One Bossy Date: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Bossy Seattle Suits)

One Bossy Date: Chapter 30

Two Weeks Later

“You’re still going to be named in the lawsuits,” Price, the attorney, says. “But I don’t think you’ll get much for damages, considering the question of who’s responsible.”

That makes no damn sense.

It could be because my brain is still trapped in the last week, where I went home with Piper and practically chained her to my bed. When I wasn’t buried inside her, she was dozing in my arms, finally and forever home.

“If Piper hadn’t caught him and found the evidence, he would have gutted my entire business. Why aren’t we getting damages?” I wonder if I need a new Legal chief.

“Apollo Finch’s net worth was nowhere close to what he claimed, and it’s a criminal matter now. Indemnification will wipe him out. The mountain of suits he’s facing makes yours look like Everest next to a molehill.”

“Seek damages anyway. If he has so much as a rusted out shitbox car, I’m taking it. Assuming he ever gets out on parole…”

“Are you sure that’s how you want to play this, Chief?” Keenan asks. “You’re not usually so—”

“Vindictive? Damn right, I am. If I hadn’t shown up when I did, he would have broken Piper’s arm, maybe worse. If he ever owns anything again, it’s hers.

Keenan grins. “I thought you said you were taking it.”

I glare at him.

He laughs. “It never gets old.”

Price clears his throat, directing our attention back to him. “Rest assured, Mr. Finch will be facing serious time. Possibly a life sentence. Between the recording Piper got and the confession you pulled out of him on public record, he may well face terrorism charges. Of course, I’ve filed the assault charges for Miss Renee as well.”

I try not to grit my teeth.

The attorney looks at me.

“That shit still rattles me. I should have been there sooner—”

“Boss, you didn’t know she came to lock horns with your archnemesis.” Keenan shrugs. “The girl has guts. But I have to admit, you saved her. You’ve got nothing to cry about except the missing cape.”

I snort, wishing I could muster up the energy to stare him down again.

Price takes the hint, packs up his briefcase, and walks out a minute later.

“How are the reviews coming, anyway?”

“Most of our properties are coming back to life,” Keenan says. “And since we had a proven criminal incident in Seattle, I’ve reached out to the review platforms to remove the one stars related to the oyster meltdown. We’ve got a ways to go, but the influencers are doing their thing. Marketing has this.”

“We’re in good shape then,” I say, almost with a hint of disbelief.

He nods. “We are.”

I look at him. “Is my plan crazy? Be honest.”

“The traveling with Piper for three months part or the working remotely part?”

“The second.”

He laughs. “Well, this place won’t fall apart without you, and I’ll still be here. The vibe on other floors is mostly relief. Plus, they loved the whole romance hero finish in Portland. So, yeah, we’ll be fine. I mean, you’ll still be around yelling at people—just over video. Are you sure you want to go gallivanting off with your girl that long, though?”

“I’ve never wanted anything more,” I say sincerely.

He smiles without a hint of his usual smart-assery for once.

“Cupid got you good, huh? Never thought I’d see the day. Maybe there’s hope for you yet.”

I’m about to tell him where I hope he goes when my office door opens.

A blond drink of radiance sails into the room, stealing my soul like she does every day.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you were in a meeting…”

“Not anymore. It’s almost time for the party, isn’t it? Let’s go.”

Her cheeks redden around her smile, and dammit, I can’t help but grin back.

As I push out my chair and she bounces into my arms, I don’t even care about Keenan’s smug smile.

“I’ll go on ahead of you guys and scope it out to make sure they’re ready. This is just as much an ‘our butts are saved’ bash as it is a going away party.” Keenan walks out the door, leaving us alone.


“I missed you,” I say, kissing the top of Piper’s head.

“What? You saw me a few hours ago.” She giggles.

“And I can’t stand it when you’re not around. That’s why we’re doing this.”

“Yeah. I love you.”

She burrows into me like the rare, beautiful creature she is, her warm breath tingling on my neck.

Call me hopelessly addicted.

I don’t care.

No matter how many evenings we share in front of the fireplace with Andy, no matter how many stolen kisses, no matter how many nights blur by in fits of gasping passion, it’s never enough.

“Love you, too.” I close my arms around her possessively.

We fall into another sticky kiss that strokes my dick hard before I rip myself away.

“We should go.” She gently taps my chest. “Your staff put a ton of work into this thing for us. We have to show up.”

Together, we take the elevator down to the large conference room that’s been decorated with regional themes from everywhere we have Winthrope properties. Each table has a small game and its own food booth.

Piper heads for France and picks up a bowl of cremé brulee. I follow her.

