Our Right To Exist - Dragon King 3

Chapter 2 ~ Go Retrieve The Pilot

Everyone in the room was silent.. for about twenty seconds.. then Colleen asked “Can you tell us if there are others like you?” Adrianna nodded “Yes.. some survived different DNA.. fairies could tolerate Elves DNA.. but would die if they were added witches.. witches could survive fairy DNA.. shifters could tolerate any of the elves.. fairies.. or witches.. but not a combination of mixture. None survived shifter DNA.. I believe I survived because I was the youngest victim.. and my bloodline.. My family is blessed by the Goddess.. I believe that aided in my survival. That’s not to say I wasn’t sick. I nearly died.. several times. Four, to be exact. I would go comatose.. then wake up two or three weeks later.”

Jacob asked “And were they able to weaponize you?” She grinned “They were. But they were not able to turn me against my kind. They tried.. every day. I frustrated them.. A LOT! That is the main reason they were harder on me. Dr. Richardson used to lash me with a whip.. always saying they would break me. They did.. but not in the way they expected.”

Another reporter asked “In what way, then?” Adrianna responded “They broke me in such a way, I vowed every one that had beaten.. injected.. tortured me, would die by my hand. And they did! This can not be allowed to continue! The American government has funded these torture facilities for over a decade.. killing over two thousand of our kind! We have every reason to hate humans.. but we do not. We do not WANT this war.. As evidenced by our lack of retaliatory action against the air strikes we have endured this entire day. Your president is wasting money.. there have been over two hundred bombs and missiles launched at us already. Still, we haven’t retaliated. The time when we no longer ignore these attacks is rapidly coming to a close. We urge all humans to plead with your officials to cease and desist. I said we don’t want a war.. I did not say we will continue to remain impassive.”

Draco told the reporters “Your president will address his nation at eight, tonight. I doubt he will allow you questions. I believe in full disclosure. You are free to access our website and read everything we have uncovered in this conspiracy against the supernaturals. Thank you all for coming! We appreciate your continued support.”

Colleen stepped over to Draco.. “We had almost four million viewers. The word is being spread.” He nodded “We need to let the humans know.. We are more than happy to shelter them.. keep them safe.”

Everyone gathered in the conference room to watch the president give his speech. They knew he was going to spew a ton of bullshit. But, they knew they had ro hear it, too.

President Pogue walked out and started speaking “My fellow Americans.. It is with a heavy heart that I stand before you. Today, our military performed a preemptive strike against the Kingdom of Draconium.. The supernaturals have attacked US facilities around the country.. over a period of several months. After multiple warnings from this administration that they cease and desist, several nights ago, two oild rigs innthe Gulf of Mexico were attacked and destroyed. Thirty seven military and civilian personnel lost their lives.

After careful consideration, my joint chiefs and I decided the time has come to make a stand. This cannot and will not be allowed. The air strikes will continue, as well as a ground war being executed.. We are the superior race.. and we will prevail. The time has come to take back our country!

I ask that you stand with us! Support our military servicemen and women as we endeavor to end the acts of terrorism against us!

There will be no questions at this time.. The White House will release statements to keep you apprised of the situation, as the need arises. Thank you.”

He walked out.. just like Draco said he would. And as he did.. we heard the incoming jets. Evander stood and ran to the door.. telling the pack it was time to retaliate.

The witches stood ready.. and as missiles were launched.. they either exploded them in the air.. or redirected them back at the jets. The time to sit idly by is over.

They brought the war to the supernaturals.. and now it was time to play their game. Adrianna stood close to Evander, and helped the witches.. as a bomb was dropped she exploded it.. directly under the F16 that launched it.. causing the jet to lose a wing.

The pilot turned the jet to the right.. he ejected and the plane crashed into the mountains. Evander looked at four warriors.. “Go retrieve the pilot.”

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