Our Right To Exist - Dragon King 3

Chapter 12 ~No One Lives

Evander’s POV ~

Adrianna and I are running on just a few hours sleep. We arranged the celebration of life for our fallen twenty.. got Chancey set up in the pack house. Visited all our wounded.. being checked over by their Luna.. and helping where she could.

We are with Dave, now. It always feels like a lot.. having to be so many places at once… but as Alpha and Luna we have to be where we are needed most…. Always.

Dad leaned down.. biting deeper than the previous two times.. when he pulled out he said “When he shifts, Evander, you will need to submit his wolf immediately. He is going to be a strong wolf.. probably Beta.. Dave’s a warrior… so it stands to reason.”

I nodded, realizing Dad and I are thinking alike again.. “I had thought the same thing. How long before he shifts?”

Adrianna said “His temperature is rising.. it won’t be long. Sadie is feeling his wolf. Dad’s right.. he’s a strong one” She grinned at us.

I had Braxton reach out.. we felt him.. he’s close to the surface, so I step over close enough to coax the shift. I said “Dave.. your wolf wants out.. Let him come forth. You’re going to feel a rush of pressure racing to the front of your body. Go with it.. let your wolf push his way through!”

Dave closed his eyes and took my hand. His wolf was right there.. shining through Dave’s eyes. His eyes opened wide and he clenched my hand.. As soon as the first bone sanpped I told him “Go with it. If you fight it, it will hurt. It gets easier every time. Let him out, Dave.”

Within minutes, a large gray wolf stood, where Dave had lain. I spoke to the wolf.. “Your name, Wolf?” He snarled “Abel” trying to battle my authority.. and frustrated because he can’t.

I growled “Submit, Abel! Pledge to me, Evander Arconium, as your Alpha!” He snarled and growled a couple more times, and I released more of my aura. Finally, he knuckled down and bowed.

I coaxed Dave back to the surface, and when he was back, he was all grins and healed completely. He said “I have never felt better in my life! I wish I could have done this years ago!”

We laughed.. then told him the celebration of life is in two hours. Attendance necessary. We excused ourselves.. Adrianna went to check on our injured again.. Dad and I headed to the conference room to strategize on our counterattack.

Fort Richardson is our target. We had vowed not to initiate any killing. This attack changed that. We are wolves first. We are dragons.. payback is our middle name. The humans deserve no more of our patience. They killed twenty of our own. Our beasts want vengeance!

We got sat down.. Erik tells us “We have to move on Fort Richardson.. quick, fast, and in a hurry. They’re gearing up for a massive incursion. We can’t let them close to us again.

I linked Adrianna and Mom… letting them know we leave in fifteen minutes. I could hear them both.. running to gear up. I ordered Blake to load the rocket launchers.. we are going balls to the wall this time. The humans are about to find the true meaning of ‘Fuck Around and Find Out!”

Mom and Anna met us in the foyer and asked “Flying the friendly skies?” I chuckled and nodded. In the clearing, we all stripped.. handing our weapons and clothing to our riders.

We shifted and our riders mounted. Taking off into the sky and heading south. We landed a little north of Fort Richardson.. Blake setting his decoders to shut down the entire power grid. Seconds later, the entire base was scattering, knowing an attack was imminent.

We brought two witches with us, this time. They set shields of invisibility around us, as we cut our way through the fence.

The servicemen never saw us coming. Dad and I took out four guards.. while our girls took out one each. We had just gotten past the guardhouse, when our first barrage of rockets were fired. Six buildings taken out at once. As they came running out, we leveled our AK’s and opened fire. Just like they did on our people… Vengeance. We are satisfying our beasts.

We fired, until our clips were empty. Instead of replacing the clip, just then.. we waded into the midst of them and mowed them down. Decapitation.. ripping throats out.. Tearing out hearts. Braxton and Asmodeus needed this. As Alpha.. and King.. twenty pieces of our hearts were ripped out last night

Six more rockets took out the remaining buildings. Everyone who survived, fled the buildings.. but we cut them down, as well. We did a thorough search of the rubble.. if we found a survivor, we killed them. They all had a hand in killing our pack members. No one lives!

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