“How did I know you’d go for the best dessert country first?” I take a shot of brandy.

“Pippy, you’re here!” Maisy comes bounding in with her dad behind her.

Piper hugs her little sister while I shake hands with her old man. Damn, he’s looking better, and I’m glad I’m part of the reason why.

“I’m so glad you guys came! It feels weird not seeing you every day,” Piper says.

She’s been staying with me ever since we got back from the conference. I’m not the least bit sorry.

“You’ll have to get used to it when we’re in Europe for three months,” I say, wrapping my arms around her waist.

“Livin’ the dream!” Maisy agrees. Genuine happiness and maybe a spark of jealousy twinkles in her eyes.

“I’ll take you somewhere for winter break, Mais. I promise,” Piper tells her sister.

“About this European getaway,” Harold says, clearing his throat. “I trust you plan to take care of my daughter, Winthrope?”

“Absolutely, sir.”

We lock eyes.

I also know damn well I’m planning to ruin her every night and probably most mornings too, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“Don’t let her out of your sight unless she’s with your grandfolks,” he says, frowning like she’s fifteen and going off on a band trip for the first time.

Piper throws her head back and laughs.

“Dad, don’t encourage him. He’s already crazy enough. I’ve traveled alone plenty of times.”

“Yeah, well, that was before Pat Bateman tried to break your arm. You’re lucky he’s in custody, or I’d put him somewhere worse, let me tell you.” He tugs on his flannel sleeve, rolling his fist. “But I reckon he’s proven he can keep you safe, honey.”

“I’ll take care of her, Harold. Don’t worry.” I drape a protective arm around Piper, drawing her closer.

“I’m more worried about who’s taking care of you. Don’t forget your follow-up next week,” Piper says.

“Oh, I’ll be fine with Maisy,” her dad fusses. “I keep telling you, I don’t feel the least bit sick anymore. Had to take up night walks just to burn off all this energy. You just won’t believe me.”

“I’ll keep him entertained, guys.” Maisy smiles.

Then Jenn Landers appears at our side. “Sorry I’m late! Just got off a phone call with a new influencer for the Chicago property. It’s that guy you wanted months ago who wouldn’t give us the time of day.”

I smile, loving how they’re all crawling back now that the truth is out.

Jenn glances at the small bowl in Piper’s hand and beams. “…is that cremé brulee?”

Piper nods. “French station.”

Jenn darts behind us, grabs her own dessert, and moves beside Piper again.

“I’m so pumped about your big TikTok relaunch! Especially now that you’re focusing on places I might actually be able to afford. Someday,” she adds.

“Travel should be for everyone. I hope it’s a hit,” Piper says.

I bend down and grab her hand, bringing it to my lips. “I need to say some goodbyes. I’ll be back.”

She smiles up at me as we part ways.

I make it quick, taking my compliments in stride and ensuring all the departments are in good hands. Then I track down Keenan and we run through the logistics one more time.

“Enough already! Have I ever let you down?” he asks, adjusting his glasses.

“No,” I say.

“Right. We’ve got this. The only thing that changes is you conferencing me in more often—and hopefully, you’ll be in a better mood because you’re getting laid.”

I glance around the room and back at my dumbass assistant. “Watch your mouth. We’re in a room full of people.”

Keenan laughs. “Romeo, you’re taking her away for three months. Nobody thinks you’re just going to hold hands. Lighten up on the Victorian England stuff.” He takes a drink of his seltzer.

“She’s a lady,” I growl back.

This time when he laughs louder, he loses a spill of water down his shirt.

“Ugh, maybe it is Victorian England.”

“You’re lucky you didn’t spray me.” I shake my head. “Take care. I have to find my girl.”

She’s still talking to Jennifer and Maisy and she’s cuter than ever, waving her hands around as she tells them about her plans to drag me all over Europe.

“Sunshine?” I offer her my arm.

Her eyes sparkle like green gems when she looks up.

Goddamn, will she always blush like that every time she looks at me?

I hope so as she takes my arm.

“They’re getting Andy on the plane now and everyone’s waiting. We should go.”

She hugs her dad and the kid one more time before I lead her out of the building to the SUV waiting at the curb.

Fyo holds the door open for us. We share a rare handshake.

“Thank you again. For everything,” I say.

“Boss, seeing your face like this is all the thanks I need,” he says.

“Like what?” I demand, touching my face.

He nods at the window. I catch my reflection in the tinted glass. I’m glowing too damned much to deny it.

He’s right—and it’s entirely Piper Renee’s fault.

“Fill me in on this new travel channel,” I demand once we’re in the car.

“Kiss me first.”

“Gladly.” With a low growl, I bring her lips to mine.

