Our Future

Chapter 28: The Wait

Now it was all a waiting game. We had to wait till 10:30am tomorrow morning when they arrived to sign books and set things up. We didn’t want to get caught hanging around so we didn’t stick around. We had lunch and settled into a nearby hotel room. We were anxious; we had one chance to prevent this. If we didn’t Daniel would be paralyzed and we didn’t know Joey’s fate, we only knew he didn’t die.

I kept running through the worst case scenarios, death and paralyzation. I tried to come with ways to prevent these but it just made me think up more terrible scenarios.

Gabriel was pacing the length of the room so he wasn’t much better. I could feel his mind and the worry but not just worry for Joey and Daniel but me, too. It was weird but I wasn’t too concerned about it. It wasn’t important, not right now at least.

He sat down beside me on one of the beds. We didn’t say anything. There wasn’t really much to say. Waiting was annoying. I wanted to change their fate now but all I could do was worry and plan because we didn’t know where they’d be till tomorrow.

I peak at my phone. The text messages from Gabriel’s mom and my dad have surmounted to over fifty. They were concerned. I wondered if Grace had told my father that she knew my secret. It wouldn’t surprise me but I hoped my mother wasn’t causing more trouble because of it.

Gabriel’s phone had five missed calls and about seventy text messages from Grace. He discarded the phone in a desk to get it away from him. I kept mine; it was a distraction to keep my mind off the coming day. The scene that lie ahead that we could neither predict nor see.

We skipped dinner, we weren’t hungry. I don’t know why we were so worried, we’d stopped things from happening before so why wouldn’t we be able to now?

Maybe it was us internally connecting with the future we were once in. Maybe we could sense the outcome coming, I’d already foreseen the worst outcome and maybe, no matter what we did it would be the end result.

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