Our Right To Exist - Dragon King 3

Chapter 9 ~ Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

Adrianna’s POV ~

Mom and I are sitting on the lanai, watching Avery trying to catch Braxton’s tail. It’s an every afternoon thing, now.. and his favorite thing to do.

Connie walked over and sat down. She smiled at us.. “Pogue is addressing the nation in an hour. King Draco wants us all in the conference room.”

I nodded, then asked “Your two in school?” She nodded and laughed “It’s amazing! They are so thrilled to be going to school with supers. Maggie comes home every day.. asking if she can be a supernatural.”

Mom said “It’s not impossible.. but it’s seldom done. Most humans don’t have the mindset for it. But when it’s a child, the adjustment is easier. The only time it’s been done, is for health reasons.”

I was shocked.. I didn’t know it was done before. If the humans were aware of it, it could be a terrible thing. I said “What is the process for that? I mean, is it painful? When I was injected with other DNA, it hurt like I was dying.”

Mom shook her head.. “I’m not really sure. It’s a process. It’s only been done a few times in the last twenty years.. There are forms to fill out.. the injury or illness must be terminal.. They petition the King. He talks it over with his advisors.. then a decision is made. The person is brought to our hospital.. and the process begins.”

Connie said “Has it only been done with children?” Mom shook her head “Two children.. one young woman with ovarian cancer. Draco knows all the particulars.”

Evander walks over, handing Avery to me.. he’s sleeping. I told him about the president’s address. Then took Avery inside to lay him down.

We all met in the conference room and got seated.. Dad already had the television on. Evander asked “What’s the address about? Do we know? It would be great if he was calling a ceasefire.” Dad shook his head.. “He’s too invested, at this point. To just stop the attacks would cause him to lose support. This late in the game, it would literally be political suicide!”

As the address was aired, I noticed Pogue.. I asked “Is it me.. or does he look a little less put together than he usually does? I mean, there’s something about his eyes.. the way they’re darting all around.. glassy. Wider than normal?”

Mom whispered “Those are the eyes of a man obsessed.. you’re right, my love. He’s too far gone to stop now. We have no choice but to take him down. We can’t look to the humans to do it. They’re too apathetic. Rely too heavily on others to solve their problems.”

Dave said “He’s going to address the destruction of the Air Force base.. using that as an impetus for action. He will lie.. and no one will refute it. He is obviously ruling by inciting fear. King Draco.. you can count on me. Any help I can offer… it’s yours!”

Dad nodded “‘Preciate that, Lieutenant! Let’s see what Pogue has to say..” I had already tuned out the noise in the room.. I need to hear this. My baby is my sole focus in this fight.. and I am worried about what kind of world he will be growing into.

Pogue started out with “Fellow Americans, My heart is heavy tonight. The beasts have once again taken from us. An entire airbase has been destroyed. Trillions of dollars in damage. Untolled loss of life. The pilot they had once shot down is missing. They must be stopped. They must be annihilated! At all costs! I am calling up the National Guard.. I am calling all Americans to arm themselves. We are all in danger of extinction! If you see one.. kill it. Even young ones are a threat! I am invoking a call to arms, citizens! Consider yourselves deputized! There will be no repercussions for killing any supers.. they are not human! They are animals!”

We all sit stunned. Mom asked “Will they, Draco? Will they listen to him? This is becoming precarious.. “

Dad said “Our passive approach has ended.. I’m afraid. Pogue is forcing us into aggressive action. The time to fight is rapidly approaching. Connie, get me on air ASAP. He wants a call to arms… so be it! The hell he is unleashing is on his head.”

Evander said “I am ordering patrol to double up.. Dave.. can you map military bases and National Guard deployments? I want the groups of our supers closest to them protected.”

He nodded.. then he said “Pogue will be on the move. His security will take him to a secured secret location. Probably Kansas. There is an underground bunker there.. as large as a small city. Everyone believes Area 51 to be the most secure location we have. Not true. It’s built into the side of Mount Sunflower.. goes deep into the mountain.. located between Kanorado and Weskan.. nearly on the Colorado border. If it was me.. I would prevent that from happening. Take the president’s option away, before he can get there.”

Dad said “Dave! You’re a genius! I say we eliminate the possibility of him holing up at either place… Adrian, get on that. I want Sunflower and Area 51 inaccessible for Pogue! Today! Order the werebears and werecougars to Sunflower. The wolves and elves can hit 51. Tell them to try not to kill.. but to take no casualties of their own. Period!”

Mom said to me “Sweet girl? Contact your dad, in case we have to send our wounded to the Lake? I want our people recovering as quickly as possible..”

I nodded and immediately called Daddy.. He answered and said “We watched the address, sweetness. Already gearing up and doubling guard.. I knew the King would order it.”

I smiled.. “My Daddy! Smartest man I know! The Queen just wanted me to let you know, we are making a move on the President’s secret facilities to prevent him hiding.. when this shit goes south. He wants to subject the humans to certain death.. he doesn’t get to hide out until it’s over.”

Daddy laughed “Sounds about right. I have yet to meet a human leader brave enough to handle anything he orders the military to do.”

I agreed then told him we just wanted him and Zander ready to handle any injuries our people sustained. We hung up and I asked Evander if we should head to Luna Lake to lend a hand. Shaking his head, he told me “We will wait and see if we’re needed. Dad will call us.”

I smiled and asked “Why are you so smart?” He laughed “You’re full of prunes! But.. flattery will get you everywhere!

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