree. Nala POV

I woke up with a gasp, I look around but it's dark. I'm in an unfamiliar room sleeping on a bed that's not my sofa, this isn't my falling shitty studio apartment. Looking around it's dark, too dark, I hate the dark. Before I can talk myself out of it I start screaming.

The bedroom door bangs open and the light is turned on. I stop my screaming for a few seconds enough to notice the person standing in the doorway. He's a giant!! A fucking giant. I was kidnapped by a giant.

The giant gets closer to me and I start screaming and trashing trying to get away from him but I'm caught between the sheets. He's going to eat me, this is how I die.

Raising his hand showing me he means peace the giant gets on the bed next to me and engulfs me with his arms. I'm still scared I try to get away but he's much stronger than me. I keep fighting for a few minutes but it's a losing battle he still got me and I'm too tired to keep trying so I start to relax. Damn, he smells good like the first and pines. He smells safe.

I fall asleep feeling safe for the first time in two years. Safest I felt since I lost my parent then my home, this is pure heaven. My teddy Leo is pushed between my arms I hug him tight and get back to my peaceful sleep.

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