Our Two Worlds

Chapter 28

-(Day 4)

The day started with everyone being ordered to show their presence in the court just like everyday. Everyone looked fresh and ready like morning suns meanwhile me and my friends looked fresh, yes freshly out of bed with special services of nests on our heads for the birds. Snickering could be heard from around. Even the Alpha King looked amused, more like a glimpse of amusement in the eyes and boom its gone.

The royal announcer once again took his place in the center of the hall and a new announcement was made by him. The announcement was all about a trip being arranged for all the debutantes going around the territory. The sole reason for the trip was the debutantes gathering information regarding the territory. The court was soon dismissed after some very intense speech on rules which were mostly given out by the announcer looking in my direction. I guess he might be looking towards someone behind me I definitely am not the one doing something wild.

Everyone was getting ready for the trip. By afternoon we got the message of the Alpha King accompanying us for the trip as well. You see gossips travel faster than light. Everyone looked even more excited. The planning’s to impress the king had started forming. And soon everyone was ready with the full proof planning except me who still was in the state of sleep and grumpiness as I had being dragged out of my luxury sleep just for the cause of the announcement.







Soon we had left for our trip. The territory was a balance between nature and the livings for the people. The nature was perfectly preserved and the civilization for the people to live was cultivated properly. There were perfect civilizations made for the people to live without making any harm to the natural habitats.

The whole day went away in the tour of the territory and also the hyenas trying to show their chests off. I guess even the dresses were cursing them by now. But the funniest thing in this all was that the King had actually appointed bodyguards around him so that noone could go near him including the hyenas.

Soon it was night time and we were bought a place which was booked for the night staying. The place looked like a civilization itself. There were houses besides each other living some distances between them. We all were appointed rooms in the houses to stay. It was 1:00 at night and I was still wide awake. Leaving the house I thought about going around and find some great adventures. There was darkness everywhere more like a haunted scene.

“Before you start with you rule breaking spree I would like to notify you that creatures of night love human blood” and yes I almost knocked the person unconscious.

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