Onyx Blood [True North series book 2/3]

Chapter 24 - the Lust

There was no way to describe the feelings that exploded within me, when my lips touched his. I had been in love before, and I had been kissed before too, but nothing had ever come close to even a fraction of the amount of love, passion and lust I felt for Thoridor as we kissed.

I immediately forgot about everything else — it was just us. Was this the mating bond?! It did feel right — that’s all I could think about. It felt like my soul was complete somehow, as if part of it had been missing, and I was just now piecing it back together.

I pulled Thoridor closer to me, pressing my front against his. I wanted his hands on me — everywhere. I wanted to be sucked into this void and stay there forever.

“Serin, you wanted to stop, remember,” Thoridor spoke into my mind, as he gently bit down on my bottom lip.

“I’ve changed my mind,” I panted feverishly, “keep going.”

Thoridor’s laugh echoed through my mind, as he broke away from our kiss. “I couldn’t possibly,” he softly said, and pressed his lips to my forehead. “You would never forgive me.”

“What are you talking about,” I mumbled disappointedly, trying to ignore the lustful throbbing between my thighs, “I’m asking you to keep going.”

Thoridor shook his head, and ran his hands along my back, gently cupping my behind when he reached it.

“Not with an unclouded mind,” Thoridor growled, “you were very clear before.”

He groaned, and released me. “But lock in this feeling,” he continued, “this is what it will be like. But better.”

He traced his finger over the scar on the side of my neck. “There will be nothing like it, when we complete the ritual,” he said, “we’ll go stay in the Aerial Palace for a while, afterwards. Away from everything and everyone. We’ll need the privacy… and the space.”

I looked at him as my mind began to clear. I wanted that. I wanted to be alone with him — forget about everything else for a while.

“Fine,” I said, “go on then. Go back to your own room.”

Thoridor let out a hearty laugh. “Hey, you wanted this,” he reminded me, “I’d like nothing more than to keep going. Do you love me yet?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “No,” I said, and turned around, “try harder, love.

Thoridor laughed again. “I will,” he said, “now let me tuck you in. Aricor will have my head if I tire you out too much.”

“Aren’t you the Crown Prince?” I asked teasingly, “wouldn’t you be the one carrying out the punishments?”

“Have you met Aricor?” Thoridor asked, as he scooped me into his arms, “he does not care about titles. If I cross him, Morai would be the next in line for the throne.”

He set me down on the bed, and kissed my forehead.

“Stay,” I whispered, “stay with me.”

Thoridor dropped to his knees and grabbed onto my thighs. “You don’t know what you’re saying,” he said, a pained expression on his face.

“I do,” I countered, “stay. Sleep here, with me. Hold me tonight.”

Thoridor bent his neck and rested his forehead on my knees. “I don’t know what’s wise,” he mumbled, “I want nothing more than to sleep with you. I want to hold you as long as I can. I want to see you wake up. I want to feel your little body snuggle into me, as you seek comfort in my arms. But I don’t know if—”

“Stay,” I said again, cupping his face in my hands, and lifting it to meet my eyes.

“I’m serious,” I pressed, “my body hurts — I think the uncompleted mating bond is taking it’s toll on me too. Let’s just relieve the pain a little — nothing more.”

I bent down, and kissed his lips again. In an instant, Thoridor rose to his feet and crashed his body into mine, pressing me deep into the mattress below us. He kissed me with a burning passion, like an unleashed beast. I instinctively clutched my arms around his neck, and answered his kiss with the same amount of desire.

“Just kissing,” Thoridor mumbled against the skin of my jaw in between heated kisses.

“Just kissing,” I confirmed, and got lost in him again.

More. More. More. The longing grew with every heartbeat — every burning touch. I ran my hands down Thoridor’s muscular sides, and was surprised to find buckles exactly where they had been in my fantasy.

“That’s right,” Thoridor said, smirking, “it does unbuckle there.”

Needing no further instructions, I immediately began unbuckling the sides of his chest piece.

“It’d be uncomfortable to sleep in,” I breathed by way of explaining my actions.

Very uncomfortable,” Thoridor agreed, “off with it.”

I yanked the unbuckled chest piece over his head and tossed it to the floor.

“Same with this gown,” Thoridor said, his lips brushing against the side of my neck, “you’d overheat, wearing it to bed.”

It was off in the blink of an eye. Just three layers of linen were between us now — a chemise, a tunic, and a pair of pants.

Thoridor’s hand found the back of my knee and pulled it upwards. He pressed his crotch against the inside of my thigh, and I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out.

Just kissing. Just kissing. Just kissing. I had to keep saying it to myself, to remind me not to get too lost in our dangerous game. Thoridor groaned lowly and nuzzled my neck, breathing in deeply when his nose reached my scar.

Then, he drug his tongue up the length of my neck —from collarbone to right beneath my ear— and let out and let out an animalistic growl. The bulge against my thigh was now throbbing with a vengeance, making me clutch my core instinctively.

Thoridor braced himself on one forearm, wrapped his arm around my waist, and moved me upwards, so my head was on a pillow.

“Sleep,” he growled, and his voice was laced with another, feral undertone, as if there were two voices speaking.

“Is that your beast?” I asked, suddenly realizing how black his eyes had turned.

“Yes,” Thoridor rumbled, “he’s right beneath the surface. It’s taking everything I have to keep him at bay.”

“Oh,” I said, tracing my thumb along Thoridor’s eyebrow, “let’s give him a break.”

Thoridor pressed his nose to my neck again, and sighed. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine.

“Yes,” he agreed hoarsely, “that’s probably for the best.”

He got behind me, and pulled me into him, my back against his chest. The bulge in his pants was firmly pressed against my rear, sending wave after wave of heat coursing through my veins.

“Sleep,” Thoridor growled again, and nuzzled into my neck. “Sleep, my love.”

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