Our Secret Moments (Drayton Hills Series)

Our Secret Moments: Chapter 21


AFTER THE SHORT interviews are done, I head back to my dorm instead of following the guys to the gym like I usually do. As much as I wanted Wes’s words to completely evaporate from my brain, I can’t help but think that I’ve been going about this whole Cat situation the wrong way. Would she really want me to sext her?

Do people still do that, or is that what people in those cheesy rom coms do at sleepovers? There’s no way she’d enjoy that. Or maybe she would. I’m beginning to realise that I have no clue what she’s into and how to find that out.

I slouch back in the chair at my desk in my room and call my dad for some rational advice. I know he’s not busy today as Tuesdays are his usual days off from teaching, so he picks up on the third ring.

I hear his heavy breathing before his voice actually comes into play. “Son! What’s up? Are you being attacked? You know what I’ve told you. Don’t get into a white man’s car just because he says he knows your mom and I from the New Parents group. You’re two hundred and forty months old now. We don’t go to NPG anymore.”

That happened one time. One fucking time. “I’m fine, dad. I was calling for some advice actually,” I say. He lets out a few sharp breaths. “What are you doing? I’ll call you back if you’re busy.”

He groans. “I’m just doing lunges. You’d think I’d be in better shape after carrying you and Nor in my stomach for a whole nine months, but they say postpartum catches you off guard.” His words cut off with another round of pants. I can only imagine that he’s swiping the sweat off his forehead. “Your mother is putting me through hell with these workouts. Anyway, what’s up, son?”

I shake my head with a laugh. I swear this man needs his own TV show. “I just wanted some advice on…. Girls. Well, a girl. I know you and mom hit it off right away and I wanted to know how you, uh, managed to do that. I know times were different back then, you know, in the nineteenth century.”

My dad’s breathing starts to normalise as he scoffs. “Okay, watch it. We’re not forty for another two years. Then you can consider us old.”

“Dad,” I press, rolling my eyes. “I’m desperate.”

“Okay, okay,” he chides. I hear the clicking sound of the refrigerator over the phone and my dad sighs. “Who’s the girl, then? Does she know that you exist?”

“Yes, she knows that I exist, dad,” I groan. “I can’t tell you who she is, for the sake of anonymity. You run your mouth too much.”

“So, it’s Nora’s friend, then, huh?” How the fuck did he…. “I’m not an idiot, Con. I’ve seen the way you’ve looked at her since you were kids. From what I’ve seen, she likes you too. She’s probably just nervous. Breaking those friends to more boundaries is scary.”

I let out a shaky exhale. He’s right. Of course, he’s right. I’ve never been in a relationship before, but I’ve watched enough romance movies with my sister growing up to know that what my dad is saying is true. As much as I’ve flirted with Cat over the years, we’ve never crossed the line that we’ve firmly put up. Until a few days ago.

“What did you do with mom? You were friends before you got together, right?” I ask.

“Yeah, but your mom was obsessed with me before I ever made a move,” he says easily. Something hard hits the screen, causing my dad’s phone to drop a few inches away from his ear and all I can hear is a muffled argument between him and my mom. Typical. It’s like I have teenagers for parents. “She’s violent too,” he mutters into the phone before clearing his throat. “Anyway. If my daddy senses are correct, she’s probably just waiting for you to make the first move.”

I shudder. “Don’t ever say the words ‘daddy senses’ ever again.”

“You’re right. Even I thought that was too far,” he admits before he takes a long sigh. “Anyway, be bold, Connor.”

“I will. Thanks, dad,” I say into the phone.

“Anytime, son,” he replies before ending the call.

I stare up at my ceiling, spinning around in my chair.

Be bold.

How the fuck do I do that? What am I supposed to do now? Just throw myself at her whenever she’s around? Am I supposed to leave letters in her locker or something? Do we even have lockers at Drayton? Fuck my life.