She explores my mouth with her tongue.

I skim my fingers down her sides, loving how she gasps and hating that I need to pull my hand the fuck away before I throw her down in the back of this car.

“Travel channel,” I clip. “Tell me right now.”

“Okay, well…” She laughs, a glorious sound that will never get old. “I’m shifting focus to simple places and secret treasures that don’t necessarily cost much to enjoy. Historical markers, parks, that sort of thing.”

“Everything worth seeing. That’s good for business,” I say, moving in to inhale her again.

Smiling, she pushes at me playfully. “That’s good for the soul, Brock. Not everybody who checks out my videos needs a fancy-schmancy Winthrope resort. A cheap AirBnB will do just as nicely.”

“I like how you think, Piper Renee. Just as long as I get to keep this pretty little head,” I whisper, pinning her to my shoulder.

“Lucky you, it’s always been yours.”

Piper planned out most of this trip, but we’ve had to compromise between the small bed and breakfasts and homey inns she loves and staying in Winthrope properties.

Mostly so I can cross-check to make sure they’re running as smoothly as Keenan claims.

God help me, I won’t be caught with my pants down again.

And Venice had to be the Winthrope Italia.

I insisted, if only so we could have this moment, standing on the private balcony with the silvery water sparkling under the full moon with my woman in my arms.

“Up there. Jupiter again,” I say, pointing at the bright star hanging over the lazy lights from ships below.

“Space dork,” she sasses back, wriggling in my arms.

I lean down and kiss her neck. “Are you enjoying our trip so far?”

“How is that a question?” She turns to look at me with a smile wider than her face. “This place is magical, but it wouldn’t be nearly as great without you.”

I chuckle, tilting her head back for a proper deep kiss.

“I’m feeling more than magic with you, woman. You’ve got me downright bewitched,” I admit.

She beams like the sun.

“That sounds like a cheesy pickup line…but I like it.”

I kiss her again to show how serious I am.

“Honest to God truth. But is it working?”

She laughs louder. “You think you still need a line? Um…”

“Need to woo you somehow,” I whisper, nipping at her ear. “You’re a woman of high class and higher standards, Miss Renee. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

She twines her arms and legs around me, spinning around with this moonstruck look on her face.

“What? Don’t tell me you’re dizzy?”

“Worse,” she says, batting her eyes. “Sometimes I think you’re just too good to be true.”

Goddamn, how is this my life now?

How is this my woman?

I bring her closer, lifting her up—after that, how can I not?—and carry her inside, shutting the door behind us.

Her lips brush mine the second we’re inside and I bask in her heated look.

“Since the boy’s down for the night… I have ideas,” she whispers.

I glance at the corner. Andy snoozes in the dog bed by the crackling fireplace, exhausted from his first international trip in ages.

I wondered if he’d hold up okay, but when the vet cleared it with some extra allergy meds, we couldn’t leave him. He spent the day mapping Venice with his nose and scattering birds in damn near every park.

“What ideas?” I growl, smiling as I trace the seam of her lips with my tongue.

She parts her mouth, and our tongues meet deliciously.

Tonight, she tastes like spun silk, creamy and incredible and no matter how greedily I drink her in, it’s never enough to leave me sated.

My cock jerks in my pants.

Her arms slide down my neck to my shirt, and she goes to work on the buttons, popping one at a time.

Soon, I’m tumbling her onto the bed with my shirt hanging open, every bit the starving beast I’m sure I resemble.

She sits on her knees, her small hands pulling my shirt open more.

Then she pushes a hand down my chest, stroking a slow, neat line to my slacks. The button above the zipper opens.

I’m fucking steel as the zipper follows and my pants drop.

The way she sucks at her bottom lip cuts me open.

“Piper, fuck,” I whisper, moving my hand over hers.

She traces the edge of my boxers with her fingertip and hooks her thumbs just inside the waistband.

Almost heaven.


I let out a sigh, fighting the imminent feeling of her lips wrapped around me.

“Not yet,” I grind out, grabbing her hand.

“No?” She stares up at me.

When she stops moving, my hands roam her sides. I grab fistfuls of the cotton sundress hanging off her and hoist it over her head.

She’s bare underneath like I know she’s been since dinner.

No bra.

No panties.

No shame.

Just Piper at her sexiest, and my eyes burn like coals when I see her naked glory.

“It’s a crime,” I whisper, my eyes searching hers. “How can you be this fucking stunning?”

“If it’s a crime…” she whispers shyly. “Maybe you should stop me.”


I run my hand from her collarbone down the gap between her breast, over her abdomen and belly button to her waist.

“You had every man in the city staring today. I almost caused an international incident a few times,” I tell her.

