Our Two Worlds

Chapter 1

Well, you all must be thinking about what I told you till now about the world being ruled by werewolves. So let me rephrase it for you in a better way.

Well, this stared years before when humans didn’t had any idea about such creature’s existence. They only thought about wolves being simply wild animals roaming in forests and the humans who were seen roaming between us were never suspected to be anything other than humans.

Humans had started composing an ego of being prior to any other species. This ego had came to such extent, where they had almost wiped away the forests for the growth of civilization and killed animals for entertainment.

It was obvious that Mother Nature would kick human’s ass just to show them their real place.

The definition of kicking ass being, the civilization of werewolves attacking the lands of humans.

When almost the whole of human race was wiped away, the leaders who governed us humans had the sense to save the remaining one’s who were turning to the phase of extinct. They signed a treaty with the Werewolf King coming to a decision for our welfare. The script of the treaty says that both races would be living as allies and the human race would be ruled by the Werewolf race.

And that’s how ladies and gentlemen, these lands are now being ruled by the werewolves. The context where I said that the world being ruled by them, for that I would say that the humans had almost cleared off the worlds of its natural habitat, stating it as theirs. So when the rule of the werewolves started ofcourse these lands had come under their lands and the very first step of theirs, was to restore the lands of its lost natural habitat. All the mortal forms being vampires,witches,etc. too showed themselves, as to say that even we exist you immortal bitches. Everyone had their own kingdom and lands to rule. Except humans who were bound to be under the rule of the werewolves based on the treaty.

Now the leader of our whole kingdom is said to be the Alpha King. Alpha is said to be the leader of a pack and every werewolf being belongs to a pack. So the Alpha King is said to be the king of all the Alphas. In easier words, he’s said to be the King of their kingdom and now our’s as well. Whenever the reigning king wants to step down the throne or dies, his heir takes the next position.

So, do you really think, after what humans did to them, they would let us go so easily. Nope Not in this life atleast. Humans were badly tortured by them. The definition of tortured being human trafficking, human selling for slavery, etc. Even the remaining one’s who were somehow saved from the attack were being brutally killed. And the remaining species was once again coming to a speedy extinct.

But guess what, Mother Nature had some pity for her monstrous kids. Just 4 yeast ago from now going year, a 20 year old werewolf challenged the then king for a duel. This was a very first time to be heard of a mere werewolf boy challenging the Alpha King himself. Ofcourse everybody knew who the winner would be.

But then the next day, everyone was shocked to hear the news of the Alpha King being killed by a mere 20 year old boy. The boy was soon coronated as the new Alpha King as the price of his win against the King, at the age of just 20.

Anyway back to the story. After the arrival of the new king, things started to change. New rules were made. Humans were being treated in a better way. We humans were allowed to take education, but they still had to bow in front of them. Noone was allowed to go against them and if anyone dared to the result would always be sweet and lovely death (Please do ignore the lovely sarcasm)

That’s how this beautiful existing present is made. By a little growth in human’s race and me being alive--


Or not

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