Ours (Blood Ties Book 3)

Ours: Chapter 22

“Tobias.” I placed my hand on his chest as he stood in front of Caleb. “Please, you promised.”

He glanced my way, his stare stony. “This is me holding up that promise, little mouse. Believe me…I’m very much in control.” My pulse thundered as Tobias glared at his brother. “So how about we start at the beginning…with the clubs you went to.”

Nick walked in from outside, returning from somewhere in town. He took one look at Caleb, then Tobias, and muttered. “Okay, we’re really doing this.”

Tobias glanced his way. “Oh, yeah, we’re fucking doing this.”

“You really want to start there?” Caleb questioned, glancing at me.

There was a flicker of fear there, like he was scared for me to know the truth. The real truth and not the part I knew, or thought I knew. That same sting of betrayal came roaring back and I was dragged to the fight we’d had before he left to go after Killion.

I’d been out of control then, throwing lamps and anything I could get my hands on at Caleb because all I saw was his betrayal. I couldn’t do that again, no matter how much it hurt to hear what had happened, even if the sex…Oh God, I stared up at Tobias—had been incredibleBut this wasn’t about sex, not really. It was about betrayal and trust, and trust started with the truth. I inhaled deeply and nodded, letting Caleb know that I was ready.

But Tobias wasn’t backing down. If anything, he seemed to be gaining savage momentum. “Yes, brother. I really want to start there.”

“Fine,” Caleb responded.

“Fine,” Tobias didn’t flinch.

I shifted, panic swirling inside me, rolling under my skin. Tobias saw, grabbed me, and pulled me close. His hand moved to the middle of my back, his thumb moving in slow circles, like he needed the touch to keep himself grounded.

It was annoying at first, aggravating that coiled tension inside me…until slowly…slowly…that irritating touch seemed to ease the thrumming of my heart. My breaths slowed, moving deeper. My stepbrother glanced my way, those dark eyes searching mine. I hated how he knew what I needed better than I knew myself. “Go on,” he urged his brother.

“I contacted Evans after Ryth was taken. He’d been the one to introduce me to Killion, several years ago. Even though at the time, I’d wanted nothing to do with the kind of men they were, I knew after the capture, they’d be my way into The Order.”

The way he said it was so clinical, like he was giving us the bare minimum. Still, the mention of Killion’s name sent chills down my spine. Whatever desire I’d felt a second ago was replaced by the sickening promises Killion had snarled in my ear as he’d pushed me naked against the wall in The Order. I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll see stars, you ruined little bitch.

My fingers trembled as I touched my throat, still feeling his fingers. Tobias saw, shifting that cold stare from his brother to me. His brow furrowed, narrowing in on the movement.

“So I asked for a re-introduction.” Caleb continued carefully. “And he did, taking me to meet Killion at the same club I’d gone to that night…”

“The night your almost got us all killed.” Tobias turned back to him.


But there was no edge to Tobias’ voice anymore. Instead, he swallowed and murmured. “Go on.”

“That first time, he made me sit and watch while a woman of The Order was raped and degraded.”

The temperature in the room plunged. Tobias scowled, and that glint of rage danced in his eyes again.

“It was a test,” Caleb continued as Nick stepped closer, drawn to the darkness. “My first test…but not the last, or the worst. I made it through that night, knowing if I so much as flinched at the things they did, that I’d lose my only way in. So I played along.”

“Something you do very well,” Tobias muttered.

“And thank God for that,” Caleb bit back. “We got her out, didn’t we?”

Tobias was the one to flinch that time, but he didn’t give Caleb an inch, pushing him again. “The rest, C.”

At least we were back to calling each other by our names, and Caleb noticed. “The second test was another woman, one Killion expected me to fuck, and not just fuck, either. He wanted to see how I ‘played’.”

I turned away, unable to look at him.

Still, he continued, even though I heard the pain in his voice.

“He wanted proof I was one of them. That I liked to humiliate and degrade.”

“And did you?” Nick asked. “Did you fuck and degrade?”

I wrenched open my eyes, turning to Nick.

Caleb glanced my way and swallowed hard. “Fuck her, no…”

But he did degrade her, right?

I tried to stop the onslaught of images that followed, where Caleb had his hand around the throat of the woman at The Order, growling in her ear how he was going to choke her and ride her until she passed out. My stomach hardened and my clit throbbed, my senses at war with each other.

“Evans fucked her instead,” Caleb whispered carefully, regret staining his words. “He didn’t want to. He was sick doing it. But he did, because he knew what was at stake for us.”


That’s what was at stake. He’d done it for me.

“And that’s what got me in.” Caleb glanced at me, his vice softening. “And Ryth out.”