“So jealous.” She giggles, but her eyes smolder, too serious to ignore.

“Do you know what you do to me?” I demand.

A rhetorical question I’ll soon answer in punishing strokes and snarling kisses.

I shove my boxers the rest of the way off and climb into bed with her, pushing her down until she’s flattened. My body eclipses hers in the soft orange light.

We break into another fit of kisses, of burning fingers, of flaring gasps and teeth hellbent on finding their mark.

Her little hand wraps around my cock and strokes my lust to new heights.

I respond, pushing my fingers deep inside her, teasing that spot on her wall that takes her to pieces, but holding back until she obeys.

“Ride my hand, Sunshine. Fucking go.”

She tries to hold back—the little minx—fighting me with her tongue sweeping up my throat.

And she marks me too, sucking at my neck, tempting me to flip her over and tan her lush little ass red.

But I need her to come for me first.

I need her undone.

I need her so wet and ready and helpless we’ll both be ruined when I slide into her.

So I wrap my free arm around her and pin her down, holding her against the mattress as I quicken my strokes, grinding my thumb against her clit.

Her moans sharpen, telling me I’ve done the job.

“Brock!” Her eyes pinch shut as she comes to the edge. “Brock, I just—”

“Hush. You just light the fuck up for me, Sunshine. Come.”

The way her pussy tenses around my fingers is almost too much before she explodes, bucking back at my hand, grinding out her pleasure through clenched teeth.

This woman is so much more than stunning.

When she’s in rapture, she’s a fucking masterpiece.

I barely stop to let her breathe when it’s over, pulling her body over mine after I’m flat on the bed. I drape her small limbs over me, loving her weight and the sweat-slicked heat of her skin.

Tangling her hair in my fist, I tilt her head back, just enough to fuse her mouth with mine.

“Legs open,” I whisper as I break away. “Follow me.”

And she does as I grab my cock and slowly push inside her.

Her velvet hugs me so intensely there’s a second where I’m afraid I’ll blow too fast.

Then we find our rhythm, her body rising and falling with mine, riding me so sweetly I feel like a savage prick for chaining this angel to earth.

She’s my angel, though.

My sunshine.

My exquisite little toy with every whimper, every brush of skin, every moan spilling out of her as I rock us closer to ecstasy.

Our movements turn frenzied.

She reaches back and claws at me, too well fucked for words, and I’m close behind her with a growl exploding up my throat.


“Pippa, go. Go, baby girl, I’m with you. I’m—”

I never finish that thought.

Not with words.

My hips crash against hers one more time, burying my cock so deep her pussy strokes my whole length.

My spine ignites.

Pressure explodes at the base of my balls, and my entire universe collapses into a raging fireball.

I’m more animal than man when I’m filling her, grinding against her ass, feeling her tighten around every inch of me as her climax hits.

Fuck, this is it.

Greedy and aggressive and so fucking crazed.

This is what she does to me, and what I know she’ll always do.

This lick of sunshine turns me inside out until I’m roaring, coming so hard I wonder if I’ll find pieces of myself blown across the room later.

When it’s over and we’re panting together like the last distant rolling thunder after a heat storm, I deepen our kiss, staying inside her.

I’m so damn hard we wind up going again a few minutes later.

The night is still young.

Hours pass with touching, teasing, caressing.

It’s tender and beautiful. Rough and relentless. Wicked and divine.

All the contrasts, all the flavors of life I never imagined before Piper struck me like a thunderbolt.

When I wake up late the next morning, I find her fully dressed and sitting at the table in our kitchenette. There are several plates with silver covers in front of her.

She smiles at me.

“Breakfast just came, lazy bones. Hurry up and eat or we’ll be late for the art tour.”

Andy pounces on me in agreement, yipping loudly in my ear.

“Oof. For a cocktail weenie, you don’t know your own strength,” I mutter, scratching behind his ears as I push him away and sit up.

“You might want to hurry,” she says, pulling the covers off the food. “He’s trying to steal your bacon.”


I march over, slinging myself into the chair. I throw him a piece of meat after he flops down so we can eat our food in peace.

Even with the day’s rocky start, she’s perfection incarnate with her easygoing smiles. I watch her as we eat with the sunshine spilling through the blinds, turning her hair to spun gold.

Dammit, yeah.

My mind is made up.

If I had any lingering doubts about what’s coming, they’ve just disappeared in a glorious burst of morning.

With Fyo taking Andy for a walk, we sail through a canal, gondola spotting.

“Look, there’s another one!” Piper points to a fork in the canal, where another long ship lazily glides through the water.

She points her phone, filming until it passes out of view.

