Our Right To Exist - Dragon King 3

Chapter 19 ~ Don’t Tease Me

Evander’s POV ~

Dad and I tried to talk our ladies into sitting these skirmishes out. I knew it was an exercise in futility, but, at least our metal smith had made lightweight armor that protected our little Olivia.. In my mind, I was already referring her to Livvie.. which earned me the occasional pop to the head.

We are gearing up for our first hunting excursion. A report came in this morning of an encampment about forty minutes north of us.. Indicating their target is a small pack of about two hundred wolves.. under my protection. That’s a whole bucket of Nope.

Dad and I went dragon.. we are only bringing eight more dragons with us.. Avril refused to be left behind. We are riding two wolves to eight of us.. with one witch.. two elves.. I love the elves. They are proficient in hand to hand.. while glamoured. It’s fun watching their opponents trying to figure out why they’re being attacked by floating weapons. And one fairy.. to help Adrianna repair the earth.

We landed directly in the middle of Yellow Star Pack.. Dad immediately ordered all noncombatants into safe houses. This pack only had sixty warriors. We knew it would be an easy takedown for the soldiers. Not on my watch!

Mom and Adrianna got set up in the trees, along the border. Dave and Simon set up opposite the girls. Dave is strong enough now.. he’s geared with a rocket launcher.. gonna slow these fuckers down!

We had just secured the doors on the bunkers when Adrianna whistled her signal. Caleb and Adrian high fived, grinning “It’s ShowTime!” I just shook my head and let Braxton have his head.

We heard two explosions followed by the little pops of Anna’s arrow heads hitting their targets. Indicating she’s still in the trees. Thank you, Goddess! I know how capable she is… it’s not going to stop my worrying though!

As we approached the borders, I was shocked to see they have wolves fighting with them! I mind linked 🐺 Every goddess damned wolf on their side will NOT see the dawn! They are traitors! WOLVES! Let’s plow the field!”

We charged en masse… striking every target in our path. I could hear arrows whizzing over my head.. watching each one take out an enemy. The elves were decapitating soldiers right and left. Dad had grabbed a wolf.. yanking him over his head… He literally ripped that wolf in two! Then through each half into the chests of two soldiers. That right there.. would have put the fear of the Goddess in me! I would be looking for the fastest route to get the hell out of Dodge!

I felt a bullet strike my shoulder and Braxton stumbled.. Dad shifted into Asmodeus and ripped the man’s arm off that shot me. I heard rapid fire all around me.. as I spotted Mom and Adrianna emerging from the treeline. Emptying their AK-47s.. in a steady staccato.. almost in sync.

Then, I saw Adrianna’s head spin in the direction of one of the enemy wolves. She took off after him, and I panicked. She can’t shift into Sadie.. it could harm Livvie. I yelled for Bastian to get to Anna.. He took off across the field..and my sweet mate.. sprouted wings and soared above the wolf.. kicking him in the head.. as he stumbled, tree roots twisted and wrapped his entire body .. slinging him to the ground, completely immobile.

The fighting had ended.. twenty or thirty enemies retreating.. with well over a hundred, dead on the ground. My parents and I run to meet Adrianna and Caleb. She recognized that wolf.. or she wouldn’t have been so focused to get to him.

I walked straight to Adrianna and pulled her into me.. I whispered “You scared me.” She smiled “This is going to hurt..” and pulled the bullet from my shoulder.. She said “Have a little faith, baby! I would never do anything to harm one of our children.”

Dad asked “Why this wolf, daughter?” She smirked “Command the coward to shift, Dad.. you’ll see.” Donnaugh pushed forward and commanded “Shift, wolf” and within seconds, the man lay naked before us.. because it’s not possible to say no to the King of Dragons!

Mom laughed. She said “Good evening, Councilman Hicks! Bold of you to assume you would walk away from this unscathed.”

I snarled at him.. more anger than I have ever felt “You dare betray your kind? You endangered my mate.. the future Queen? Our entire realm will learn of your treason! Your execution will be witnessed LIVE by all species!”

Adrian and Caleb yanked Hicks up.. dargging him to the cells.. he would wait there while we cleaned up. The pack were piling the humans.. removing their dog tags.. we will identify their next of kin.. and Adrianna and her witch friend.. I think her name is Morgan.. Set the bodies ablaze.

Once the flames had died out.. the earth healed itself.. while Adrianna chanted. I will never get used to the powers she can bring forth.. It’s amazing to see. She taught herself everything about her other spirits. They all mesh together and always lend their powers to each other, seamlessly.

Mom and Dad ask “What are we doing about Hicks?” I looked at them.. then I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.. “He will die. I don’t know if you want to let the council know.. I’m not. I withdrew my support of them.. so they aren’t my council. Hicks betrayed them…. As much as he betrayed us.. but he brought the humans into our territories.. he endangered our people and he attacked us! Nope.. Dead Man Walking.”

Mom laughed and responded “You really dislike that man, don’t you!?” Adrianna was walking up and said “He was working with the hunters, when my dad was abducted. He refused to help.. at all. Evander recused his position on the council helped me, instead.”

I grinned at her and told her “Best decision I ever made!” She laughed.. “Stop! I’m hungry.. so unless you’re serving crackers with that cheese, don’t tease me!”

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