“Until you fucked it up,” Tobias finished.

We’d almost had him, almost pulled him back to us, until that last moment.

“That was…is my only regret.” Caleb met his brother’s stare. “If I could go back and do things differently…”

“We’ve all done things we regret,” I added carefully as my own screams of rage came roaring back. The way I’d hit Caleb, the way I’d hated and trusted…

“You killed, T,” Nick’s voice was so quiet I barely heard it. “I stood there and watched you kill a man.”

But Tobias did hear, and slowly turned to face Nick. He was so cold in that moment, so utterly fucking terrifying. “A number of them, actually,” he added. “And I’d do it again. I’d kill and I’d keep on killing, I’d leave a river of fucking blood, brother. But there is one thing I’d never fucking do, and that’s put her in danger.”

He shifted that deadly stare my way and his control trembled. “Because if I did, the next man I’d kill would be myself.”

His love was murderous, and consuming.

My heart throbbed hard in response, even as he held my stare and asked. “But that’s me, isn’t it, C? It’s not you. Not the dominant lover she needs, right?” He looked from Caleb to me, and I saw fear in his stare, real fear. The kind I never thought I’d see in someone so threatening. “I want to know what happened between the two of you.”

I flinched and snapped my gaze toward him. “What?”

He dropped his hand from the middle of my back, distancing himself. “I need to know how he saved you.” He rubbed his jaw. “How he…” gives you what you need. He didn’t have to say the words, because the air was charged with them.

For a second, I couldn’t speak, unable to stay the words he so desperately needed to say.

How could I put it into words?

I closed my eyes, praying Caleb or Nick would say something…anything to fill the void.

But they didn’t.

I winced. Because this wasn’t their truth to tell…it was mine.

My throat thickened. I swallowed the fear.

“You’ve got my heart in your hands, little mouse,” Tobias whispered huskily. “Careful there.”

I opened my eyes as a charge ignited inside me. Love. That’s what this was. Ground-shaking, heart-tearing, all-consuming love. Tobias would never stop choosing me. I saw that now, saw it all in that dangerous, moody stare. He would never stop loving me, fighting for me, …bleeding for me.

My voice trembled when I spoke. “He protected me. He…” I licked my lips. “Lured Killion away from me by touching another woman, by telling her exactly what he wanted to do to her…”

“To you, Ryth. They were all the things I wanted to do to you,” Caleb cut in.

But Tobias never looked away from me. “Let her finish, C. Go on, little mouse. I want to hear everything.”

It all came pouring out of me and I couldn’t stop it. “I thought he’d betrayed me. Thought he…wanted her. I didn’t know what felt worse that night, the image of his hands on another woman…or the one of his back when he left.”

Caleb shook his head and turned away.

But I couldn’t protect him, not at that moment. I had a heart to save. “But he came back, and after that…day with the both of us, I knew how much he’d risked to save me.”

“And when you were back there?”

A pang tore across my chest. “When we were back there, they told us you were dead…and that Nick was captured.”

“What the fuck?” Nick whispered.

“They tried to break us, forcing us to believe your life hung in the balance. They wanted to use me…to make me…perform for them. But they couldn’t, because of my father.”

“He threatened them,” Tobias clarified.

I gave a slow nod. “So they hurt me instead, making a woman kneel for Caleb. She almost…she tried to…”

“Fucking bastards,” Nick growled. “They made Caleb fuck a woman in front of you?”

I held Tobias’s stare. “No.” That same panic rose. “I would never let that happen.”

“So you did it instead, didn’t you, little mouse?” Tobias whispered. “You fucked him in front of them.”

“I kneeled for him, yes.” I couldn’t stop this crash, no matter how hard I tried. “And in those moments when I was broken, when I thought my mind had shattered with the loss of you, he brought me back. Touching me, drawing me back to my body. Because I can tell you, Tobias. My heart was the last thing I wanted to be anywhere near.”

His powerful chest rose on a massive breath.

“I wanted to die,” I whispered. “I prayed for it, screamed for it…I…”

His chest stopped moving.

Stopped rising.

Stopped everything.

“He brought me back, dragged me by his touch and desperation.”

“And you clung to him,” Tobias whispered. “You clung to each other.”

Tears welled, blurring his face. Tobias took a step closer, so close his chest pressed against mine. He leaned down, making sure I understood this was what all this was really about. “Now I want to see how he fucks you, how he is the one you run to when your world is falling apart. How he—” He stilled, sucked in a breath, and continued. “How he gives you something I don’t.”

“Then in that case, I want to see how you fuck her,” Caleb declared. “How you’re the one she goes to for comfort and not just sex. I want to see how you give her that. Because, brother, while she clings to me, fighting the darkness of that place, she is forever occupied by you. Just in case you don’t see that.”

