One Night of Sin (Mansforth Chronicles Book 1)

One Night of Sin: Chapter 6

Lilliana could’ve sworn she was still dreaming when she woke the next morning. Nothing in the room seemed familiar, and she certainly had not awakened in her own bed. No, instead, she had woken to find herself in an expansive bed, shrouded in a woolen blanket.

And without a single stitch of clothing on!

Her eyes flew open as she clutched the blanket tightly to her chest. Dear Lord, what had transpired last night?

And why did she suddenly feel as though something peculiar had happened right under her nose while she slept?

She turned to face the other side of the bed only to find it empty, though the sheets were a bit ruffled. One could surmise Braxton had been here at some point. But not now.

And where on Earth could he be?

Her mind swirled tumultuously, like the churning waves at sea during a storm. Her foot was still in a bit of pain, though not nearly as much as she’d remembered. Still, it didn’t explain how it felt much, much better again.

Nor did it explain why she was without a single article of clothing.

She sat up slowly, wiping the sleep from her eyes as visions from the night before skittered across her mind.

How bold she had been to lift her skirts to a complete stranger! And yet the heat was beginning to gather once more, settling between her legs. A hot flush crept into her cheeks as a soft tap came from the door, and Lilliana fisted the blanket, pulling it up higher on her chest until she realized who the visitor was.

“Braxton?” she breathed.

He smiled wryly, sauntering over to her like a prowling cat. “I see you’re finally among the living.”

Another flush crept into her cheeks. “Yes, well… I do feel a bit out of sorts this morning. Apparently, I went to bed without clothing, but I have not been able to fathom a reason as to why.”

“I suppose you could say I am the reason,” he laughed.

Pure mortification etched across her face as she recalled the feel of his shaft pressing against her swollen entrance. In the light of day, their behavior seemed brazen—almost too brazen to dare to think of. Yet, she had wanted him. All of him.

And her traitorous body had enjoyed every second of it.

“But how can you be the reason?” she asked. “I do not recall you doing as much.”

Braxton took a seat at the end of the bed. “You did not have your wits about you.” She stared at him incredulously, not entirely believing him, and when she said nothing, he continued. “I gave you an elixir for your foot to ease your discomfort.”

Lilliana wriggled her toes subconsciously to test him. “I suppose that shouldn’t come to me as a surprise. I noticed this morning my ankle was in a much better state than it was last night.

And truth be told, the rest of her body felt like it was in a better state as well.

“I can assure you, nothing ungentlemanly happened.” Well, nothing any more ungentlemanly than their little tryst in the woods, he supposed. That certainly had not been the finest moment for either of them, yet he would gladly take her against that oak tree again and again if he could. “I merely needed to rid you of your wet clothing so you would be able to sleep. And so that you would not catch a cold.”

Lilliana’s worries began to subside, and she sat up slowly, still carefully holding the blanket against her bare breasts. “Well, I thank you kindly. You have been far more generous than most could ever dream of being.”

Braxton fidgeted with his hands in his lap. “Well, I would hardly be able to stand myself if I didn’t attempt to at least assist you.” He stood up then settled back down closer to her on the bed. “Tell me what happened. Why was that man trying to hurt you?”

“Well, he had many reasons, I suppose,” she said solemnly. “Namely, the fact I refused to be… intimate with him. Lilliana swallowed hard as memories long suppressed attempted to come to mind. “Somehow he feels as though that because I act for him, that I should always be at his beck and call for any favor he asks of me.”

Braxton outstretched his hand, brushing away a strand of flaxen hair from her cheek. “Did he hurt you at all?”

Lilliana lowered her gaze to the bed. “No. Not last night, though, he did attempt to fondle my breast. I did defend myself, naturally, but that enraged him, of course. And, well… that is precisely how I ended up here.”

Anger surged through Braxton as the image of that foul man touching Lilliana came to mind. That damned man would pay with his life if Braxton ever had the chance to get his hands on him! No man should ever dare to be so vile!

“He will not hurt you again,” he said defiantly. “I will make damn sure of it.”

“Well, I do appreciate your defense of my honor, but I can take care of myself. You needn’t worry about me after today.”

“Needn’t worry?” he gasped. “Good heavens, if you believe I’m not going to worry once you walk out my door, you are sadly mistaken!”

Lilliana closed her eyes, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. “I have already been a tremendous burden to you. I cannot continue to impede your life any more than I already have. Surely, you understand that.”

Braxton shook his head defiantly. “You would never be an intrusion into my life. If anything, you are precisely the addition I’ve needed.”

Her eyes brightened at his words. Was he truly serious? Or had he somehow gone mad? “I do not see how it could be so.”

“I was in need of an actress last night,” he explained. “That is precisely why myself and my colleague were there. We had set out to acquire one of the women for our casting. But lucky me, I found you instead.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, well, I suppose that’s just my luck, all things considered.” She stared at him curiously, wondering just who had captured his eye before. “If I may ask,” she asked slowly, “which actress were you pursuing?”

“Well, Miss Price had captured my attention, but you… you are so—”

Lilliana laughed abruptly, ending the solemness of the moment. “Why, that is me!” she exclaimed. “That is my stage name! My real name is Lilliana. Lilliana Tremayne.”

Lilliana. Dear Lord in heaven, that was a beautiful, charming name! One of the finest he’d ever heard, if he was honest.

“But your hair…it is different.”

A soft flush colored her cheeks. “It was only a wig,” she laughed. “I have a great many of them.”

Braxton smiled at the realization. “My dear, sweet Lilliana,” he whispered. “I couldn’t be any happier to have found you.” Braxton leaned in close, pressing a soft, gentle kiss to her temple. “Please do not leave me.”

“Oh believe me, I couldn’t go back to Giovanni even if I wanted to.”

Braxton’s hand lifted to cup her cheek. “I do find it funny how fate casts its spell at times. One minute, we believe we are on the right course, and the next, we are in uncharted waters.”

“Truly, it always seems that way, doesn’t it?” She smiled as the early morning sunlight danced in his eyes. She hadn’t noticed it before now, but his eyes were the most brilliant mix of brown and amber all rolled into one, like the reflection of smoldering flames; the most magnificent eyes she’d ever seen.

But he could not be hers. She could not mix her livelihood with pleasure, no matter what she felt for this man.

“It does,” he whispered. “But I, for one, am thankful for this twist of fate, because it brought me to you. And you are far more than I deserve.”

Braxton lowered his mouth to hers, pressing a warm, gentle kiss to her lips. Even in the light of day, the same magical feeling befell him as he kissed her.

Now he could be certain their tryst was not solely one of lustful passion, but something more… something much, much deeper that he could not ignore. He could feel it in her kiss, gentle and timid as it was this cold November morning.

The promise of the unknown never felt so satisfying, yet terrifying, all at the same time. He could not wait to peel back all her layers, to discover everything hidden beneath the surface.

And it was then he realized his heart would never yearn for another woman the way it yearned for Lilliana.

“Say you will stay with me,” he pleaded. “I may not have much to offer, but I can promise you I will try my level best to make all your dreams come true.”

Lilliana’s heart soared in her chest. Was this a dream? Could it really be that this man wanted more than what met the eye? Truly, she wondered as much as he pressed his lips to hers once more.

She broke the kiss, her fingers stroking the dark hair at the nape of his neck. “You don’t have to bend my arm,” she said, laughing. “Of course I will.”

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