One Night Surprise Novel

Chapter 27

Chapter 27
However, the look on Scott’s face remained calm as the old man didn’t express any opinions toward Britney. Instead, he turned
toward Alexander. “You’re in your thirties. Since you haven’t gotten married, I don’t think there’s a need to rush into it now. I think
you should contemplate more about your marriage before we discuss this again in the future.” His words clearly indicated his
disagreement toward the marriage.
What more is there to discuss? Britney dug her nails into her palms as she stared at Alexander. He didn’t give any reaction at all,
and dinner ended on a bad note. Britney was supposed to leave along with Alexander, but Scott got her to leave first as he
wanted to speak to Alexander in private.
“That sh*tty old man clearly doesn’t support our marriage. I can’t believe I’ve spent so much time visiting him at the Duncans’
ancestral home all these years. All of that has gone to waste now,” Britney hissed angrily as she punched her fists into the car
seat once she got into the car.
“Don’t be angry, Britney. That old man won’t be able to say anything as long as President Duncan insists on getting married. You
know how bad President Duncan’s temper can be, right? He even found some random person to give birth to a child just
because that old man forced him to get married and have kids previously. You can clearly tell from that incident that President
Duncan doesn’t actually care about what his grandfather thinks.”
The person’s words served as a reminder for Britney. That’s true. Alexander has always been one to do whatever he wishes to.
Although he appears to respect Grandpa’s orders, he still ends up doing whatever he wants to in the end, so I just have to make
sure that he doesn’t change his mind about the wedding.

That night, both Alexander and Jordan stayed in the Duncans’ ancestral house. Alexander thought that his grandfather would
have something to say to him, but after the old man received a call, he hastily gestured for his maids to prepare the room for his
guests before he went into his study and locked the door behind him.
“Is Grandpa busy with something recently?” Alexander gave the butler a curious look. The butler maintained a calm expression
as he answered, “Your grandfather has been talking to his friends a lot more recently, but I’m not sure about the details. You can
just make yourself comfortable as you wait for him to get off the call, Young Master.”

But Scott remained on the phone even as the night fell. Alexander had already read Jordan an entire storybook, and Jordan fell
asleep by the end of it. Soon, Alexander found himself yawning uncontrollably. He glanced at the clock to see that it was nearly
midnight, so he decided to go to bed without waiting any longer.
Sometime during the middle of the night, Courtney woke up to pour herself a glass of water. Seeing that the lights in Tina’s room
were still turned on when she went out to the living room, she frowned and walked over to the room. She could hear Tina’s voice
from the outside. “You’d never told me about this person. Ugh, this is so troublesome. I wouldn’t have asked Mommy to go if you
had told me about this earlier. It’s just too much trouble,” Tina said.
“What are you doing up at this hour, Tina?” Courtney immediately pushed the door open and scowled at her daughter.
Tina hurriedly ended the call before she turned around with a frightened look on her face. She shifted her eyes nervously before
she replied, “Nothing. I was just talking to my godmother.”
Courtney’s eyes lit up upon hearing this. “Really? I have some stuff to tell her too. Pass me the phone and let me talk to her for a
“No. I ended the call. Godmother said she was going to bed,” Tina mumbled as she hid her phone behind her back.
“Oh?” Courtney seemed rather disappointed, but she didn’t suspect anything. “Alright. You should go to bed too. Look at the
time! Kids have to sleep early.”
“Alright.” Tina nodded obediently before she knitted her brows and scrunched her face into a rather worried expression. “I just got
some bad news, Mommy. Do you want to know about it?”
“Did your godmother get into a fight with her clients again?” Courtney tensed her facial muscles as she felt rather nervous.
Although Cameron appeared to be polite and gentle, she actually had a terrible temper. Furthermore, she was a pretty good
fighter, and it was common for her to get into scuffles with her clients when she encountered clients that couldn’t get along well
with her.
“No. It’s not about her; it’s about you, Mommy.” Tina shook her head.
“Me?” Courtney pointed at her own nose.
“Yup.” Tina lowered her head and sighed dejectedly. “I think your second marriage isn’t going to happen, Mommy.”
“My second marriage?” Courtney was utterly bewildered.

“I heard that your boss, Mr. Alexander, is about to get married,” Tina uttered.
Courtney froze upon hearing this. The rumors of Alexander and Britney’s marriage had been spreading like wildfire across the
entire company, and it sounded pretty legitimate. Furthermore, Britney had been showing up more frequently at the
headquarters, so all of the staff began to gossip about them even more. They all assumed that it was true since Alexander didn’t
show any intentions of clarifying the
rumors. But what has Alexander’s marriage got to do with me? “What are you talking about?” she asked.
“Mr. Alexander is handsome and rich; he’s literally the man of every girl’s dreams. I’d be able to enjoy the rest of my life if you get
married to him, Mommy. Great-now that you’ve failed to seize this opportunity, he’s going to get married to someone else,” Tina
Courtney finally understood what was going on. This silly girl is still trying to find me a husband, huh! She didn’t know whether to
laugh or cry as she knocked her knuckles against Tina’s head. “What’s going on in that little brain of yours all day? What has his
marriage got to do with me? He’s just my superior; that’s all. You need to stop daydreaming and just go to bed.”
Tina quietly crawled under her covers and went to bed. There goes a good opportunity, she thought disappointedly. Courtney
simply shook her head before turning the lights off and shutting the bedroom door.
After that day, Courtney began to purchase all the classroom necessities for Tina. She then picked a Monday morning to send
her daughter off to school. The local schools were rather different from the
schools they had overseas, so Courtney was worried that Tina might not be able to adapt to the environment. ‘Coincidentally’,
Alexander had picked the same day to send Jordan to school.
“Isn’t it good enough for Jordan to have his home tutor? Why did you decide to send him to school all of a sudden?” Britney tried
her best to sound casual as she spoke to Alexander in the car. Ever since Alexander brought up the idea of marriage, she had
been especially attentive and thoughtful with all her acts. She diligently traveled between the two places-Alexander’s house and
Sunhill Enterprise-to fulfil her duty as a caring partner. After she heard that Jordan was attending his first day of school, she
specially woke up early in the morning just to appear as if she cared and wanted to accompany the
“It’s better for his recovery if he gets to spend time with more people.” Alexander uttered calmly. He hadn’t actually planned on
sending Jordan to school, but Jordan insisted that he did so. There were a lot of students in school, and that just increased the

chances of there being problems occurring. Alexander wasn’t sure that he’d be able to handle all of it.
“Well, if Jordan likes that, then we can give him a few younger brothers and sisters. He’d have more people around him, then,”
she offered. Jordan’s face turned pale the moment he heard the woman’s words. He shrunk in his safety seat as he hugged his
drawing board tightly. This evil woman’s kids must be just as evil as her.
Alexander frowned. “I don’t have such plans at the moment. Just Jordan’s enough for now.” His words left Britney fuming on the
inside. What is that supposed to mean? Is he saying that he’s not planning to have kids with me after we get married? The
atmosphere turned sour in the car, but they soon arrived at the school.
Once the driver held their car door open, Alexander took Jordan in his hand and led him toward the entrance of the school. They
only walked a short distance when Jordan flung his father’s hand away and charged toward another figure.
Courtney was speaking to Nora, who came out to greet her and Tina, when she felt a tight grip around her calf. She looked down
to see a handsome young boy’s face. It was Jordan clinging onto her leg with a look of distress on his face as he pouted his lips.

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