One Fateful Night

Chapter 10

The sun peaks through the curtains as I manage to crack my eyes open. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and decide to go sit with my mother today in the Infirmary I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and threw it in a messy bun. I slid on a pair of white skinny jeans, a navy button-down shirt, and a pair of flip-flops. I left the room and make my way into the kitchen, where I fix myself some peanut butter toast and a large cup of coffee. I take a seat on the island; eat my toast and sipped on my go-go juice. Suddenly, Uncle John entered the room.

“You need to get to your father, now!” He ordered me in a stern panicked voice.

Jumping to my feet, I say nothing and begin to run toward the infirmary. When I arrived at the long hallway in the infirmary, I slow down and walk quickly to the room where my father is. Fear overwhelms me when I see my mother holding his hand and sobbing. The usual beeping coming from the machine is extremely slow, and then I realize my father isn’t going to make it much longer. I sit on the other side of him and take his other hand as tears start to form. Mom and I sit like this for another hour, when the timed beeping turns into one constant sound. Mom releases his hand and hugs him as her sobbing is out of control.

“This can’t be happening!” I yell as I lay my father’s hand down and the overwhelming feeling of loss fills my head. I look at mom and leave the room and just start to run. I didn’t want to talk to people, I didn’t want their pity, and I wanted to leave the pack house and gather my thoughts and feelings together. I couldn’t afford for Blood Moon to see their Luna in this state. I run out the front door and headed towards the woods. I didn’t care that I was going to tear my clothes; I just shifted into Garnet and ran through the woods as fast as my paws would allow. I had no destination in mind, I just ran to escape the hurt and the pain of losing my father, my friends, my mate, and my pack. Minutes turned into hours and before I realized it, I was at my house. Shifting back I went into my room and grab a pair of jeans and a shirt and made my way to the living room.

As I walked through the living room, I took the time to look at our old family pictures. The smiles on our faces and the joy in our eyes prove we were a happy family and we loved each other a lot. I continue to reminisce about our family memories when I came upon a picture of my dad and Alpha Thomas from his tracker days. Sitting next to the picture was the pair of his throwing knives that he used when he followed Rogues or looked for hideouts. Behind these knives, his favorite hunting bow was placed. I looked at the pictures again and took a seat in the nearest chair. I have no idea how long I sat there in mourning, but my thoughts were eventually broken by the extremely faint sounds of a girl crying.

I knew the girl needed help; perhaps it was another survivor of Blood Moon. I jumped to my feet and grab the daggers from my dad’s display and quickly buckle the belt around my waist. I grab the bow and the quiver and walk out the door. I creep through the front yard as I intently for the crying. There was no crying to be heard, so I step around to the backyard and still hear nothing. Rolling my eyes and chalking it up to me hearing things, I turn around to start making my way back to the Midnight Rain pack house. Suddenly, I stop in my tracks when the crying started back up again. As I begin walking in the direction of the source, the louder the crying gets the more aromatic the smell of Rogue becomes. I slow down and climb a tree to get high enough to disguise my scent while being able to look around. Seeing a small clearing to my left, I look at a woman who was tied up and surrounded by eight rogues. They were arguing about whether or not to have a little fun with her before they took her to their base. Suddenly a man barged into the clearing, clearly outnumbered but wanting to save this girl. He grabs the closest Rogue, punches him, and knocks him off his feet, then he turned to grab another one. Taking my bow in hand I aim for the closest rogue, hitting him in the chest he falls to the ground. I notch another arrow and aim for the second rogue with a direct shot in the head. Checking on the man, I see he has taken out one and is fighting against two while another Rogue sneaks behind him. I fire another arrow and manage to shoot him in the heart. Four down, four to go.

Unable to get another clear shot, I jump out of the tree, sprint my way to the battle and throw down my bow, and quiver and grab my daggers. Stepping up behind the closest Rogue, I manage to cross my arm quickly around his neck and slit his throat. As I throw him down I notice another one charging at me swinging. I easily dodge his right hook, roll out of the way, and block a kick he sent to my face. Noticing the man managed to take care of another one there were two left, he is pinned down on the ground by the Rogue he is fighting so he is of little help to me. Continuously blocking the punches and kicks being thrown my way I continue to bide my time to try to find an opening. Finally, the Rogue managed to trip on his own feet enough to throw him off balance. I threw a punch to his jaw and followed up with another punch to his stomach. He clutches his stomach in pain as I throw a kick to his face. As he sits there trying to catch his breath and balance, I grab him by the head and snap his neck.

Looking up at the two men still fighting the Rogue was still straddling the man continuously punching him. I took my knife and threw it landing a hit in the Rogue’s back. The man he was fighting managed to use this opportunity to snap the Rogue’s neck. Rolling the dead Rogue off of him, he got up and ran for the crying girl and quickly unties her. I heard the word “MATE” as they hugged. Smiling happily at the couple he turns to me. My jaw hits the floor and I am at a loss for words, tears fill my eyes as I smile.


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