Tobias jerked his head up, those dark eyes flaring wide as it slowly dawned on him.

“She needs us…all of us,” Nick added, turning to me. “Don’t you, princess? Each of us in our own way.”

I nodded, the roar of my pulse deafening in my ears. “Yes. I need all of you.” I looked at each one. “In your own way.”

Nick shook his head slowly, and chuckled. “You are both the death and the making of us.”

“As you are to me,” I whispered.

“So, the question is, little mouse…” Tobias leaned down to whisper against my ear. “Are you gonna be good for us?”

Good for us?

My breath quickened, mingling with the fluttering of my heart as he pulled backwards.

“What?” I glanced at the others. “Now?”

“Now,” Tobias answered. “Unless you have something else on your schedule?”

I swallowed hard. I didn’t and he knew that.

“You want us to move past this,” Nick added. “Then this is how. We all watch, we all participate, we all take care of your needs.”

That wasn’t a request…it was an ultimatum.

They wanted to fuck…

I inhaled hard.

So, we’d fuck.


Nick smiled as I grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and dragged it over my head, standing there in nothing more than panties. Cold swept across me instantly as all three of my brothers lowered their gazes to my body.

“Fuck me,” Nick whispered.

“You wanted it.” Caleb stared at my breasts and licked his lips. “Then we make it good.”

“Exactly what I was thinking,” Tobias growled, then he stepped forward, grabbed me around the waist, and lifted me.

“Tobias,” I protested, pushing against his shoulders. “Stop, your leg.”

“The only leg I care about right now, little mouse, is the aching one between my fucking thighs. Wrap yours around me and shut the fuck up. This is happening.”

I did as he demanded, clinging tightly as he limped toward the bedroom at the end of the hall…and his brothers followed. Déjà vu slammed into me as Nick closed the door. This was just like the first time, when I was so damn terrified and excited all at the same time.

They’d taken me into their room…and made me theirs.

Now it was my turn.

My turn to bring us together, any way I could. Tobias gently tossed me onto the bed, watching me bounce with the impact. I braced my hands against the mattress as all three stared between my legs.

Tobias yanked his shirt free as Caleb did the same, his hair still damp from the shower he’d had before all of this started, tousled and darker now when he worked the buttons of his clean white shirt. Sometime during the early hours of the morning, he’d taken care of the laundry, leaving it neatly folded.

He’d always been good like that, pristine, neat…

But certainly not vanilla.

He stepped closer, dropped his shirt to the floor, and unbuttoned his pants. “Our brother wants to watch us, little mouse. So how about we make it worth his while?”

My body trembled as he pushed his pants and boxers low, as Nick stepped closer.

“It’s only fair, princess. You take our clothes, and we take your ability to walk…for a while, at least.” Nick grinned, dropping his t-shirt to the floor. “Two days until the meet…how the fuck are we gonna pass the time?”

“I have a few ideas,” Caleb offered as he climbed onto the bed and slid his hand around the back of my neck, staring into my eyes. “You ready?”

My erratic pulse was out of control, but I nodded.

The corners of his lips quirked as he leaned down. I’d expected darkness, and maybe danger. I’d expected his hand around my throat. But there wasn’t any of that. Goosebumps raced along my flesh as he lowered his head. I closed my eyes and waited for the kiss…only it wasn’t on my lips.

His breath warmed my neck as he eased my head to the side and kissed me. I couldn’t track him, couldn’t anticipate what he’d do. I’d expected dominance, but this wasn’t dom—

His teeth pressed over my vein and drove down, hard enough to make me flinch. I released a yelp, feeling his hand move up from the nape of my neck and grasp a handful of my hair.

“Gonna mark you, little sister” he murmured against my throat as he yanked my head backwards. “Gonna show our brother what a good fucking girl you are.”

“Ohh,” I moaned.

Panting breaths consumed me as I stared up at the ceiling. Heat lashed my scalp, but it wasn’t a cruel heat, just enough for my pulse to race and my body to respond.

“She fucking likes that,” Tobias murmured.

A touch came between my legs, as Tobias’s finger dragged along my panties before he slipped under the elastic and pushed into me. “So fucking wet.”

“Hear that, princess?” Caleb’s voice was colder. He angled my head so I stared into his dark brown eyes. “Our brother likes to see how perfect you are. How about we show him a little more?”

I could only pant and try to nod against his hold.

He smiled…

And that wicked glint just made my pussy clench.

“Fuck me,” Tobias sighed, slowly thrusting his finger inside me.

