Our Future

Chapter 13: Outside the Warehouse

Instead of jumping the fence we went through a small hole that was normally covered by a giant rock just to make sure the zombies didn’t get in.

The cool morning air stung our cheeks. It was quite peaceful.

“You!” a voice cursed and it was a voice me and Gabriel wished we hadn’t heard. Cain.

“Run,” I plead quickly to Daniel and Joey.

Cain was going to kill us for sure.

Joey and Daniel glance behind us, they see Cain and I guess sense the vibe or whatever coming off him. We pick up the pace and turn a lot of corners trying to lose him but it’s failing.

Jason appears in front of us suddenly with his shotgun.

We halt.

If we attempt to fly, we’d get shot down.

“Dammit!” Gabriel curses under his breath.

Jason fires his bullet and Gabriel hesitates for a mil-second but then raises his hand and the bullet stops. It shakes and falls.

“You’re all monsters and deserve to die,” curses Cain quietly.

Jason starts firing again, the bullets pass through Gabriel instead of ripping holes in him. His figure is shaking and shimmering, he’s transparent. The red healing veins don’t appear.

Daniel teleports behind Jason and wrestles for the gun. The bullet punctures his chest. But Jasper doesn’t appear to heal and restrain him, he just lays there bleeding.

Joey starts to move toward Daniel when Cain shoots him in the ankle. He trips and is soon lying on the ground.

“Ow! It hurts!” he hisses.

Daniel teleports down to where Cain is and rips the gun out of his grip, takes it and aims it at Cain.

“You won’t kill me, you’re weak, like Nathan and his boyfriend over there and my useless younger brother Jasper,” hints Cain sarcastically.

“No, I’m not a killer, like you. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t threaten you with it. Leave,” Daniel states.

“No,” he says glancing away and then back at Daniel as if sarcastically making the decision not to listen.

“Leave or maybe I will shot you just for shooting the person I love,” Daniel threatens.

“Oh, look at you trying to play the hero,” jokes Cain.

Me and Gabriel move to help Joey.

“He got you alright,” Gabriel comments.

Joey rolls his eyes.

“We have to stop the bleeding,” I reply moving to get a better look at his leg. He wasn’t going to be walking on it anytime soon.

Suddenly something giant flies overhead. We look up to see Jasper.

“Over here,” he calls.

Soon Michael, Emily, Rider and a few people I don’t recognize appear behind Daniel and Cain.

“Jasper,” Gabriel calls.

Jasper lands beside us.

“Oh, I see Cain shot you,” says Jasper, he sounds apologetic. “I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s not...your...fault,” Joey huffs between breaths.

Jasper silently lays his hands over Joey’s broken and bleeding ankle.

The wound starts to mend as Jasper’s hand glows. Soon the only sign of the leg ever being injured is the dried blood running down his ankle and onto his shoe.

Jasper offers him a hand and Joey politely takes it and heaves himself up trying not to put weight on his ankle, yet. Once he’s upright he tentatively places his leg on the ground and then applies weight to the newly healed limb.

“Thanks,” he whispers amazed again.

“Don’t mention it,” Jasper replies.

He still seems upset that Cain shot Joey in the first place.

“So angels have powers, too?” Joey asks.

I and Gabriel are silent. We weren’t going to tell them now with all these people around. Jasper must feel the same way because he stays silent.

“You still think you stand a chance against ten of us?” Daniel asks Cain.

“Just ten? That’s your army? Come on,” Cain insisted.

“Want me go drop him in another field?” Jasper asks.

“You got to get Daniel away from him first and probably knock Cain out or something,” Gabriel informed him.

“Then we better do it before he shoots him,” Jasper comments.

“He won’t shot him,” Joey murmurs sounding slightly unsure.

The four of us advance to Daniel’s sides. Joey plucks the gun from Daniel’s hand and hands it off to Gabriel.

Jasper takes a strike at Cain but he dodges.

“Here we go again,” I mutter.

Jasper turns invisible and tries to strike again but his feet kick the flecks of gravel around as he moves. Suddenly Cain’s face plants into the cement ground. Jasper got him. Cain rises with a bloody nose.

“That all you got?” Cain shouts.

There’s no sense in getting in the way, we’d just end up injuring ourselves and Jasper.

“Shut your mouth,” Jasper barked as he upper cut Cain.

Cain finally pulls another gun from his under his coat. He aims trying to shoot Jasper but he is too fast.

Gabriel wastes no time firing the gun he was handed at Cain’s wrist. The gun falls out of Cain’s hand and hits the ground going off and hitting Daniel in the leg.

Now he’s the one on the ground complaining about the pain.

Jasper reappears and kneels by Daniel’s leg, his hands glow but the wound only partially heals to the point that it’s just a heavy bleeding scratch.

“Please, stop hurting people, I can’t keep healing people,” Jasper utters out of breath.

Joey pulls out a bandana and wraps it tightly around Daniel’s leg.

“That’s okay; he’ll live if it’s just a giant scratch. We just have to make sure it doesn’t become infected,” Joey replies.

Gabriel attempts to restrain Cain without causing too much pain to his bleeding wrist.

“Leave him, maybe he’ll die,” Jasper suggested.

“We don’t need him to come back a zombie anywhere near us,” Gabriel reminds him.

Joey helps Daniel up and gives him support so he won’t have to put too much pressure on his injured leg.

“Go back to the warehouse, we’ll take care of this,” I sighed to Joey and Daniel.

“Okay,” Joey replies nervously.

They walk slowly together down the alleyway.

That’s when things go from bad to worse.

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