This shouldn’t be so hard. I made out with her a few days ago and I was so close to blowing my load right there. I don’t want her to think this is just a casual thing. I might not have much, or any experience with relationships, but I know enough to want her more than just fooling around for the fun of it. I want her all the time.

I pull out my phone, considering texting her first.

Be bold.

Girls are supposed to dig this shit according to Wes. Making the first move is supposed to be the easy part. Then why does it feel so difficult? I stare at her contact for at least ten minutes, no clue what to say. I even search up different conversation starters onto Google like the lovesick fool I am. All the responses are either too bold or too cringe. I want to make her swoon, not run away.

By the time I’ve eaten, showered, and slipped back into bed in my boxers, I still haven’t texted her. I’ll wait until tomorrow. Maybe all that talking in the interview today has worn my brain out. I need a good night’s sleep. That’s it.

I’m finally about to close my eyes when my phone lights up with a text. I’m planning to ignore it, but there’s no way I was going to get to sleep anyway. I lean over to my bedside table, taking my phone off my charger.


U up?

I drop my phone as if it’s burned straight through my skin. Fuck. Oh, fuckity fuck fuck.

What in the hell do I say to that? A u up text is fucking dangerous. It sends my thoughts completely filthy, imagining that she’s thinking about me whilst she’s in bed, hopefully wearing little clothing just like I am.

I pick up my phone with shaking hands, staring at our empty chat. She knows I’ve seen the message now and I can’t hide from it. It’s not like I want to. I just don’t know what to say. The words blink back at me, begging me to say something.

I am now.

She replies instantly, like she was waiting for me.



Why’s that good?


Idk. I’m just thinking abt u and I like knowing ur awake too.

What are you thinking about, sweetheart?

I think for a second that I’ve scared her off as the blue bubbles appear and then disappear again. Did I say something wrong? How can I be messing this up before anything has even happened? My fears are quashed when I finally see her respond.


I’m thinking about the way u kissed me. The way u touched me in the hot tub.

What else?


I’m thinking about what i would do if I was with u right now.

What would you do?


I’d kiss you softly first, press my lips right against yours until you relax for me. I’d run my tongue against the seam of your lips until i push my tongue into your mouth. I’d kiss you so hard that you’ll go dizzy. So passionately that it’ll feel like fucking.

Fuck. Is it true that you can come just by reading because holy fuck. The images she’s painted makes my cock ache with need, with a desperation and eagerness to get off. I immediately shake off my boxers, fist my erection in one hand and reach for my phone with the other.

Answer the phone, Cat.

She doesn’t waste any time to answer it and I don’t waste any more time to speak. I adjust myself in my bed, making myself comfortable as I close my eyes, keeping my phone firmly pressed against my ear so I can hear everything that comes out of her mouth.

“Do you know what you’re doing to me, Cat?” I murmur. She lets out a shuddery exhale at the harshness in my tone and I feel my dick twitch in my hand.

“Tell me,” she breathes out. Her voice is low and quiet, just so extremely sexy.


“Tell me what I’m doing to you. I want to hear you say it,” she whispers, her voice a little stronger this time.

“I didn’t expect you to like dirty talk, Catherine, I must admit,” I muse. She lets out a sharp laugh, but it sounds more like a whimper. I stroke my length, unable to help myself.

“Connor,” she murmurs, “Just talk.”

Her voice is too desperate for me to question her any further. “I know you’ve got a strong imagination, sweetheart. I hope you can picture me naked in my bed, my cock in my hand as my body fucking aches for you. It aches for you to do something to help make me relax. Is that what you want me to say, sweetheart?”

“Y-Yes,” she stutters. “Keep going.”

“I will if you answer my question,” I tease, knowing it’s going to piss her off. I can hear her choppy breathing and the soft sound of sheets rustling. Just the thought of her possibly touching herself too causes my hand to milk myself even faster. “Are you touching yourself?”


“I’ll end the call if you don’t tell me the truth, Cat.”

She groans. “Fine. Yes. I am. I’m desperate, Connor.”

“You are?” I don’t even try to hide the surprise in my voice.