“You win. I think you’ve found twenty,” I say.

Our gondola pulls to the side a short while later. I pay the guide, get out, and help my girl disembark.

“That was awesome! Where to next?” she asks.

“A hidden treasure for your channel,” I tell her.

“Cool! Um, what is it?”

“You’ll see when we get there.” We walk through the streets, hand in hand, until we’re heading up to San Maurizio.

I hope this is the right place. I thought she was less likely to know about this one.

“Another church?” she asks as we walk up to the gorgeous old building. “It’s beautiful, but I think it’s going to be hard to outshine the basilica.”

“It’s the local music museum with a special Vivaldi exhibit,” I say, loving how her eyes light up.

“Wow! And it’s free? I looked all over for free museums before we came and didn’t know Venice had any.”

“There aren’t many. Fortunately, lots of little secrets turn up when you own a black card and use the concierge.” I hold the door open for her. “They say the instruments date back to the seventeenth century. Go nerd your little heart out.”

She giggles. “Amazing! It’s open, though, right? How come no one else is here?”

“It’s a hidden gem, remember?” I try to keep a straight face.

“And it’s cool to record here?”

I shrug, looking around. “No sign that says not to.”

She makes a satisfied sound and pulls her phone out, sweeping the main room. “Hey-o, this is Pippa and we’ve stumbled on a Venetian gem!” She pans the phone out to catch my face. “That’s my man, Brock. Isn’t he cute when he smiles?”

I give her my grumpiest look.

“We’re in Venice, Italy, at—” Her voice goes up like she’s asking a question.

“Il Museo Della Musica,” I tell her.

“Il Museo Della Musica!” she repeats.

“Sunshine, why don’t you use your tripod? Might be easier.”

“Oh, I didn’t bring it. But with the conversation I’ll have to edit out, I guess I should just start over.”

“I put your tripod in your purse,” I say.

“You didn’t, right? Because that would make you the best boyfriend ever.”

Not for long. I hope, I think to myself, biting back a smile.

She reaches in her purse and pulls out the small folded metal stick with a massive smile.

While she’s distracted setting her up stuff, I see my chance.

I pull the tiny grey box out of my pocket and drop to one knee, waiting.


And waiting some more.

A frigging eternity passes before she turns around.

“Brock? Oh my God, what—what are you doing?” When it hits her, she gasps.

“Setting the world right side up,” I tell her.

“W-why?” she stammers, tears already welling in her eyes.

“Because. Some idiot overbooked my room in Lanai one night, and I had a really awkward meeting with a sun angel. After one day trying to fix my mistakes, I already knew she was special.” I pause, clearing my throat. “I expected it to be a one-time deal. But she fell back in my life and ran off with my heart. Piper, you’ve always been the light of my destiny and my morning star. Because I’m a greedy prick, I want to keep you. I want to wake up with you every single day. I want to travel the whole world and make love on every continent, and then I want to come home and do it all over again. And we both know there’s only one way that happens.”

I flick the velvet box open with my thumb, revealing an antique English wedding ring.

It’s all ornate gold with a blue diamond in the center, surrounded by a halo of more white diamonds.

“Oh, wow,” she breathes, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Brock, wow.

My heart catches.

I need an answer.

“Is that a yes?” I whisper.

She answers by closing the space between us, dropping her hands to my shoulders, and nodding until her forehead rests on mind.

“God, yes. Now will you stand up and kiss me?”

“With pleasure.”

First, I take the ring from the box and grab her left hand.

She’s trembling as I slide the ring on her finger, bring it to my mouth, and kiss what’ll always be mine.

“Woman, it’s done. We’re in this forever.” I can barely get the words out around the damnable lump in my throat.

Before I stand, she kneels down and kisses me with her all.

I don’t know how long I’m on the floor with her, kissing my bride-to-be before a very loud throat clears. It startles Piper, too, and she jumps.

There’s a frowning priest behind us with his arms folded.

“Sorry, I had to borrow this place. I’m marrying her,” I say in broken Italian, grabbing Piper’s hand and holding up the ring as proof.

He throws back sharp words.

My Italian is shit, but I understand enough to know we’re being kicked out. On the way, I pull out a wad of US dollars and Euros and leave them in the collection box.

Piper grabs her phone and tripod, giggling the whole time. She doesn’t even care that she barely got any shots.

I lead her to the door and both of us burst into laughter.

“Good thing I took a few shots upfront! That’s one hidden treasure we won’t be capturing again.”

We tumble outside in the golden light, laughing and kissing, and I wonder how she can be so clueless.

I’ve got my hidden treasure, and I’ll be holding on to her with all my might.

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