Once You’re Mine: A Dark Stalker Romance (Possessing Her

Once You’re Mine: Chapter 37

Calista isn’t where she’s supposed to be.

I glance down at my phone, noting her position on the map displayed on my screen. The Sugar Cube. Of course. After everything that happened last night, it makes sense she’d run to her friend. I’m not exactly sure how much she’s going to reveal to her co-worker, but I’m not concerned.

I won’t allow anything or anyone to get in between me and Calista.

Not even herself.

Ironically, she’s the one putting up the biggest obstacle. Although, some of her barriers dropped last night. Or she wouldn’t have told me the name of the private clinic.

Every time I think about it, I almost lose my shit all over again.

I glance at the defense table, taking in the creases and stress lines on the attorney’s face. She doesn’t like losing a case—no one in our profession does—but she hates it when she loses to me. Maybe I shouldn’t have fucked and discarded her.

The defense counsel meets my gaze and glares at me. I don’t bother with a response. Instead, I dismiss her by averting my attention to the files and notes spread out before me. The murderer on trial is going away for a long time.


I would’ve liked to kill this one for hurting his wife.

Despite the attention to detail and focus this job requires, my mind wanders. Always to Calista. She fills my thoughts, an obsession I’m powerless to shake free from.

She’s testing me now by going against my instructions and leaving my home. I’m sure of it. Is she wondering whether or not I’ll chase her? A frown tugs at my lips. After I caught her in the alley last night, she should know better.

I sit in my chair, resisting the urge to get up and leave. To reclaim my little bird that’s flown the coop. The judge drones on, but I ignore his nasally voice. Instead, the sounds that fill my head are Calista’s soft cries as she fell apart with my fingers inside her soft cunt. There was a sweet torment of knowing she’d be mine completely someday while I brought her pleasure that overwhelmed her body and mind.

My cock stiffens at the memory.

I retrieve my phone and type out a quick text to her.

Hayden: Just thinking of you makes my cock hard. That’s going to get the judge’s attention in a way that doesn’t help my case.

Calista: If she’s a woman, I’d argue that point.

I almost smile like an idiot. For some reason, I enjoy Calista’s fiery nature. It started off as a tiny flame, but with time she’s become an inferno. I can’t help but stoke the blaze.

Hayden: He’s not female, but the jury does have a few women.

Calista: There you go. See? I’m helping you.

Hayden: I’m about to give my closing statement to a jury who won’t give me a verdict on anything except my cock. Which is guilty when it comes to you.

Calista: If this is your version of flirting, I’m going to need it to be PG from now on.

Hayden: Say yes to moving in with me and I’ll stop.

Calista: My answer is still undecided, and no you won’t.

Hayden: Probably true. Don’t leave the Sugar Cube. I’ll pick you up once I’m done here.

Calista: Yup.

I turn my phone off and set it aside. She always gives me short answers whenever she has no intention of obeying me. It happened last night and again this morning. I’d have to be stupid to think this latest text from her is something else than a subtle “go fuck yourself.”

The problem is, I want to fuck her.

But I can’t yet. Not until she’s ready. With everything that happened to her on June 24th, I won’t be another man who becomes her worst nightmare.

Rage surges hot and vicious at the thought of her traumatic experience, and I clench my fists beneath the table. Whoever was involved won’t escape the plans I have for them. By the time I’m done, there won’t be a part of them that’ll be identifiable.

Let the hunting begin.

But I’m not only chasing them. I’ll be wearing Calista down until she accepts my protection. However, a softer touch is needed with her. I’ll worship her body and give her the world until she gives me her surrender.

And her heart.

That’s the ultimate prize.

It’ll have to be earned slowly. Step by step. One wall at a time. Eventually, they’ll fall, and she’ll be mine. Not only my lover, but my salvation.

My one chance at redemption.

Since I haven’t been able to avenge my mother.

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