One True Queen

Chapter 33

“Wait... What?” I stutter.

“This is Penny Gold.” Rachel leaps in and the King chuckles.

“A cute attempt. Do you really think Lord Warrick wouldn’t alert me of his missing daughter, his traitorous mother and the two heirs of the kingdom running loose.”

“What do you want from us?” I growl and he laughs again.

“Exactly what I have already offered. You are to marry my son, or lose your head.”


“What about the people I...”

“They will be returned to Lord Warrick. At least, the ones he asked for. The rest will be serving me.”

“And my sister?”

“Ah. She is your sister. You didn’t lie about that. She may wed my youngest son as I promised.”


“Accept. We accept.” I interrupt. We bow our heads and he grins.

“Then you shall meet them at once.” As if in cue, two boys walk in. Boys? Only one seems to be a boy. That’s the younger one, whose brown hair is neatly combed. The other boy has blond hair which is ruffled, like Elliot’s. He seems to be at least thirty. But his eyes don’t look at me. I see a glimpse of misery in the grey eyes that he inherited from his father. They aren’t cold or soulless but warm and sad.

“Father. I won’t marry anyone who isn’t...” But he freezes at the sight of me.

“The Prince, I assume.” I say, offering a small curtsey.

“Jasmine.” He replies and I realise suddenly that he thinks I am his dead fiancé. A child again.

“My name is Rebecca. Rebecca Carpenter.” I reply, my voice is barely more than a whisper. I don’t want to be the one who breaks it to him. But he hears me anyway.

“Rebecca. She told me about you. Come with me. Father?” And the King nods, smiling triumphantly and I am led out of the throne room, away from my twin, away from the King, following the Prince. A man whose name, I don’t know. A man who knows me from a woman I never heard of. A Prince of the enemy...

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