Our Right To Exist - Dragon King 3

Chapter 5 ~ Meet My Daughter!

Adrianna’s POV ~

Sacred Moon showed up at noon the next day. I watched as Caleb and Naomi hugged and kissed Aurora.. as tears streamed down her cheeks.

I noticed an elderly couple standing off to one side.. Evander leaned over “Those are my biological Grandparents.. Allison and Chancey Griffin. Caleb and Mom disowned them when Anderson rejected my mom as his true mate, in favor of Amelia.. His dad, John, encouraged it.. but Bridget hates her. The irony is, Dad turned out to be Amelia’s true mate, and he rejected her, of course.”

I listened, bug eyed.. “The fuck? Holy Jerry Springer entire season! What a fucked up family!” My mate laughed uproariously.. “You don’t know the half of it!”

He was introducing us.. Naomi had already taken Avery.. fussing over him and walking away with Mom.. and Bridget.. when this bitch.. This Bitch.. said to Dad “When are you going to admit you have made a mistake and accept me?”

Oh My Goddess! Heat rushed through me.. Dad’s face was beet red.. I sneered “Twenty four years, bitch! A quarter of a century! He hasn’t given a single thought to your dumb ass! You do NOT come into our home with your self-entitled bullshit and disrupt MY family! Upset my parents again.. cause a single tear to come to my mom’s eye, I will end you! Do you understand me!?”

She started to say something and I snarled “Do Not speak to me! Nod if you are capable of comprehension.. otherwise, your participation in this conversation is NOT required!” She nodded.

Dad yanked me up and spun me around, laughing. “I adore you, my daughter! You have made my day!” We walked inside to the dining hall.. I noticed my family was seated.. so I tucked Avery into his high chair, and sat beside my handsome mate.

Aunt Naomi said “He is such an angelbaby. I have never seen a little one as well behaved as he is.” I smiled “Mom works wonders with him. She has taught me so much about being a good mother. Always stepping in when I have my meltdown moments. I couldn’t do this without her.”

Caleb grinned at me “Rori has always been Goddess sent. It does my heart good to feel the love that surrounds her now.” Evander said “Mom and Dad love Adrianna as much as they love Ada, Erik and Riki! It was an easy adjustment for the whole family. Avery just tied it all together!”

I looked at Anderson’s son, and asked “How’s it going, since you ascended? Everything going smoothly?” He sneered “Like any of you people care!?” Anderson said “Lincoln! Do not insult the people who have taken us in!” He growled “It’s their job, Dad! They’re family!” I watched Anderson pinch the bridge of his nose and take a deep breath. Poor man. He looked at me and said “Luna Adrianna, please allow me to apologize. My son seems to have left his manners in his back pocket. I am very grateful for the privilege of sheltering in your kingdom.”

I smiled at this gracious man who bears the shame of his family so eloquently “Alpha Anderson.. it is our privilege to offer you sanctuary! You are indeed family.. no matter how ungrateful Lincoln seems. Perhaps, you might consider a rescinded title.. until he matures a bit more?”

Lincoln snaps “You need to mind your own business, Luna! I am mature enough to handle my duties!” I responded “You are indeed your mother’s son, boy! If you ever dare to speak to me in that tone again, I will drag your sorry ass outside and teach you what respect is! Now shut up and eat your meal, Or leave my table!”

Evander and Blake lost it.. Erik said “And you are schooled, BOY!” He slammed his fists on the table, and stormed out. Anderson opened his mouth, but before he could speak.. I held my hand up and smiled “Don’t, Uncle Anderson. Apologizing for the actions of another steals your dignity. That young man is fully aware of his actions. He knows it makes him look like a douchecanoe.. yet he still chooses to act accordingly. It is no fault of yours.”

Amelia snapped “We didn’t come here to be abused! How dare you treat us like we are beneath you! You act as if you are my sister’s birth child! You are not! You are no different than me!”

Aurora said “ENOUGH! You dare speak to any of my children with anything but respect and I will enjoy ripping you into little pieces and throwing your remains to the humans!”

Erik grinned “I love family reunions! Wait until Ms. Entitlement learns where she’s going to be living. That’s going to be a whole other shitshow I’m going to enjoy!” Evander said “Erik! Enough!” I giggled and high fived Erik!

Draco said.. loudly and authoritatively “While this has been highly entertaining.. please bear in mind, we have to work together! This petty bullshit will not continue!”

Anderson said “I apologize King Draco. I had spoken to them both before we arrived.. Apparently, nothing I say matters.” And he glared at Amelia. She had the decency to hang her head.

Draco said “Anderson, you have apologized for your past transgressions.. and Aurora and myself have put it behind us, as well. Like our daughter has said.. you are not responsible for the actions of others. It is safe to say.. Amelia hasn’t taken the last 24 years to mature. I fear she never will. That is on her. You still have our full support.”

Blake leaned over and whispered “Wait until she’s told about the cave..” I chuckled “Boom goes the dynamite?” He nods “Oh yeah! Big time!” Evander shushed us both and I stuck my tongue out at him. He just leaned into me and kissed me. Making me giggle again.

Mom said to Anderson “After lunch, Adrianna and I wil take you to the cave. It has been equipped as eloquently as our pack house. We have sectioned off sleeping quarters.. put in tiled flooring. It has electricity.. running water.. a fully functioning kitchen.. with refrigeration and cook stoves.. a fully stocked pantry, as well as freezers. Your pack is already getting settled.” Amelia started to open her mouth and Mom held her hand up, continuing “However, Adrianna has set aside accommodations in the pack house for you.. and your Luna (Mom spat that word at Amelia) if you so desire.”

Anderson smiled “I can’t thank you enough, Queen Aurora! We are grateful and honored at the lengths you have gone to accommodate us!”

Only to have Amelia snark “ I will NOT stay is some dirty cave like a Neanderthal! I am a lady! As such.. I am entitled to stay in close proximity to my actual mate, Aurora! You have taken enough from me!”

Blake said “See?” But I was too far gone.. How fucking dare she?! I stood and snatched her ass off her chair and dragged her outside. I threw her to the ground and Sadie was in front of me “I fucking warned you, Bitch! Did I not warn you!? You have no actual mate, Skank! Unless we are going on the men I can smell on you right fucking now! Not one of them being My Dad! Get up! Get on your Goddess damned feet! Mom may not beat the brakes off your slutty ass. But I will. I will beat your sorry soul bloody! GET UP, BITCH!”

She just laid on the ground.. whimpering. Evander pulled me into him.. calming me down immediately. Dadlaughed and said “Allow me to introduce everyone to my daughter!”

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