“I’ve been waiting for you to text me all day and you didn’t. I thought you were trying to blow me off and I didn’t want to bug you, but I couldn’t take it anymore, so I texted you.”

“I wasn’t trying to blow you off, Cat,” I whisper. “I wanted to text you. I just didn’t know what to say.”

“Okay,” she replies, her breathing shallow. “Glad that’s all cleared up. I hope you’ve found your words now, Connie, because I’m already close.”


I have no fucking idea what I’m doing.

I’ve been on edge all day and I was looking for a release. I wasn’t expecting Connor to actually text me back. I was planning on shoving my phone away, leaving it up to my fingers and my imagination to get myself off.

I’ve never been the kind of girl to instigate sex, or even hint at it over text. With him, my desire takes over my body and my brain so much that I don’t even think about it. His voice is quiet against my ear, and it feels like he’s in the room with me.

“You still with me, sweetheart?” he asks, his voice raspy and deep.


“Good,” he whispers. “Touch your clit for me. Pretend it’s my fingers touching you.” I do as he says, my chest rising and falling rapidly at the ease in which the words fall out of his mouth. I don’t say anything when two of my fingers play with my swollen clit, my head falling back into the cushions, a whimper leaving my mouth. “That’s it.”

“Connor,” I breathe out, needing to say his name, needing to know it’s him that is getting me so worked up. God, I wish he was here right now. I wish it was his fingers instead of mine.

“Yes,” he replies.

“I want you to touch yourself, too. I don’t want to do this on my own,” I whisper, slightly embarrassed. A throaty groan leaves his mouth, and it sends shivers all across my body.

“Right ahead of you, baby,” he mutters. His breathing starts to pick up and I can hardly hear the soft sound of flesh moving against flesh on his side of the phone over my panting. He’s not even saying anything, but just the thought of him getting himself off whilst listening to me is enough for me. “Push two fingers inside of your pussy, Catherine. That’s how it’ll feel when one of my fingers is inside of you.”

I let out a soft moan at his words, grasping my bedsheets with my left hand, resting the phone between my shoulder and my ear. “Connor. I– I can’t.”

“You can take it,” he murmurs, “Try for me.”

I do as he says, running my fingers through my folds until I slowly push two fingers inside myself. It’s tight, but it feels fucking fantastic. I picture Connor between my legs instead, his tongue on my clit instead of my thumb.

“Does it feel good?” he asks. Does he seriously expect me to speak right now? I can hardly form coherent thoughts, never mind words. My head is spinning, my body is throbbing, desperate and needy. “Don’t get shy for me now, Catherine.”

“Fuck, Connor,” I moan, trying my hardest to keep quiet, knowing that both my roommates are home. I push my fingers in and out of my pussy faster, moving my hips too, desperate for friction.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he chuckles, and I can’t even shout at him for it. There’s something so insanely sexy about the low roughness of a man’s laugh. Just imagining his laugh against my lips sends another wave of pleasure through my body. We’re both quiet again, nothing but heavy breathing and pants. I said I wanted him to talk, but I don’t think I would last longer than a minute if he did. “Faster, sweetheart. I want us to come at the same time.”

I don’t even get to register the words before the desire rushes straight through me, my legs closing as my orgasm soars through me, eliciting a sharp gasp from my mouth. My whole body is on fire. My legs immediately go languid, my hand smoothing against my clit as I hear Connor’s low groan through the phone.

“Fuck, Catherine,” he mutters, panting. I can almost hear the smile in his voice as he says, “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever done.”

“Me too,” I reply, still trying to catch my breath. We’re both quiet again, just listening to each other breathe, imagining what it would be like if we were in the same bed.

“Sweet dreams, Cat,” he whispers as if he didn’t just make me come without even touching me. No one has ever done that to me before, and he did it so easily it’s baffling.

“Goodnight, Connor,” I whisper back, shutting off my phone.

I just had phone-sex with my best friend’s brother. What is life?

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