Caleb pressed his hand over my mouth, muffling me. “Are you going to be good for us?”

I nodded, strands of my hair pulling taut.

“How good?”

So fucking good…I opened my mouth to say the words, but caught myself. My senses fired, and somehow, I knew that had been a test, one I’d caught just in time.

Caleb’s smile only grew wider…

And I grew wetter, my body taking over to drive against Tobias’s fingers. “Christ, you have the most perfect cunt,” he muttered.

I knew he watched me, riveted by Caleb’s hand as he pulled it away. “Open your mouth, princess.”

I obeyed on instinct as Caleb rose up, gripped his cock, and aimed it for my mouth. Our gazes connected, searing with intensity, as I took him inside.

“So good.” He drove deeper, forcing me to open wider.

The careful stroke of his thumb against my cheek came, so soft, so caring, before his hand went around my neck once more…and he pushed me backwards against the bed. “Tobias,” he murmured. “I think our little sister needs more than one hole filled.”

“You want that, Ryth?” Tobias checked.

All I could do was nod and stare into Caleb’s eyes. He smiled…and that flicker of happiness only made me want to please him more. Whatever he wanted, I’d do. He could use me and keep on using me. He could do anything he wanted…and he knew that.

He cupped my head, pushed it back against the pillow, and swung his leg over to straddle my face. I opened wider as he thrust even deeper, pushing his cock all the way to the back of my throat. Panic kicked in, but that rush only made me hyper-sensitive. I couldn’t hold back the moan as rough hands gripped the edges of my panties and dragged them down.

“I fucking dream about this pussy,” Tobias growled. “About how I want to fucking fill it.”

Movement came from the corner of my eye as he tossed them to Nick. My nostrils flared as I sucked in hard breaths as Caleb thrust, pulling out only to slowly slide back in.

I turned my head, seeing Nick as he leaned against the wall, my panties in his hand. He gave me a smile and slowly nodded. “You know how I like to watch, princess.” He licked his lips, his gaze shifting to Tobias and Caleb as they rode my body. “I could get used to this show.”

I didn’t want to leave him out, desperate for our connection, until Caleb leaned forward and I was drawn back to the feel of him.

“That’s my girl.” He tightened his grip and leaned forward, using his other hand to brace against the mattress.

I gripped his waist as Tobias parted my thighs and pushed them apart.

“Eyes on me, princess,” Caleb urged.

I couldn’t look anywhere else. My throat clenched as he thrust, saliva pooled and ran down the back of my throat, and all I thought about was him coming. Tobias thrust inside me, driving me upwards, but Caleb’s hold against my neck kept his cock seated.

“That’s it, little brother,” Caleb encouraged. “Use her.”

“Fuck,” Tobias growled, and drove in harder.

“Use that sweet cunt,” Caleb whispered, staring down at me.

Tobias stretched me, sliding in with the slick. “Fuck, little mouse,” he grunted, gripping my hips and driving in harder.

I bounced against the bed, pinned by Caleb’s cock as he thrust in my mouth. I opened my legs wider as desperation rose.

“No coming, princess,” Caleb grunted, his brow creasing with concentration. “Not yet.”

Then he pulled out, leaving me to gasp and moan as Tobias slammed in all the way to the hilt, filling me. I was going to come…I knew that. My core clenched as Caleb slid his hand from under my neck and gently pinched my nose shut.

“Not until you’ve had your fill.” His voice turned dangerous. I gasped, drawing in a breath through my mouth before he plunged his cock back in.

I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t breathe…couldn’t breathe. I bucked, my body clamping down on Tobias as he thrust in. This was just the same as his hand around my throat and panic drove me closer to the edge as Caleb released his hold, leaving me to gasp and groan. My body quivered as the end rushed toward me.

“Princess?” Caleb watched me intently as he pulled free.

I nodded, closed my eyes, and whimpered. “I’m going to come. I—”

He smiled and pinched my nose again as he grabbed his cock with his other hand. “Open.”

I parted my lips wider, feeling the stretch. He was so hard, so ready, that desperate gleam twinkling in his eyes as he ran the smooth skin on the head of his cock around my mouth. I licked, and lifted my head, desperate to feel him in my mouth.

“Fuck, C, I’m going to—” Tobias groaned.

Caleb thrust back in, keeping my nostrils clamped shut. He trembled, released a moan, and set his cock it at the edge of my mouth. The head quivered, pulsing, before that thick vein jerked and warmth filled my mouth.

My brothers moaned, both guttural…and perfect.

And I couldn’t hold back any longer.

Cum slipped down the back of my throat. I swallowed, desperate for air, and came hard, quivering and whimpering as Caleb released my nose and whispered, “That’s my girl.”

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